Is my notebook that's drawn all over.
damn right. Just lied.
Killed my best friend who's an unkillable demon.
Had my death.
Is death... lol
Is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Not to you, of course. Is Spiderman
I am, really. Is definately not my friend.
Is a foot.
Ah. True. *brings out electrical stuff* I guess I won't need these....
Did the same right after me. That's right. They are a bunch of copiers.
Wat's dead?
I had alot of time to calculate that...
Ate my foots.
Eh. Technically they are old games. Which means they're much cheaper. Yeppers. I noticed it was a bot on the tiny side.
Trying to convince my parents to take me to GameStop this weekend so I can get Fire Emblem game. D: And Grandia 2.
What's up?! HMMM?!
Howdy there.
Is my pet taco