*chains up zoom in attic* X_X *runs down stairs and shoots angel with stun gun and runs back up to attic*
*picks up zoom and carrys him to attic* X_X don't worry zoom,you'll be feeling better in a couple of hours. X_X
cause haseo was just talking to adiel on msn,duh.
i wonder what would happen to a kitty when shocked with stun gun? *ponders*
because the wolves made you. why do i want to kill all jedi in the galaxy?
:sideways::nono:*shoots emmax with stun gun*
zoom zoom *kicks emmax in the face* i got him *shoots zoom with stun gun* ZOOOOOOOOOOoooom *falls to the floor fainted* X_X
ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM *kicks emma in the face and zooms away* *comes back with stun gun* alright,where is he?
guys,help me catch zoom before midnight tonight. *goes to get stun gun*
ZOOOOOM *zooms out of hall closet* ZOOOOOOOOOOOMY *kicks angel in the face* zoooooom
not again. *gives cpr* LIVE DANG IT,LIVE.
:glomp: *glomps from the top ladder*
it's okay,she lives.
no,your the supah most epic awesome-est-er person EVER.
emmax,your just like xert,no one likes you.
*hugs* it's okay,i understand.
come again?
actually,he's alot like me so,he's probaly not a perv
blue is a natural color.