I have an account but my final fantasy videos suck. >_< Not too many people know about me yet, but a couple of people do. I can't upload videos very often because of my dial up though. What I hate is when someone watches your video, but doesn't rate or comment even if they do like it. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=kitterkat
Demyx looked everywhere, even under the trashcan. "You won't find it there..." Yuffie started to say when Demyx yelped. "There's a button!" Pressing it, a trapdoor appeared in the floor, with stairs that lead downwards. "Um...you go first." Demyx pushed Yuffie towards the stairs. She walked down and at the bottom was a treasure room full of chocolate.
<.< >.> *grabs ball of fur and runs away* I gotta go to my friends house, see you all later ^^
22288 ^^
Demyx jumped. "How'd you find us in here?!?!"
................................................................. ^^ 22284
Hello everyone! My this is a happy and busy family thread ^^
OOC: Aww crud. Sorry I've been busy all week at camp....back now ^^ BIC: Demyx tapped his toes impatiently and then looked into the teachers lounge. "The coast is clear." Yuffie ran inside the teachers lounge and the two of them began to search to search for Xemnas's hidden stash of chocolate. It was rummored that he had a treasure chest full of the stuff in the teachers lounge.
The only name that came to me for my own name was Xarat. Or Raxat, Traxa, Arxat....I dunno I personally prefer Xarat but it sounds too much like a boys name.
You're okey dokey!! I'm so happy right now, thank goodness you're ok! Loads of cookies and flowers for you DW (sucks you're not here at the moment though). Get better soon. Hey I think I'm going to give you rep points!! ^^
Hello CS! ^^ I'm here so yay!
Yayness for the good news. My bad news: I'm in a crappy mood. I'm tired. And you're making me stay longer by giving me good news.............Which is good. Kind of. Yeah.............
I dunno........what's in between nothing and something but has fur without fluff? 22025
Meh....? If it helps any I love your avatar.
22021 One word.......... What?
But cheese is gooooooooooooooooooooood~
0.o I looked at the number of replies and we should be a number back I think....I dunno numbers are confusing 22017
Sorry, CtR said that she wondered where we do go when we die so I just said were I plan on going. ^^ 22014