Try Sydney.
Yep, that happened. It was pretty cool, but one of those 'you had to be there' moments
So thats average winter to you guys? Wow. Having never been in an environment colder than 9, I get to say its damn cold. I have also never seen snow, so I would have no clue about temps for snowfall.
damn thats cold
Unless thats measured in Celsius, your place is cold as f*ck!
Gah! I actually won't be around to hear them this time!!! Stupid new job! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Oh well, I'm sure everyone will do great :)
Ehh...use it anyway
Wow. I would've never figured that out! Congrats and have fun with your music! :)
Damn straight.
Well see now everyone has to do their christmas shopping
She's dead. I'm her ghost. Boo.
Im fine, thanks
As your somewhat assigned fortune teller for these end of the world happenings, I have come from the future to tell you that it has been the 21st of December for nearly 11 hours. Nothing's happened. Nothing exploded and I haven't seen a zombie yet The point is, I'm alive. Therefore there is nothing to stress about.
HA! I see what you did there!
Thats hot.
If he's ugly-shoot him. I he's hot-f*ck him, decide whether or not he's nuts, then shoot him Plain. NYC. Its so pretty! Become a primary school teacher. Ditch that job and go for X Factor. Win X Factor, or at least get close enough so that people remember me A lot.[DOUBLEPOST=1356007493][/DOUBLEPOST] Original and Current are the same: you're a top bloke Sleep. Like goddammit its nearly midnight and I've had a really exhausting day Pikachu Law amd Order SVU My laptop. Because hey-what the hell am I gonna do without my photoshop?
Well guess who's not getting a kangaroo now...
I actually think one has been deleted. The Premmy section was never straight under the Rules...
Past: You seemed a little intimidating. I remember hearing you in a DR and being like OMG SHE"S SUCH A GOOD SINGER OMGOMGOMG!! Current: You're really cool, kinda chill. Idk I think I get along with you lol xD Finding Nemo, PotC 1 and 2, Pocahontas...basically a crapload of disney Misty. I just wanna know how stressful being an admin is for a day Plus I wanna live in New York Amethyst is also the stone for the Pisces Star Sign. It is therefore my favourite gemstone too.