ooooh i see lol opk XD
gajin? wassat?
...I dont get it?
Be splendid it's mine and my friends new slogan whaddya think spam zone?
theres a zillion free numbers to call in the UK to talk to people confidenially...Only thing I can think of right now is phone one of these numbers (for whatever country it is you live in) as I said its always confidential and they give advice and stuff... This hasnt happened to me...but my step-dad is a cock...He spends every second he possibly can in the pub drinking his life away he comes home has a go at me...only every smiles when he makes me sisters cry...only other time hell so much as smile will be when hes too drunk to think straight :| but yeah the best thing to do is to talk to a professional about it
heeeeeey im good thanks! how bout you#
I'm scared I'll lose someone important to me, or that I might hurt them...It'd destroy me.
ARRRRRRG i blend perfectly with my surroundings!
thx fr th mmrs - fall out boy
GAH my keyboard hates me to no end D: you knockin' my ninja pirate ways?
I hapen to like twilightl....and bleach¬¬ and obamas package
proffessor layton ftw
...But the room is circle...I SHALL FIND THIS CORNER! *starts walking round in circles*
castle argent - isle of avalon
PFFFFFFT such a good idea