Search Results

  1. Mighty-Matt91
    OOC: Ok you're all in and we can start.

    BIC: Jared was walking through the grand streets of Alexandria, he looked up at the bright sun, most of the sky was out of view due to the large buildings. He then saw three and ran over to them.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Mighty-Matt91
    I have mixed feelings when it comes to RS, there are times when I wanna play it, but then i'm only on for about 10 mins.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. Mighty-Matt91
    Hello family, any more badger atatcks?
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Mighty-Matt91
    *Cue Varxus' Theme*

    Varxus teleported to his old home in Relshon. He looked around at what was left of it, he saw his home, which he rebuilt and lived in before he was a nobody. He walked inside, and saw his old jacket, which he wore. He then took off the cloak and put it back on. It still fits. He thought, he then started wondering around the worlds until he thought back and remembered the Organization. He rushed back to TWTNW and got in a pod to go back to Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Mighty-Matt91
    Varxus was still sitting down until he heard Zecht shout "Varxus!" Zecht was sprinting towards him. Varxus stood up. "I saw Zaynuk." He said "He told me to ask you about Zecht." Zecht looked suprised but then told Varxus the story...

    "So, we're not brothers?" Varxus asked, he was confused. "Nope... not related at all." Zecht explained. Varxus stood up and walked towards a cliff. "All this time we've looked out for each other... Why didn't you tell me?" He demanded. "I.. didn't know..." Zecht replied, he looked down at the floor. Varxus then grabbed a knife out of his pocket, slowly, he cut his hair shorter, similar to Zecht's. He teleported away after, leaving Zecht on his own...

    OOC: I've made an Rp if anyone's interested.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Mighty-Matt91
    If Bush joined Kh-Vids, i'd de-rep him for his introduction hehe.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mighty-Matt91

    Anything happen recently?
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mighty-Matt91
    Hi can someone please repost the No Music code? Thanks.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Mighty-Matt91
    I've got it on GC and PS2, I always played as Link or Kilik on GC, or Heihachi on PS2, now SC3 is out, I can't stop playing that.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  10. Mighty-Matt91

    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mighty-Matt91
    Basically, what MMORPG's would everyone recommend? I've only played 1 (RuneScape)
    Thread by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Mighty-Matt91
    Varxus was on his own, suddenly Zaynuk arrived. "Not you again." Varxus sighed, reading his weapons. Zaynuk started laughing and pulled his claymore out. Varxus charged at Zaynuk with the spear but Zaynuk dodged and then cut the spear in half. "No..." Varxus whispered as he picked up the remains of Pyroabyss. Zaynuk the teleported next to him and went to strike, but suddenly, flames roared around Varxus' hand and a burning sword appeared in his hands and flames surrounded Varxus, using this new power, he quickly dispatched Zaynuk.

    A voice started laughing in Varxus' mind. 2 Illusion sages have been defeated. One by your hand, and the other by Zecht. Can you find the others? "Who's Zecht?" Varxus shouted. Maybe, you should ask your 'brother.' Varxus then sat down and looked at his sword, the flames had dissappeared. "The Blade Of Ifrit..." Varxus muttered.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mighty-Matt91
    Xemnas sat down beside Lexaeus and Kasha. "Hi Lexaeus..." He said, he then turned to Kasha. "I'm getting my lunch." He said as he ordered a cheeseburger and chips.

    Revus went back to the caféteria and ordered another salad, as he went to sit down he saw Sora hiding. "What are you doing down there?" He asked
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Mighty-Matt91
    This is my first serious RP so bear with me...

    300 Years ago, a terrible evil was spreading throughout the worlds, causing terror and fear amongst all the inhabitants. A man named Julkirk controlled this evil. He commanded that all the worlds worshipped him as their god, they had no choice. He ruled all the worlds until one day, a group of warriors named the Light Heroes rebelled against Julkirk and defeated him, giving each of the worlds their own rights and took the fear away. Now a new evil has emerged and a group of warriors must defeat it, before what happened 300 years ago, happens again...

    Character Form:

    Name: Jared (Mighty-Matt91)
    Age: 16
    Description: Messy red hair, red pupils, clothes similar to Final Form, fairly small.
    Weapon: Golden Sword, Twin Silver Pistols and Throwing Knives.
    Element: Fire
    Power: Speed
    Personality: Fun loving, mysterious, easily excited, talkative and slightly paranoid.

    Name: Darius (DarKnight36)
    Age: mid-30s
    Description: Spiky red hair, cerulean eyes, crimson armor that covers his entire body; he's really tall and really buff...yeah
    Weapon: A massive sword called Chomper
    Element: Fire
    Power: Impenetrable defense, his crystal protects him from all harm
    Personality: Rather arrogant, but has a good heart underneath all of it. He's a veteran warrior over four centuries he knows what's happened in the past. He looks like he's in his mid-thirties however.

    Name:sam (Swordser2)
    Description:she whears a black short shirt paupu fruit in middle paupu earings dark rings red short hair blacxk tips blue pants ripped alittle
    Weapon:darkblade [​IMG] light blade [​IMG]
    Element:darkness and paupu
    Power:she has many for now strengh speed agilty and alchemy
    Personality:she is thesmartest opne she has many invwentions to protective off her stuff.

    Name: Isabella (Hidden_Light)
    Age: 15
    Description: long black hair, black eyes, black and silver tank top and jeans
    Weapon: a sword with a black hilt and red and silver blade.
    Element: darkness
    Power: depends on her mood but mostly she can control people's emotions
    Personality: laid back, calm, quiet, she almost seems to be in a trance most of the time.

