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  1. SORA!
    "suit yourself"he said shrugging"better move...mum's right."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SORA!
    he grinned

    "Thanks mum."

    "Just give us a call when your coming home."Mickey said giving her a hug

    "I will."she grinned

    "what...dont I get a hug?"River said from the floor

    "Ew Im not hugging you! you look all...dirty...shave...change your clothes then...I'll hug you."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SORA!
    He had a weird grin as he turned to shrug,"I'll run home as a wolf...first we find you lot a car..."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SORA!
    "Its not funny! I think I broke my a**! can you break your a**?"

    Mickey looked at his son and shook his head" get more stupid with age..."

    "I'll take it with me."she said"I'd better get going."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SORA!
    "Do something...."he muttered"fine."he bounced up,as he did he changed into the large wolf,smacking right into Summer,then he was human,then wolf,then human once again as he bit,ripped snarled and hit her off of the walls,then he got a good knot of her hair,turning so Jacob couldnt see,he twisted her head,hearing the satisfying snapping sound he'd been waiting to hear
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SORA!
    "I wont."she grinned

    "are you meeting Adam and Raye? you could get a few pictures with them."

    "I dunno really."

    River,in his attempt to get away,fell off the sofa arm with a loud thud.
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SORA!
    "I hope to god that doesnt make her my daughter..thats just weird considering shes older than me."she'd grabbed him again and this time,she really did send him through the wall "she's annoying me I gonna be thought less of if I kick her a**?
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SORA!
    ah no...not tickling!"He said squirming away from her laughing

    she laughed
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SORA!
    They gave me your stupid DNA River! this is your fault."she snapped

    "what the f*ck? my fault? I didnt say 'Hear take my DNA and give it to others!'"he said ducking out of her way quickly
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SORA!
    "I look forward to that."he grinned,shifting so not even his knee or elbow would be in the picture,if River hated one was having his picture taken,especially when he looked so messy like now,he had one of those beanie winter-like hats on,a holey t-shirt and holey jeans and he badly needed a shave...all in all he probably could've passed for a newbie hobo.

    "Fine."she sighed,smiling
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SORA!
    "Summer....what'd they do to you?"

    she snarled once more before grabbing hold of him and spinning in a flash,that should have blurred everything,she thew him against the opposite wall,nearly putting him through it.

    River could only gape for a second before he bounced back up muttering,"Freaky growl...check..weird super human strength...check...they made you a werewolf didnt they?"
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SORA!
    "I know right.."he grinned

    "seriously mum?"she giggled,embarrased

    "Just get them taken...your a picture whore Elena."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SORA!
    ooc-XD I pictured her giving him a bit of a kickin' before he killed her lol

    He walked towards her "C'mon Summer...just let us go...nobody needs to know it was you...please? for old times sake? I used to be your mate you know..."

    "she snarled
    "Not this time River."

    "Did you just....growl at me?"
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SORA!
    "Ow!..."he hissed"That was a stinger...any lower and you cold have rendered me unable to have children."

    He grinned "Lake it is ok if you swear...the kids arent little anymore."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SORA!
    ooc- O_O XD I'd run away

    he grinned

    "hey it was Jake's fault."

    "And where do you all think your going?"

    "Aw christ! Summer...dont sneak up on me...."
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SORA!
    "Thanks Hermia."she smiled

    "You look like one of those fairy-princess barbie dolls you used to have..."he said grinning " least it makes you look skinny."

    Th smile dissappered and a growl ripped through her teeth"Look whose talking fata**"

    "River...if your not gonna be nice to your sister,dont say anything."

    he rolled his eyes "Fine. You look great Elly...any guy will be lucky to dance with you or whatever....and thats all I want to find out any guy'd done with you tonight"
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SORA!
    "and-"he said slinging his arm over her shoulder"- you know theres only you right?"

    Dancing farm animals"Mickey told her,"Oi down in front....shut up now."

    ooc-I know...its beyound creepy
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SORA!
    He chuckled

    "Im coming! Im coming!"Elena called,coming down stairs as quickly as she could,sensing she'd annoy most people if she took any longer

    "Dress is a little low cut...isnt it?"
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SORA!
    "what? "he said raising a eyebrow"Oh....well you know what I meant...I can sweet talk her....but I dont like her....I mean...she's a b*tch...when she wants to be....which is most of the time...and she's a whore..."

    "just talking about it is giving me the creeps."

    ooc-oh I know,i hate it when the stare...Im like....hide me
    Post by: SORA!, Jul 24, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home