20945 ...what?
ah what the hell. *Throws pies at anyone who reads topic.*
what kind of pie?
Who's Sephy gonna kill next, i'm guessing Frodo :P
Oh good at least my post had some meaning...
As i'm lost on what your all talking about again i'll just post 1 word:..... Pizza
i'm asking everyone to post a funny picture(not too big) that I can use. Thanks to whoever posts the funniest :)
I'm going to do the opposite of boredom. Gnodab. I had to say it, I watched Kung Pow a few days ago.
*Offended.* Jk. I just read your usertitle FS and it made me laugh... a little.
I guess I shouldn't have asked...
What is this topic about now?
The 14th member if Org. 13 was Org. 14.
"So, how do we get out of this alternate Kingdom Hearts then?" Varxus asked. Zecht was a bloody mess, Zaynuk had used all his attacks. "Pathetic, you'll never be prepared for real combat." Zaynuk said as he started laughing. Zecht suddenly got up and stabbed Zaynuk through the stomach with both swords. "Who's laughing now." Zecht said as Zaynuk faded away and Zecht woke up in TWTNW. A voice spoke in his head. You have managed to defeat one of my illusion sages, but can you find them all and stop my plan? The words spoke with Zaynuk's voice.
Banned for having a Pokemon Diamond Trainer Card sig.
OOC: I think this one. It still looks like a scythe to me. BIC: Varxus notice Geryl appear out of nowhere. "Whoa, don't do that." He said.
Bye CtR. *Hugs and cookies.* EDIT: Changed my usertitle, my random song hehe.
"Hi Nulix, Sam." Varxus said as he saw them both, he then started eating the ice cream.
I got another request: Can you replace the Spear with a burning sword and replace the Org. 13 cloak with an outfit similar to Final Form Sora? Also I have a GIMP Sig request: Username: Mighty-Matt91 Character: Marluxia, Saix and Demyx Color (Optional): Whatever looks best Text: KH Dimension Size (Optional): 400x150 Avatar (Yes/No): No These are the pics I would like: Marluxia: Saix: Demyx:
Varxus turned around and saw Bellatrix. "Hi Bella, where's the others?" He asked her. Zaynuk used telekinesis to lift Zecht into the air and throw him around, he then cast a Demi-type spell, weakening Zecht. "You cannot hurt me, let alone defeat me." Zaynuk said calmly as Zecht fell...