    Name: Shay (Keyblade_Smokey)
    Age: 17
    Description: she has black hair that fades to blue and red, silver eyes. Shes tall and wears a lot of lethar, chains and black. She wears a sleeveless trench coat that buttons up to be her top, jeans, and her jewelry.
    Weapon:scyth, two keyblades
    Element: shadow
    Power: She can see through the shadows, to locate just about anything and she can travel to the land of the dead and is sometime collects souls to repay her debt...
    Personality:Shes usually really laid back and casual but has no problem getting her hands dirty and fight for something she believes in.

    NAME: Lynn (Hitna3510)
    AGE: 16
    GENDER: female
    RACE: human/unknow
    POWER: light and drakness
    APPERCENCE: like avi w/o crown and black instes of white
    BIO: her memories was lost
    Personality:quite and follows oders
    abiltys: all most for get she can grow claws and fangs at anytime and shoot light and dark beams without the risk but as soon she goes to stage 1 with wings or black skin and yellow eyes she has to use a lot of power and stage two is both and the price is that if she stays like that too long she loses control and the final stage she became heartless like with all that and all the risks and she could die if she uses too much power

    NAME:Thron (Hitna3510)
    AGE: 17
    RACE: human
    POWER: light and darkness
    APPERCENCE: blue short hair like zexion, black shrit and pants
    Personality: cheers ppl up and nice to be around
    BIO: lynn's lost love; after lynn lost her memory they were separted and then he began his secrech for her and always misses her by an inch (kinda a methpor)

    Name: Harmony (Nymph Of Destiny)
    Age: 15
    Description: She has dark eyes, and has long black hair that reaches her waist, and her right hair bangs cover her right eye slightly. She wears a white halter top with a slit around the stomach, a white skirt, and white sandals that lace up to her ankles.
    Weapon: None
    Element: Fire
    Power: She can have red wings grow out of her back, and when she does, her eyes will turn yellow like a dragon's and her hair will turn crimson red. Only in this is she able to use her fire powers.
    Personality: Kind, gentle, naive, loyal, and determined, but she will sometime become harsher and almost berserk-like when in her other form.

    Name: Geryl (Keyblade49)
    Age: 20
    Description: Same as geryl in angelic form.
    Weapon: 3 guns and 4 swords
    Element: Elemental
    Power: Teleport, sense anyone around him.
    Personality: Always takes care of his friends. Quiet.

    Name: Xane (Pirateguywithapplepie)
    Description: Tan skinned with black hair
    Weapon: A shining sword and a gun.
    Element: Wind
    Power: He can fly and shoot energy beams out of his hands.
    Personality: loud an cocky but with a good heart.

    Name: Nulix (Nulix)
    Age: 16
    Weapon: a boomerang
    Element: sonic
    Power: he does not have very good control over sonic, and usually only uses it to infane his hearing
    Personality: Skeptical, abrasive, and sharp-witted. Nulix, not gifted with much Magical control himself, instead prefers the ways of the warrior, and he takes his responsibility's very seriously. Nulix has shown as being a skilled warrior, although not a match for his friends, and having perfect aim. Nulix shows a remarkable proclivity towards science. He seems naturally adept at creating weapons out of practically anything at any time, often helping in various situations.

    Name: Kyrie (Star_Seeker)
    Age: Unknown, in her teens
    Girl: This
    Wolf: This
    Weapon: Her teeth, claws, and magic
    Power: Knows a little bit of all the elements
    Personality: Intelligent and cold. Her senses are at the extreme level, because she is a wolf. She lives mostly by instinct, and shows little to none compassion for humans.

    name: Kyzar (Killedbyoathkeeper)
    age: 45 but she looks 15... lol
    description: avatar
    element: fire
    personality: She is gentle, kind, and only talks if there is something interesting to say....

    World System:
    The world system on this game is like KH, but instead of all Disney, it's well... anything, as long as it's from a game, book, film etc. You can suggest worlds and how many visits there are(no more than 4). You also need a name for the world. Alexandria is the starting world.

    World Form:
    Name Of World:
    What World Is Based On:
    How Many Visits:

    Name Of World: Alexandria
    What World Is Based On: Original World
    How Many Visits: 4

    Name Of World: World Of The Gods
    What World Is Based On: Original World
    How Many Visits: 2

    Name Of World: Ivalice
    What World Is Based On: Final Fantasy XII
    How many Visits: 2

    Name Of World: Arcadia
    What World Is Based On: Skies of Arcadia's world
    How Many Visits: 2

    Name Of World: Demon World
    What World Is Based On: Devil May Cry 3
    How Many Visits: 1

    Name Of World: Mallet Island
    What World Is Based On: Devil May Cry 1
    How Many Visits: 1

    Name Of World: Rakuen
    What World Is Based On: Wolf's Rain
    How Many Visits: 2

    Name Of World: Metal Gear Solid(Until one is thought of.)
    What World Is Based On: Metal Gear Solid
    How Many Visits: 4
    Thread by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007, 915 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mighty-Matt91
    OOC: You're added
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mighty-Matt91
    Revus sat down and ate his fruit salad...

    Xemnas made his way to the cafeteria...

    OOC: Writer's block again...
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mighty-Matt91
    Hi family, sorry I haven't been on, just finished reading Harry Potter.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Mighty-Matt91
    OOC: Hi guys, what's been happening, and what's this idea?
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Mighty-Matt91
    I'll get Versus XIII first, it interests me more than XIII. I'll rent XIII and if I like it, i'll buy it.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. Mighty-Matt91
    Thanks they're awesome.
    Post by: Mighty-Matt91, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Art Shop