is a half vampire-werewolf,the deciding factor on who will win the war between the vampires and werewolfs
is in my werewolf army.
we are fighting the vampires. *attacks deathsight*
is supah aswesome
one more werewolf added to my army.
is a sad panda.
*gives up* i quit,zoom you own. zoom zoom zoom do taunt me. zoom zoom ok fine,your are the greatest at halo3 zoom yeah whatever.
that's right,you can't,cause i'm going to turn you into werewolf. *transforms into werewolf* *howls*
LOOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL *is still playing halo3 and sucking* *is playing halo3 and owning* gosh dang zoom,how did you get so good after only living for three days. zoom zoom whatever.
he says he was never really going to run away.he likes kicking everybody in the face. ZOOM ZOOM
*sneak attack glompage*
*is sucking at halo3* *is owning at halo3* *sticks me with sticky gernade* **is stuck* *dies* zoom zoooom rofl osh-,zoom you just texted talked. lolololololololololololoololololololol
i am sorry to hear that.
why are you sad heart of darkness.
124.go up to all the girls and starting singing low and slap there booty.
122.kick the manager and yell THIS IS SPARTA,AND THIS IS TOILET PAPER. *then roll the store*
i don't know really,i guess i felt like changing my mood to it i guess.
actually i don't really understand him,but you probally wouldn't understand on how i understand him.
the highest it goes is 1000 and shoot,what you want to ask.
do you really want to know? *snatches ice cream*