My vote goes to ~Amber~.
Basically one person says have you ever________? And the person below says yes or no and why. Then you ask the person below if they've ever done something and the cycle goes on until a mod or admin goes: "BAM! Locked for no real reason other then to ruin your fun." Anyhow I'll start. Have you ever went skydiving?
Ahh yes kittens yes, cute yes, quite. Ok I wasn't paying attention at all I'm sorry.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6h8IvTzuaw Lol.
Lol I always had that exact party too. Stupid Mallow. And as for the remake idea, FREAKIN EPIC!!!!
Thanks man. That means a lot *gets teary eyed* Anyhow, GENO OWNS YOU!!!
Okay, okay everyone I'll admit I may have been a bit harsh but I stand my ground on some of the subjects. This is just my opinion but I can understand if you liked the game.
Whatever you want to believe buddy.
0_0... Awwwwwwwwkward.
Cream puffs are good.
Every pirate has a natural instict to say Arg.
Banned for being online!
Basically you say to the perosn above you: *insert username here*! You______! Example: Fearless! You kicked my dog! I don't know. It kind of just popped into my mind. Have fun kiddies!
I don't know, maybe. But I had seen your posts before you changed your name.
Is wrong! Wait....
*gasp* How dare you! Banned for saying I don't enjoy YouTube!
Possibly. *stalks*
Banned for being a quiet and legendary warrior!
No onions!!!!!!!!!!!