"You think I wont protect it? that'll leave you to do it? didnt I say the kid wont have a moment with out me?..." she nodded ""why dont you go get changed? you look tired ,Adam and Raye can stay the night...just in case more vampire's show up."
"I dont know...It might be what he says....that he's not sleeping well....I know he has nightmares and he gets up every so often..."
"But once the kid's here....everything will go back to normal for you." "I"I know....But..."
"Pretty much....looks like River's planning to fight everyone today..."
"Ah the old ' did it to protect you' bit huh? families famous for it 'Im sorry Maddie...I left to protect you' 'Im sorry Lake...i didnt mean to leave all those months...i did it to protect you..' 'Im sorry Hermia.... I didnt think- I did it to protect you..' " she said rolling her eyes "I know you do...but still...."River said crouchngdown next to her
"Hermia growled at him...he growled back...then she growled...then he left."Mickey said
"No one said you had to...I just want to protect you...is that so hard?" "Trust you to worry about a high heel....how's it going with Amy?"
River didnt even flinch,he just shot a dark look at her,stood up and went inside " what is wrong with him?"Maddie said"he's never that nasty to her." "I dont know"Mickey muttered"He's been weird since that inident with that Summer girl..."
"There's always a choice....just pick the one that keeps you safe...both of you safe.."he said pleadingly sshe smiled before turning to Adam "Are you two ok?"
For once River actually snarled back at Hermia "River...dont you dare make that threat again....dont you dare upset this family again like that....and dont you dare hurt Hermia again...."
"Mum....Im 100% positive...not even a speck of dirt on the dress." "Yeah,"he said handing her the water"and Im saying there's no way in hell your fighting vampires"
"Ok...sorry Grandpa."she said River,on the other hand,didnt look sorry at all,infact he only looked angrier,"Why should I go? they shouldnt come near me then....or maybe I will go...and this time I wont come back at all."
He jumped up to get her a gass of water to rinse her mouth outand stood at the door "Im fine."she said,though she was shaking,but she always shook after travling magically,her eyes rested on Adam after looking at her mother "Really...I....just got a little scared after the vampire's left....it finaly hit me then..."
"See,you've even annoyed your girlfriend so much she'd rather go wolf than be here with you." River gritted his teeth,looking as though he was actually going to snap soon,thats when his father appered,he'd been in the boot of the car,looking for one of the case's they'd brought,he grabbed River by the scruff of the neck and yanked him away,he pushed him on the seat of the car,"I dont know what your problem is River...but grow up....now...stay here were I can keep a eye on you and dont let me ever see you bare to teethlike tht again...go it?"
"Tell me about it."he sighed sitting back down "Its like things pick up again and start to get good...then we end up on someone's f*ckin hit list!"
"Jam some sleeping pills down his throat to night Hermia...."Cadey said "His crabbiness was always annoying." "I am not Crabby!" "River! Volume!"Lyra called over rolling her eyes "what's with him?" "He's just tired....he hasnt been well."
Before she went to Jacob,she turned and hugged her brother's waist like she used too when she was a little girl,with the vampire's gone and no friends to protect Elena looked small and fragil and scared "River....becareful ok? and take care of Hermia."she said then she went to Jacob
"Not old..."he muttered before saying "Night Elena...sorry about your prom and all...see you tomorrow..."
"Ok then....there's not alot else you can hide from..."he muttered "What's wrong this time River?"the voice of an annoyed Cadey asked,she stood with her hands on her hips"You dont look very happy ...more tired and ....kinda sickly weak looking....bad hangover?" "No."he snapped "Im just not sleeping well."it was true...he was up every hour checking to see if everything and everyone was ok...though he'd been told repeatedly not to worry..
"Old? Im not old m twenty-nine!" "Your not getting any younger though"Elena giggled