I feared the first guy more -_-
You feel like a goddess but I AM a Goddess.
You sound like my little sister....
I have a number in my username but I like mine! XP I'm the only Katsquatch Klone, but to me #5 made it seem like I was the only successful creation....if that makes any sense.
Crappish? Seems kind of Godly compared to mine...XD
Now I feel evil for being on such a gorgeous list X(
I'm on it!! Pwnage XD Sheesh your hand writing is nice!! *looks at own scribbles on random paper* o.0
Hello Naruto and Bunterx! How's everyone? I'm happy as can be XD
Good to hear! XD I'm in an exceptionally good mood because I am talking to someone I haven't seen in over a year. She's such a good friend of mine, I missed her. And she's back!!
Hello rikurep and other family memebers! How goes the day!!
Thank ya! I plan on becoming a Squibble God sometime soon XD 0.0 yo know what I just noticed? Everytime I get on, no one visits the family...I feel so alone!!
*Joins in dancing* We should be on dancing with the stars! XD 23502
OMG!! 'TIS MY SQUIBBLE!! Clickage------> http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/61854130/ Bow down to it's cute and cuddly-ness!!
I saw yours. It was awesome! And I've seen Nexi's on DA. I don't have any good recent pictures though, so I think I'll avoid that thread XD
I'll give you all one guess as to what made me cry! The Lion King. I still do, and I sing along with the songs because I know every word to each XD.
What's this about a wedding??
I love the first picture, you look really nice. Your glasses and hair are really cool too ^^
I heard about the show after I recently saw a preview for 'Mr. Bean's Vacation' in theaters a couple of days ago. The show sounds really good now and movies are rarely as awesome as the show (but I'm sure there have been exceptions...). That and new shows aren't as good as the original movie (look at Stitch for example).
I bet your life is just full of poptarts....
Hmm...marching band you say? Did you march everyday for a week and two hours straight or did you just march for two and a half hours on one day? I went to marching camp for a week and I thought it was fun! But I'm a freshman and this was my first time.