Amy ran a hand through her brother's hair "You look tired Jamie...go to sleep.."
"I know...its just...he probably doesnt even remember this happening...he was so drunk and I went to see if he was ok...and he was going on about how pretty i am much he's always loved me - which totaly confused me - and stuff..."
Please dont tell him."she said "Or Zack..."
"How did you-?"she said
she shook her head "No,I only found out myself....I had my suspisons but...I hoped..."
Amy sat in the corner,hugging her legs,and fighting off sleep
She sniffled
"No! Its not!"
Not so good...My Mum's in hospital for the second time this summer
Hi,I was wondering if you wanted to move on in both the rps?
"Um....well..."she said biting her lip,then she suddenly burst into tears
"Y-yeah"she said jamming the shirt back down
"I-is she ok?"James asked,he had followed Jason and stood shocked in the door way
ooc-ok Amy stood in her room,shirt pulled up to just below her chest,she'd been here three could she have gotten herself pregnant? she ran a hand over the small bump
"Hey Jason,it ok if we stay here for the night? Amy's having...weird dreams and I cant calm her down,she was hysterical half an hour ago.."
"yeah..."he said sighing
James rang the doorbell "I hope that Jason's ok with this..."he muttered,his twin sister at his side,shaking slightly,her eyes wide with fear
ooc-should I just make James and Amy show up?
ooc- could someone tell me whats happening? Im totaly lost