Hello family! I'm in such a happy mood today and do not know why!!! Wow, a tan huh? My arms are tan on the top and then white on the bottom part. Someone ruined the Harry Potter story for me and told me who marries who in the epilouge (insert tears here). I wanna cookie..... ZOMG THERE WERE FIGHTS?!
Doesn't look like Castle Oblivion to me....
Well that would kind of suck, don't you think?
0.0 It seems that our family is a little weird today! Yayness for the weirdness!
Teenagers scare the living **** outta me.... XD i love that song. 23018 EDIT: yeah CtR has been harrassing me for the last hour! Lol
Lol so am I! My cousin was here all week so I wasn't allowed online. And I'm going to an amusement park tommorrow!
So it would appear.... 23015
I'm sooooooo bored.....ZZZzzzZZZzzz
OOC: Sorry, my cousin came over unexpectedly so I've been busy all week. BIC: Demyx and Yuffie hoped off the bus into the school parking lot. "That was the best video game convention ever!" Demyx said. "Yeah, but we should've won the award for best costumes..."Yuffie said angrily. "Oh well. You should get back to class." Demyx and Yuffie ran back into the school.
Aww poor CtR...*hugs* Hm........ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ....It's 7:46 a.m. here. I have some serious issues.
I haven't gotten any....... ZOMG DID SOMEONE SAY KITTIES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *spazzes out and dies*
DeviantArt is a site where you post artwork. My friends art is exceptionally good.
Hello CtR. ^^ 22642
I'm sooo happy! My bestest buddy has a deviant page now!! She is such a good artist! Check her out:http://katiedaking.deviantart.com/
Banned for obviously liking Larxene.
What's this about a family calendar???
*tackles you all a zillion times* Hello ^^ 22638
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................ 22535