AI CURUMBA I HAVN'T CHECKED BACK IN AWHILE! Sure thing. I'll put you on the list. Not a problem. I'll put you as "came back". "Huh?" Roxas said. He found himself not at Final Destination but standing next to Ven in an unfamiliar enviroment.
Trust me. I've heard dumber questions. DON'T EVEN ASK.
I stopped watching a long time ago. It just got waaaaaay too annoying.
Snoop dogggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ven?" Roxas asked confused. Where had Ven gone? "Link, Ven dissapeared! It looks like it's up to us!"
I'd have to say Other (Jecht and Zack). Zack because he's awesome, and Jecht because he is my favorite FF cahracter of all time and he deserved to be in KH.
Banned for a reason.
Rick Roll... IT'S JUST SO CATCHY!!!!!!
Tough choice. Nintendo has Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. But Square Enix has Final Fantasy The World Ends With You, and Kingdom Hearts. So yeah a tie between them.
Zetta Slow!
Chuck Norris doesn't need a weapon, He IS one.
For me it was The Sorrow MGS3. He freaked me out. Not only was he a ghost, not only did he cry blood, BUT HE HAD A HEALTH BAR THAT WAS PERMANANTLY AT ZERO!!! And not to mention having all the people you killed walking past you. And the fact that he shoots those little beams at you that make that creepy scream, ANNNNNND all the people you killed drain your heath if you get near them and if you shoot them they scream. I was pretty freaked out. And it didn't help that I was by myself in the middle of the night when I first did it.
Call it....... SUPERCALIFRAGALISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!!!!!!! Or not. That works too.
I can't wait to hear this. *grabs extra large popcorn*
Well he dual wields because he's based off of the Samurai nobody, and the Oathkeeper and Oblivion stand for light and dark.
Yeah I know there's a purple giraffe knocking on my door right now lol.
I almost shot myself in the head when I found out.
.......mooshu Pork!
0_0 *turns on stealth camo*
That my friend. Is funny.