Umm.... I don't know where he is. *has a gun pointed to his head*
AHA! I knew I had seen you before!
Dang I wanted to see that :(
Is astonished to the point of wetting their pants that they have skin.
Might already be one but oh well. Mine: I was commenting on YouTube and it said I had to enter the code to keep commenting so I looked at it and it said Catis. I thought: Hey that sounds pretty cool. So I abandoned my old, worthless account and was forever known as XCatisX or Catonis. You?
Hey, it's just my opinion.
Right now? Well... Bonesaw for the PC- You've probably never heard of it :P KH2- Still hacking away. FFX- Replaying for like, the third time. I love this game no matter what anyone says. MGS3- Trying to beat every difficulty. SC3- Trying to beat Chronicles of the Sword and get all the Character Creation items. The list goes on...
I really didn't enjoy this game. I returned it not too long after I got it. First of all the turn system is different I mean, when I first battled I excpected it to be like FFX where I had time to plan my strategy instead of just button mashing. And the whole sphere dress thing? Wtf? I didn't get that at all. I mean, why can't I switch straight between 2 jobs instead of having to rifle through a bunch of others just to get to it? Besides that having to collect and set up the jobs? And what's with all the timed things? I HATE those. And what's with all 3, rewind, THREE of your characters being girls!? Not that I have a problem with women or anything but C'MON! If they were gonna make a sequel I would've wanted it to be Jecht Braska and Auron. THAT would've been cool. I can imagine it now: FFX-Jecht's story. And they didn't even give you overdrives! This isn't FFX. It isn't now, and it never will be.
Feb 18. Even though somone already filled that spot.
Please don't ruin our fun. Or I may just have to poisen your drink.
HA! I knew it. I shall be Rick Roll'd NO MORE!!!!!!
Thanks guys. It's nice to know I have people I can tell these things to. I'll try to cheer him up as much as I possibly can.
That is freaking hardcore. Wolverine+Venom=Epic.
My aunt is making my cousin take freaking pills because she thinks he eats too much. The pills she get him are ones that most doctors won't perscribe to morbidly obese people! And she'll always say stuff like: "You've already eaten!" or "Stop being such a pig!" or "Your brother was always the big acheiver." She puts him down in every way possible. It's just not right! But it's not like I have any power over it and it really makes me mad. Any advice?
Yeah. Heart and Journey were great. The new singer I'll admit was kinda funny to watch. You don't usually see that kinda thing on a classic band like Journey that's been around for a while.
The rules are like any other. Basically make your own agent and choose your side. But keep to the basic idea of MGS3 and have fun. But please,keep it PG-13. Here's the character creation sheet: User Name: Character Name: Character Codename: Gender: Appearance: Skills: Personality: Side: Other: So here's my character/example. User Name: XcatisX Character Name: Ray Character Codename: Killer Wolf Gender: Male Appearance: Skills: Aiming/sniping, Camoflauge, Hand-to-hand combat. Personality: Cheerful, thoughtful, funny. Side: Fox Other: Smokes constantly.
I always regreted not getting that game.
Does not have teh guns.
FFX would be awesome. I loved that game no matter what anyone says.
Well when I'm bored I tend to pick at my nails and I can't focus on anything else until they're just right. I also have a bad habit of standing up and jumping around when I'm playing games like Super Smash Bros and KH.