That's harsh... :( It's been a good book so far, on chapter eleven.
Umm what was Boris like? I wasn't around when he was, i think... :stupid:
OOC: I'm not 100% sure where Varxus is so can someone find a way to bring him in somehow? BIC: Zecht found himself in some kind of Chamber, surrounded by Twilight (think Final Xemnas' arena). He saw Zaynuk walk towards him, Claymore at the ready. "What do you want from me!?!" Zecht shouted, he was getting fed up with Zaynuk's mind games. "I have to finish my task." Zaynuk said evily as he prepared for battle.
I'm fine thanks, i'm readin my Harry Potter book as I post this.
Hello peoples, how is everyone?
Thanks for the warning, I've sworn an oath that I will not read the last chapter until I reach that part, I also said no youtube, wikipedia, etc.
I'm back. Halo huh? I'm really bad at it, I've only won 1 online game, and that was due to luck.
Ok I edited it. What shall we talk about now? Well i'll be back in about 20 mins, gotta go down town :(.
20932 I wonder who will get 30,000?
I've been reading my copy since I got it, about 3pm. I'm on chapter 10 currently, it's really good i'm into it.
My birthday's 31st July. Same day as J.K.Rowling's hehe.
Banned for making Ghost Rider have a bath
The rabbits just had babies? :cryinganime: I really don't know what to say. Bout the internet's a B!tch, quoted for truth!
20922 I don't really know what your taling about so i'll just watch...
Whoa... I'd really hate to live around that area at the moment. And about the old man, it doesn't suprise me, i;ve seen that happen a lot. Once in Paris, some old man wearing loads of leather kept staring at me and my mates. Kinda creepy...
Meh, i'm just someone that very few people know...
Varxus looked around the mountains.What is this place? He thought as he walked on... Zecht saw Varxus but for some reason, he couldn't shout out to him. Zaynuk had somehow infiltrated his mind...
20913 i'm back. did i miss much?
Dunno about that... Well i've gotta go, I might be back later. Bye.
20889 Well i've gotta go now, might see you all later.