Hi CtR *Gives cookie.* How are you?
20831 Morning CtR
The first keyblade wielder.
Sign me up, I had a dream a few days ago that Catch The Rain had actually dominated the world...
I could possibly see it happening. Imagine in (the eventual) KH3. Sora's running towards villain, who is holding Kairi hostage, Sora is about to attack but suddenly, villain kills Kairi, Sora is mad and loses fight due to loss of control. Something like that anyway...
Nice theory, well thought out as well.
Hi guys, how is everyone?
Luxord sat in his room and wondered if they'd ever find a cure. He then sneezed and turned his chair into a card and fell on the floor.
OOC: Hi guys, sorry I couldn't post, i've had a few personal things to deal with. Has anyone asked to join in my absense? Also, what lesson are the students in?
OOC: Hi guys what's been happening? (My gaia characters are my profile pic, in this order: Arvus, Zecht, Zaynuk.)
I'm going to see it on the 28th, it's a birthday present from my older brother. It looks really funny.
Ok i've got a really stupid question here but it's worth asking. Is it possible to hack the game so it translates all JP text to English?
Has someone tried testing ability mod codes yet?
Sorry I think I misphrased that, I mean that If I want to convert them using Max Convert, Do I class them as RAW?
I got a question, those skill mod codes that were provided earlier, if I were to convert them to AR MAX, would they be RAW codes?