thats what she said! You twell us to stop spending it inside....yet how do nyou t3ell us to do this without indoors? anyways school started about 3 anbd a half hours ago i gotta get goin
OO that stuff is nice its like chocolate but not chococlate!
happy birthday to you you live in a zoo you look like a monkey and you smell like 1 2 (madagasgar ftw!) and happy birthday to you to! you live in a zoo aswell! you also look like a monkey! and you definitely smell like 1 2! XD HAPPEH BIRFDAII Y'ALL!
I diudthati kh1...I found out you could switch in the end...While I was fighting ansem a few times of dying and i noticed...I felt so stupid EDIT: Wait technically I did change to the wooden sword if that counts?
I actually liked the books...Though IO must admit anything with the word "vampire" in it attracts me like a moth to the flame
Want it cans i has somes of eet?
But of course...It's only right to help a friend in need right?
Well it doesnt matter weather ytou need to or not if you WANT to talk about anything im online every single chance :) honestly you got a prolem...
no be honest...the last few months have been more complex than that thats just the basic summary...I'm TRYING not to talk about...
They have a music video now? I hadn't noticed they were on my tv a moment ago I just sat there with my mouth wide...I love the song and the video and just...YAY!
of course i dont mind...honestly i wont take iffense or consider it rude for any such question....if you turned around and said my mom was a fat...
well...It'd all depend on the impression they make right? It wouldnt matter if the girl hadn't a clue what she was doing if she made thew notes on how to get the job and do ok of course you'd be led to beleive she was the better of the two... The boy...depends on how hygenic you simply COULDN'T hire someone with such a bad hygene it'd cause complaints and distraction from other workers no amtter how skilled he is...And also no matter how smart he is..He still has to show you what he can do properly and make the good impression. So from what I've said about the two...As I said it would seriously depend on how bad...But in honesty I think I'd take the girl so as to avoid disputes on hygene, as important as it is to be hygenic and be good at the workj you do you still need to be able to get on with your co-worrkers, therefore, a pretty popular girl fits the agenda perfectly.
good to hear...honestly your forgiven i was just concerned thats long as its all better now then thats great and i hope you stay happy ^^...
I wasn't in this convo? D: I am disappoint in you all! XD
Right so great as this rp sounds...I'm kinda confused it seems as though it'd end quickly anyway and there isnt much room for people top join...could you maybe make this a bit more likely to last and stuff...Then I might consider joining.
heeeey iyts beenb ages since i last spoke to you! I'm great thanks how 'bout you? is everything all better? last time we spoke ytou said people...
what country was this? this is just insane...why must such crazy people roam around?
well...tha sounds soooo smart...something you have most likely stopped doing later in life thanks XD location was sposed to be "stalking you" but I like it as it is XDb so how are you?