*walks into kitchen and gets a diet coke* *sees emma and haseo* hey *zooms into kitchen for apple juice* zoom zoom zoom yeah get two more.
*comes back with water gun filled with blue water* *shoots emma and haseo* *stills there flag* I GOTS YOUR FLAG AND YOUR BASES BELONG TO SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *runs away*
*comes out of ceiling and tackles haseo* touchdown. *runs away*
amber,i sees you,but you can't sees me. *is hiding like a ninja*
how many points do i get for the combo breaker?
i vote they go on vacation in the jungle,with no map,or weapons,or flashlights,and one power bar,and we'll have camera's everywhere in the jungle.yeah,let's see who will survive the longest,like in saw.
*glomps thread*
ok,honestly how big of a dumbo are you.the reason i asked taht question to aerith was i wanted to know who i was in her kh-vids final fantasy viii story.like i was barret in her kh-vids final fantasy vii story that she wrote.
like what the hell are you talking about?
huh,what are you talking about?
who am i? i want to know pleeeeeeeeeease.
i'll let you decide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On33IjCHZPQ
have you heard the song brand new by swear by this?
^*is glomping me* has an avvy that makes me listen to' iris'. ^roxasissombody is supah awesome ^jojoj
will defeat the vampires
*transforms* *scratches you* *you is a werewolf* nooo,only a certain few who have the blood linage of both vampire and werewolf can become both.if i were to turn her into a werewolf and you were to try and turn her into a vampire she might die.and there is no way to find out if you have the blood linage.
well just let me know when you want me to turn you into a werewolf. the fighting will stop when one of us is the victor.either the vampires or werewolf's must be defeated.
i could turn you into a werewolf if you want.