THAT JUST BROKE MY KAT LOVING HEART! I shall pray for your cat! I really really will! That's just horrible. I hope he gets better.
May the bunnies rise from the bunny grave and take over the world, one carrot at a time.
I heard somewhere that 4Kids was done dubbing One Piece. Can't really remember where though.... Now that I think about it, I bet the people who dubbed these had little kids. As for the Dragon Ball Z comment, at least the uncut versions are out on DVD (haven't seen them yet though).
MWUAHHAHA! Purple... I wish I could help you but I am unlucky enough to not have a printer....
Lexaeus had followed Saix and Xemnas. I wonder what Xemnas is doing....? Shoot, Saix's paranoia is rubbing off onto me Lexaeus thought to himself. He stood beside Saix and also placed his ear against the door.
Hellow family! I'm back and ready to make this thread random and crazy!
Wow, I've actually been trying to raise my post count. But I love the spam and rp and famliy threads too much.
I've only played it in hard mode and the people I've lost to the most and had most difficulty on were: Xemnas last form Xaldin Dark Thorn I also agree with ProLucrecia, Xigbar was easy (note: I can only speak for myself).
Thank you! Kairi told me last night on msn and I was just like "What?!" I've officially accomplished enough to rest in peace when I die! :woohoo: :bounce:This deserves extra bouncies:bounce: :cheers: Yayness all the way! But I liked the move it kitty.....
I loved the original movie, and the remake was pretty good. John Travolta and Christopher Walken singing together though....0.o Anyways, I liked both of them a lot ^^
*catches cookies* YAY! *sees SvA's sig and avy* *heart melts and I die* Thanks.....-_- I'm in such a good mood this morning family, and if you want to know why, go to the home page and look at the newest post about videos. Plus I had a good time at MARCHING band camp yesterday.
Banned for living in Brazilia
Hey family! 0.o I have to go to band camp today (shut up -_-) and I have no packed lunch. Well I kind of do but it's not good enough to be called a lunch! a Sandwich crap load of grapes and a bowl of applesauce and BANANA! STUPID LUNCH!
For the Cats: God's throne XD
Hello AxelX13, welcome to magnificent (even if there are scary people) kh-vids forums! Hope you like it here, and I'm sure you'll make lots of friends. Follow the rules especially and only spam in the spam zone. Have fun ^^
Alright, thanks for the tips ^^. Now that I look at them, I think you're right. The main reason I didn't shade many was because I was thinking of coloring some.
Hey family, I have to go. My mom wants on. See you later ^^
Alright, here are some original works of art, made by yours truly. Please comment or tell me what I could have done differently (aside from using a scanner because I don't have one). Sorry if any of them are somewhat blurry, I had to use a camera. Also, I would have just put the pictures on here, but they're rather large....(had issues shrinking them). (just a sketch) (I really like this one but please ignore the stupid writings) (just a new design) (a favorite, but ignore background and blurriness!) Thanks ^^
None of the princesses are overrated. But am I the only one who's noticed they all have the same body shape? Then stomach, perfect hips, small chest.... Anyways, I think Jasmine is the best PRINCESS because she has the attitude that shows that she's tough and can live on the dangerous side if she has to. Plus, she is an actualy princess, like your question asked for.
Happy thoughts and stuff....? NOOOO!!! I just realized that all my posts in the rp, spam, and family sections don't count!!!:cryinganime: Which explains why my post thing is so low....