...that sucks... I get called emo because I wear black, But me no even cut self... TT.TT
Ichigo almost kicked the girl that insulted his hair. Wouldn't wanna do that now would I?! Besides it's not worth it... "Yeah well I still say I can no matter what!"
*Shrieks* Ken Page played in the musical!!!^^ >.> <.< ...He plays Oogie..My favorite Villian...From the Nightmare Before Christmas...
"Hmph," Ichigo scoffed. "I bet I could beat you all in a fight."
Ichigo awoke. "Where the heck am I?" he said yawning. "I don't remember falling asleep..." A shadow slowly approached him. "Wha- whose there?!"
Doesn't affect me.. I make A's all year, sure they would be higher A's if I studied, but they are still A's
Hey people!!^^ I got my Speech and Debate T-shirt today!!! ...but I lost my sweatshirt.... 28443
I don't know...?
O.o Yes sir....
...Okay then... *reads book*
You people confuse me... *sits in corner with book*
Temper Temper people! Let's just calm do- *gets bricked*
I am not you said that I am only asking why...
...I have no clue^^ Why do you feel loserish? ...*stares at muffin*
I am not making fun of you! I am staying to talk to you^^
... Sure... >.> <.< Look a desperate person! *stays*
In Before Lock^-^
I always do!^^ In fact I am working on a drawing for art of a character!^^ Zexy!^^
Funny I tied my brother up and left him laughing maniacally^^