he nodded "Promise."
"Are they asbad as him and River together? cos with those two its dumb and dumber....when together they just make stupid."elena muttered he grinned
"The only way Im going anywhere...is if Im killed.."
He looked at her"Im sorry....dont cry...Im not going anywhere...."
He grinned "There's a reason your mother wont let you moe out Aj...." "and what's that?" "You'd be murdered.."she growled "without hesitation.." ooc-sorry I keep forgetting to get River to answer ^^; It does sound rather gross"
"actually...you came in at a perfect time,We were just discussing Elena showing off for someone....the choice is between you and Raye..."Aj grinned "Ohmygod Aj...shut up..."she said ducking down,hiding behind her hair
I dont want to go .... but I keep hurting you...maybe I should hurt now..."
he grinned "That they do." "Just ickle Elly to go now...unless she's falling in love on her own...with those pajama's she clearly showing off for someone "He grinned as there was a crashing sound from the kitchen "she better not be showing off...."Mickey muttered loudly
Maybe I should leave you alone....I keep hurting you....but it hurts me to stay away from you...more now than it ever did..."
"works out better if your a werewolf and Imprint.."she grinned "worked for Mickey and River." "Your not gonna eat that raw are you?"he asked
"I was young and stupid back then...you might think I still am....but Im sorry.."he said kneeling in front of her
"Didnt even go to mine...was in a state of depression.."Maddie said eyeing her husband who sat next to her "Dad? did you make breakfast?"Elena said making her way into the kitchen Aj grinned
"I swear....the only way I'll lave again is if I die Hermia....I-I dont know why I said that...I didn mean it...I'll put it In writing...in my blood if you want...just....pleasebeleive me when I say Im not going anywhere.
"Hi"he said waving back "Sorry your prom got ruined.."Maddie said,most people wouldnt guess Maddie was a vampire,the only things that idenitfied her as such were her pale skin,inhuman beauty,non age-ing,she smiled. "There might be something in the freezer.."
He opened the door and stepped inside,"Hermia...."he said "Im....sorry for growling at you.....and for saying I'd leave....and for just being a ass....Im just.....I dont know....I dont feel like myself..."
"Steak? for breakfast?" She giggled going down the stairs "There she is." "Aj? I thought you were abroad.." "Just back"
He stopped at the door "Hermia?"he said leanning his forehead against it"Can we talk?"
she giggled "You didnt have a problem with getting me up for school ..."she said running a brush through her blonde curls before going to the door He grinned "what kind of meat?"
"River....I know your not one for sorries....but ...you need too say sorry this time...admitt you are just crabbit because of lack of sleep....say sorry for growling at her...or so help me...I'll make sure you never enjoy sex again....Hermia's a lovely girl...she deserves better." He got up from his seat and hurried away before her threat could become true
"We've got....eggs....and bread? omlette? french toast or just toast...or ceral..." "Really? you should've woken me...Come on...I can smell breakfast too,"she grinned,but like her father and brother,her appitite was the same as theirs,