Sorry that would be my fault...^-^; 29438 Hey peoples!^^
... *is depressed now* Life's meaningless! TT.TT
Why is joo confused? <(**<) (>**)> Kirby danced for you^^
...Goimez is in Paris... My friend lives in Paris... I wanna go.... TT.TT
I also wanna play as Hinataro for the Lawlz^^
Yes Squishy is now the bestest person^^ :glomp: Squishy I must do this........... :poke:
Cool or what?!^^ I can't wait to get it! I Love Bleach and I for one can't wait to play as Renji! I know some of you dislike the show and will probably dislike the game, but what do the people who like it think? Are you going to get the game, and Which character do you want to play?
Ahh!!! TT.TT Not fair... Okay I have to build a car powered only by a mousetrap, but mine doesn't roll, it flips over!!! *ish frusterated*
Hey Squishy!!^^ I love that^^
Yami your avy kills Twilight^^ Can you say Narrcassistic?!^^
Really?! Sounds like fun! I wanna be it! Err... I mean... Look a monkey! >.> <.< *runs*
Agh! *shrieks* That just LOOKS painful.... But it looks cool!^^
Lawlz!^^ I've always wanted to write death by paper-cuts^^
Amber you changed your epileptic killing avy?! *dies* 29394
My art teacher approached me and said that there is a festival this weekend and that she needs someone responsible to help her out. She said that if I came, it'll be like a job and I'll get paid $50!^^ I am definately going help her!^^ I would've gone anyway, but the money is even more enticing!^^ I'm going to use the money to buy Bleach: Shattered Blade for the Wii!^^ 29392
I wants the Riku puppy^^ He's so cute^^ ...Nevermind... I'll take...Vexen!^^
Agh!! *shrieks* Guess What?! Guess What?! 29387
Hey peoples!^^ 29319
Ichigo ran after Anna. "Wha- What the heck are those things?!"
I was joking peoples^^ Sorry...