I'm sorry. I thought I replied, but didn't. xD
Phenox threw the Nobodies off of him. He sliced through the rest of the Nobodies with realitive ease. Phenox was cut up and bleeding. He had sprained his ankle and was walking with a limp. He used every bit of strength to break out oof the room an warp away. He appeared at the meeting spot. "Damn... he got me..." Phenox passed out.
Well, I got married, my wife was pregnant, she had a kid, we were happy until she was in a car accident with a drunk driver and killed, I was in...
Phenox cried out in pain and held the area where his ribs were. "Damn it! Waft's been injured!" He shouted as a group of Nobodies piled on top of him.
A ton. Not much of it good.
Phenox fired at a Nobody, but found that he was out of ammunition, and there were many Nobodies left. Phenox summoned his chain and transformed it into two blades. "DIE!!!" He swung at the Nobodies and he attacked swiftly.
It's okay. ;-; I missed you.
xD Not a problem.
Phenox found the bulge. "Bingo." He pushed it and the stone slid open to reveal a hidden room. As he entered, the door slammed shut behind him. Phenox looked back in surprise. The lights shut off. "A trap!" He shouted as countless Nobodies appeared. Phenox found himself unable to warp. He had no choice. He had to fight. Phenox summoned his guns. "Want a piece of me!?" Phenox attacked the Nobodies.
It's alright. ^^ And that is a pretty random dream. xD
Phenox entered the cave and looked out for Marluxia. He slid his hand along the cave wall. If he remembered correctly, there was a part of the cave wall that bulged out, that when pushed, opened a door to the real headquarters.
Phenox heard Xaylor through the portal. "I love you too!" He called back. Phenox stood and waited for Waft. He didn't move. "The cave..." He warped to the cave entrance.
"I always work to please you, Waft." Phenox smiled and walked through the portal. He appeared on the hill and began looking for Marluxia. He checked the shack and everywhere else, but Marluxia was nowhere to be found.
Phenox nodded. "Marluxia was at a hill on the outskirts of a small village not too far from here. If he is not there, he is probably at his hideout, a large cave about 2000 meters from that hill." Phenox said with a serious tone. He lightned up a little and smiled at Waft.
Darling. The word echoed in Phenox's head like a million angry bees. "Darling...?" His expression turned to one of pure anger. He was more angry then he would let anyone see him. "Never call me that. You wouldn't want to get on my bad side." He cracked his knuckles. "NEVER call me that." He said with an extremely bitter tone.
No. ^^ What was it?
Don't sweat it. xD It has happened to me before.
Phenox grinned. "I WOULD like a rematch with Marluxia. He's fun and he won't be a match for me." He cracked his neck.
=D Emzyyy! Hai!
Phenox chuckled at Xaylor. "Well, more fun for us." He looked over at Waft. "After you." He grinned evily. OOC:Not really. I have Advent One Winged Angel playing. xD