"We'll explain later..."Elena said ,sniffng the air slightly
"Shh! Amy! shhh!"Elena said rushing to the other girl,clumping a hand over her move,her eyes narrowed as she looked around the corridor "they still might be here....c'mon....we're getting outta here...I have to get Adam and Raye."she took the girl's hand and lead her away
ooc-sorry didnt notice this ^^; Elena was coming back from the bathroom when she smelled it, blood...and it was fresh,then she saw two feet sticking out from under a taperstry,she pulled it back and covered her mouth so not to scream,the girl behind it was soaked in blood,something had bitten her neck,Elena knew this girl ...she'd sat beside her in herbology last year...it was Sophia from hufflepuff
"Good"she said,grinning he grinned ooc- do you wanna skip to the vampire's showing up?
"Dont fight tonight you two..."she sighed "Well...just a tensy bit.."He admitted "I love those days...those are my favorite."
"It'll work if someonedoesnt pick a fight with his cousin's everyday."Mickey said looking pointedly at River "They start it.."he muttered
"Yeah"He grinned"Being called 'Daddy' doesnt scare me." "Thanks again Adam."she smiled
He nodde,sitting back down again,running a hand through his hair ooc-gotta go,night ^^
"Dad's just gonna love having another kid calling him 'Grandpa'...might say it to bug him."he laughed she smiled
"and Uncle Cory and his family..yeah."
"Your so noisy Raye."she grinned He smiled as he pulled away "So...a baby huh? think anyone'll be surprised?"he laughed
"I'd say grandparents...cousin's...uncles...aunts...I dont want to take chances..."
"If I admit I like him ...will you drop it?" He grinned,then leanned down to kiss her
"Mainly? just us lot....they've got my file...and it lists every closely bloody realted person I have...I think people like saying Dad's cousin's,and their parents would be ok...they dont havea list of them."
"I wont call you it again if you stop worrying about me buggering off." "No Idea what your talking about"she sniffed,tuning her head to hide the flash of pink in her cheeks
"Yeah...but still...better safe than sorry..."he shrugged
"Hermia."he said,closing the gap and hugging her"From someone so smart..you can be pretty daft at times...Im not gonna go anywhere....why would I? Im finally getting everything I want....Ill never leave you again...and if you are pregnant...that Kid will never have a second without me." what?"she said,her eyes widening
"It would be safer if we were all together."
"Yeah,thanks Adam"she smiled would be...Hermia...why would I be annoyed? i lovekids"
he nodded "Is that whats been bugging you for a while?" she laughed ooc-night ^^ i dont know when Ill be on tomorrow...my boyfriend's baby cousin is having a birthday party