he nodded "Dad!" "what?" "Call Uncle Cory...everyone....and tell them we're all moving into the burrow.."
"Awe- f*cking - some!"he grinned,jumping up and going to her "For now anyways"she laughed
wonder if Granda ma's still got that old burrow that her great-granparents left her...we'd all fit in there.."
his confusement turned to shock,then he grinned "No way.....no friggin' way! are you saying your pregnant?"he said excitedly,kneeling up "True....th ceiling's nice tonight ..."
"but whose house?"
"Late?"he repeated,confused "wow...they made this place look good."
"The Cullen's could get away with murder...literally.."
"You ok?"he asked floppy down on the sofa she went inside
he nodded "And my big sister"
"see ya"River said dissappering after Hermia "Oooh...I like ineresting stuff"
"I....I mean we can protect them...and Auntie Maddie said the Cullen's were more than happy to watch the house at night...she said she owes Mum and Dad that much."
"No problem Hermia"Mickey said she giggled
"Like most things-"he said playing with her hand "It has to get worse before it gets better."
ooc-its cool ^^ "Yeah."he said shoving away from the way he was leanning against "Im a sucker for all this..."
"we'll survive this"he muttered,
ooc-its cool bye ^^ she laughed slowing down,"sorry."
He smiled and shut his eyes
Elena was almost running,she'd been bubbling about prom for weeks...years even,the thought of being all dressed up like princess or some sort of model excited her to no end. "Good."
"Thats good"
"and as far as I know...its staying that way for awhile at least....right?"he said suddenly turning to Hermia..."You'd tell me if your were pregnant right? and Jake doesnt even have a girlfriend let alone kids." she laughed heading up to the castle