The Darkside has cookies?! I will submit now^^
That's okay, my friends always say "Your Mom!" But I've found lots of new friends! And I found two girls that love anime!!! One loves Bleach and the other Loves Death Note^^ The one that Loves DN attacked my arm with a pen O.o
I will submit to nothing! Except to free cookies, that I'll submit to!
It's because of similarities here a. Kingdom Hearts b. Anime, almost everyone here loves that^^ c. Videogames d. The Nightmare Before Christmas....Well....only me then....
Cool I may be elligable for a perma-ban!.... Oh wait....
....? Does someone want to interpret this?
Ctr??? What happened to Squishy?! You killed her didn't you Ctr!! You were just sooo jealous she stole your avy It's okay, I liked you best^^ :glomp:
Thank joo tummer^^ 29616
I got a callback for the talent show this year!^^ 29614
That's cool! This year I am singing Life is Like a Boat for my talent show, and I know how you feel some of the people in my class hate Japense and anime....
Wow! That's really good!! I like it!^^
Oh I see! I didn't get it at first, but now I see!! It is OMG!!
XD That was funny!^^ I like the Yoga teacher one^^
So cute^^ Soo....what's up?
I want the cookies!! *steals cookies* 29617
Ctr is your name Squishy or Ctr??? *ish confused*
The results of your analysis say: You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry. You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones. You are negative, fearful, resistant, doubtful, and/or selfish. You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody! You like standing out and making sure that people know your mind. Mine was really accurate!!!
Yep turnitin is a pain.... Not only cause of the plagerism thing, but then you have to print the reciept, include it with the essay, etc. We have to do the same thing, so I am used to it...
Hey LKZ!^^ I Love my avy!^^
Guess what??? ??? Helloo? ... Okay then...