Rightfully so Who mistakes Mish with Misty? O.o
13) Solja Boy ... ...I hate that song...
5) Got it memorized? Ooc: Surprised no one used that...
4) Don't throw bricks in a brick house^^
Sab is awesome^^ :glomp: She's so cool!^^ @Roxma: You do?!
Huh? Oh and you put the numbers after my name wrong in your sig... But thanks for including me^^ :glomp: 26272
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qg_ICDf0bE My favorite Song from my Favorite movie She is just so upset I want to hug her TT.TT
@Yami I love your L sig^^ He is cooool!!!^^
Josh was in French class, waiting for his teacher to enter the room when his friend Braxton tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Did you finish your homework?" "We had homework?!" Josh asked breaking a light sweat. "Okay class I am comming to check your homework," there teacher said, "Josh where is your homework?" "Well er...madame you said to do it in French and I clearly don't have time to travel right now..." their teacher laughed. "Okay well bring it in tomorrow and I'll count it," she said, "Braxton where's your homework...You don't have it I guess hm? Well you get a zero." Not the best story I've written, but I thought it was okay!^^
I am watching Death Note!^^29253
Cool!^^ I love your drawings! Sell them on E-Bay for millions^^ 29239
I wanna see them!^^ 29237
Ooh I have a few Deathnote doodles in my notebook!^^ I swear I could make a whole notbook filled with doodles^^ That's okay till today, I thought I was the only one who liked any anime. Ctr!^^ Besides I have too many stalkers already^^ Let's see there's Angelle Kayla Malissa and... Oh that's right Scott^^ Besides, I think she's dating someone...not sure though^^
Ooc: I wouldn't worry too much about that^^ Bic: "Who are you?" Ichigo asked
"Ha!" Ichigo laughed. "I beat you Anemone^^" Ooc: I am so confused about what's happening between Riku and Ansem...
Hey Kikame Lawlz! :lol:!! Gawd my notebook is almost like that^^ Except mine is Bleach and Nightmare themed!^^ Plus a little Kingdom Hearts! Omg Omg!! I forgot to say!! I found a girl at my school who Loves Anime!^^ Her fav from KH is Riku!^^ And she loves Bleach too!!!
Hey People^^ *Sighs* I had so much to do today... My partner couldn't make the Debate meeting so I had to highlight our case by myself... And now I have to power a car using only a moustrap O.o? 29228
Roxma your new avy takes my head and bashes it into a wall and makes me cry...O.o
Okay then, Good Mornin!
But... It's night... Good night!^^