I like your avitar. XD
What if that was actaully true? How would the Easter Bunny treat KIDS?
Perhaps after this game, he'll fly and airplane?
Is my private striper
Bleh. Whom i have known for 13 years now.
Frie Emblem: Shadow Dragon Not have useless characters that point out the painfully obvious
Any Devil May Cry game: MORE GUNS! and more striper poles.
Is, as stated, that gay tuba.
And now you understand why I have other people color my stuff. EDIT: Oh yeah... I forgot to show you the unedited comic. [IMG] I'll...
Eh. I thought it suits me perfectly.
Imma monkey!
You know it.
Good news is that I can still flip people off.
Almost. Like, exactly last year. We have this lil' red truck, and I was riding in the back on the way to our new house to clean it.... We get...
wow. Luckily it didn't, right?
Youch........ Broke you nose?
Oh, I bet. Happened to you?
True.... Can't say those have hit me before.
Tell that to the basket balls. Those hurt like hell
That's something we can all agree on.