Roxma! TT.TT Why are all these poeple leaving?? TT,TT
...Can I have that???? >.> <.< Please?
What? fillerz
*Screams* Ouch TT.TT That hurt! It was Kohler!! *points at Kohler*
Well one friend is better than none right?
Yeah, and then in the end he sets himself on fire O.O I don't want to be Janus anymore TT.TT
Wait then that means I light myself on fire soon...O.O Nooo!!!
I'm sorry.. But yeah I love my friends! No matter what I would never trade them^^ Why don't you try and meet new people then?
But you weren't in Vatican city... You screwed it up!!! Re-do it!! ANd this time kill some cardinals!
Yeah Sydney is insane though O.o.... *Sigh* All my friends are Psycho's^^ What's wrong with your friends? Ya'll have nothing in common?
Fine then! *exits house* *Pours lighter fluid all over house* *throws match* *Walks away laughing maniaclly*
Only the anime lovers, the rest of them hate it...TT.TT I took Sydney's I-Pod and she had seven versions of Simple and Clean, plus all opening and ending themes for Bleach, Death Note, and Fruits Basket..... I was like O.o?
That made me lawl!^^ I'll take pizza!!!
Yeah...But consider this: None of my friends like the Nightmare Before Christmas TT.TT
No don't do that! Kay is the nicest person on Earth! She is dominating powercontrol freak!
Obbsessivley... and consider yourself lucky^^ She is psycho! But Psycho in a good way^^
She's stalking me and I have better friends???
Wow... Never made those connections before^^
I only met the anime lovers yesterday. But then there is Kayla... she is stalking me O.O She wrote down my license plate number on her math notebook and yesterday she stole my notebook and wrote "I know where you live You can't excape me I will get you! ~Love Kay!^^"
Bonjour!^^ Salut! Ca Va?? 29686