"Lets go Jazmin...He muttered Elena sighed "we just cant get a break can we?"she muttered asthe vampire's left "C'mon...I'll take you home.."River muttered
"Its no another Vampire thing is it?" "No." "Wha-? uh yeah Im fine."he smiled,but the smile didnt reach his eyes like it normally did and it looked a little strained
"Fine....But when you lot need help....dont ask us..." "we wont."
"Hey whoa!...hold up a minute there...I said we were here to help do you really think I want to do the volturi's dirty work?"Danny said backing up slightly River bared his teeth as the girl,wat had Danny called her? Jazmin snarled in Jacob's direction,Elena jumped backwards so she was behind her brother
ooc- ok ^^ "Thanks for coming all the way out here Alex just to give us the keys....though I havent seen you in awhile...or anyone really."Lyra said looking up at her cousin "No problem,what're cousin's for? just as well your mum didnt come...she wanted to be in the know...asked me what was going on....and To be honest....so do I...."Alex said "No...you dont." River was leanning against the unlocked door,eyes shut as if the sun were in them,he'd been quiet for the past few days,he was jumpy and even the slightest little thing that angered him set him off like a raging bull.
"we'll need all the help we can get"River muttered running a hand through his hair "And just when everything seemed to be going ....fantasticaly..."he muttered
he grinned ooc-should we move on to the last fight thing? and do theyget married in this rp?
"Of course Im worried about her."she said "Well...Maybe its time Amy knew about this anyway..."River shrugged
"Are they ok? Is Amy? what about Adam? "she said turning to her cousin He sighed,there was no point in arguing with Hermia,if it came to a fight...she would do what she wanted.
"Yeah....well she's not changed much....which means...You might want her out of the picture before she gets to River again...Im sure you'll enjoy ripping her up again Hermia" "Hermia's not going to be ripping anyone up...for awhile at least"He said,looking at Hermia,the last thing he needed was for her to get hurt...or worse and He just knew he wouldnt be able to lose her,since he'd almost lost her so many times before Elena shot him a strange look,glancing between the blonde and brunnett.
Ok....do I know you?
"Look...Im no here to fight."he said glancing between River and Hermia "Im here to help you....see...Me and Jazmin werent the only ones to be brought back by the Volturi...alot of vampire's were....everyone the Cullen's killed while protecting your aunt when she was human...everyone your parents killed protecting your cousin....even the few you two killed twelve years ago....which means...Blaise is back and she's p*ssed, she didnt take to kindly to Hermia ripping her apart.."
uh..nothing much
"Danny..your suppsed to be dead! Elena...get away from him!" "River...he's come with a warning...we're in trouble."
she smiled weakly then with Danny,she sped out the school,once out of the magical grounds,she grabbed Danny and Jazmin who'd shown up out of the darkness,and dissappered with a pop,only to re-appere in her brother's living room River,who'd been slumped down on the sofa,asleep probably,jumped to his feet,looking around in a dazed manner
she nodded,turning back to the vampire"lets go."
"Im sure..."she said "I can take the vampire's to River's,can you two bring Amy and follow me? I dont want anyone splitting up...especially if these two didnt kill Sophia..."
"Oh...they'll do more than try..."Danny said "Amy...please..not here....not now....Let my sister explain...its not my place...believe me...I want to tell you..."she turned to the vampire"Fine....I'll take you to River....but if you even think of hurting him...I'll take you out of this world myself....it's because of you he left Hermia....you've cause those two so much pain...and I hate you for it....so dont even think about hurting either one of them again..."
"No,Me and Jazmin dont hunt children "he sneered"Elena...you have to take me to your brother..." "I do not...you almost killed him the last time you saw him! Get lost Daniel,whatever it is...take it to some other family...River's happy....we're all getting back to normal...so f*ck off." "Listen hear princess."he said,his voice hardening like ice,"If your family isnt warned,the volturi is gonna come along and totaly wipe the Malfoy's and Cullen's out...you got that blondie? It woulnt suprise me if they just took out the Potter's and Spinnetts and whatever other families joined yours now too,oh and your friends...cant leave anyone who might be a treat alive.."he grinned "You ready to take me to River now?
"Sophia...she's dead...we have to leave before-"she stopped,smelling the rotten smell that came with vampire's,she whipped back around with a snarl,just as a dark haired boy,in leather,dropped down,he was about their age,but his eyes were bright red "Wow..Elena...your all grown up..." " You di-did you kill Sophia?"she spit