Do you have much on your mind or any worries? both things can lead to trouble sleeping I myself and a few people I know have had this problem.
so do i actually...and an anger problem...breaking way too many things and now im scared ill huirt someone
thanks so hows life going for you? I noticed you had some threads in the help with life
that was ages ago...but yeah it was great thanks
heeeeeeey its been a while since we spoke so i figured id just drop a "hi how you doin'?"
LOVE studio ghibli ^^...oh btw its not panyo it's ponyo...aside from that all i have to say is WOO
eu não sei que eu realmente não falo portugese mim usei um tradutor XD
close...but i thought it was more like this
I dont get it...some people you didnt know startedf talking shiz about you?
oh right well thats great...dont let some mean people get you seem like a great guy to me
oo thats so coolwhatd they name her?
interesting pairing xD
lucky you...and zexions with this i presume?
MY GOD THATS GREAT have a great wedding!I'm great thanks :)
I really have to get back into yugioh when i get time
isnt (s)he from yugioh?
meh im ha\ving a pretty nice mellow evening though though its nice for the offer...Are you new to khv Ihavent seen you around beforee
Don't worry about it :)
OPTIMISM WOO! unfoirtunately you cant make my day evening on the other hand XD
YAY i made someones day ebtter!