...Oh jeez. xDD
Kairi felt a gaze on her and turned her head, immediately meeting Namine's gaze and nodding when she registered what her friend was thinking. She was fine, and she hoped Namine was as well. "Kairi! Namine!" Riku cried instantly, seeing the Heartless behind them going for the girls again. He wasn't sure how hard this small battle was going to be due to his injury, but he was positive it wasn't going to be as difficult as the one with Smith. Kairi's head shot up to Riku at the sound of her name and the alarm in his voice. She turned her head sharply to look over her shoulder and follow his gaze, her eyes widening when she saw the Heartless coming back from being stunned. She gasped and pushed herself up immediately, running in the opposite direction, toward Riku.
Uh, no. I haven't. xP
Riku released Dark Aura on the Heartless as soon as the girls' heads were lowered, the blue orbs making contact immediately. He narrowed his eyes at the screams that left the Heartless, but was relieved to see them release the girls. However, he knew that they weren't close to being defeated yet. Kairi opened her eyes when she felt the Heartless release her, catching herself on her hands as she landed on one knee. She felt the pressure that had been against her arms begin to lift, the pain beginning to leave from the grasp the Heartless had on her before.
Well, shoot. xD
Riku heard Kairi and looked at her and Namine briefly before making his next move. He had to defeat the Heartless holding them before anything, or else that would only resort in more pain for them. The Heartless were taller than the girls, so he gave one order as a blue aura formed around his hand. "Duck your heads!" Kairi reacted quickly, lowering her head as her knees bent to help her get as low as she could. She squeezed her eyes shut, prepared for the attack to land on the creatures holding her and Namine in one place.
...I dunno. xD
Riku glanced back at the battle before quickly moving toward the girls' position. He may have been injured, but he would prefer the girls to be protected by him than be in the arms of Heartless. He arrived near them in only a few seconds, the boy glancing out of the corner of his eye again to make sure Smith was occupied. "Riku," Kairi said in relief, moving a little against the Heartless's arms when she saw him approaching them. He was alright, as far as she could tell.
Roxas turned his head sharply at the noise Sora's form made when returning to the Realm. "Sora!" he called shortly, running forward immediately. Smith was sure to appear near his friend, so that was where he was going. Riku lowered his hand from his chest, which instantly formed a fist as he fought off his injury. It wasn't going to be easy, but he had to do it. He heard Roxas's cry and looked over, seeing the blond rushing to Sora's aid. He had enough strength, so he could help Riku's best friend. For now, Riku needed to assist a few other people. He lifted his aqua eyes to the girls, who were being restricted by Heartless. It was time to end that.
Oh, goodie. =)
Roxas skidded to a halt when he saw Smith and Sora disappear. He turned around quickly, looking around to the best of his ability. Even though his eyes had adjusted to the Realm of Darkness, he still couldn't see very far. Riku took in a breath and lifted Way to Dawn, stabbing it into the ground as he started to rise to his feet. He grunted at how difficult it was now, due to the blow he had just received. Once he was standing, he kept Way to Dawn in the ground to steady himself. Kairi struggled against the restraint the Heartless had on her when Sora disappeared and when Riku shakily rose to his feet. But she knew it wasn't any use; she couldn't do anything anyway.
Well, I think that worked out well. What about you? =)
Roxas took a step forward, his eyes going down to Riku. He could tell that the older teen was in pain, though he felt the need to ask his next question anyway. "Are you--" "I'm fine," Riku answered immediately, having known what Roxas was going to ask. He winced at the pain in his chest. "Go. Help...Sora," he said, having to pause a little due to the burning in his chest. He was on the sidelines now, as much as he hated it. Roxas nodded once and took a step over but then stopped. "Thanks," he said, staring down at Riku before he finally ran off, his grasp on his blades tight as he went to help Sora with Smith.
Mmhmmm. x3
Riku fell to one knee, his hand holding Way to Dawn on the floor to balance himself as his other came up to his chest. He winced at the pain, a rough grunt leaving his throat as the wound burned. He was slightly aware of Sora's attack, even if his eyes were on the ground. Roxas opened his eyes in time to see Riku fall to the ground and Sora strike Smith. His eyes widened at the sudden turn of events, his eyes instantly falling on Riku again. Why did he do that? he thought, but he realized he needed to get up. He pushed himself up from the ground, wincing at the pain that was still in his body from Smith's attack. He grabbed his Keyblades in the process, knowing that things were just now heating up.
Yeah, got it. ;D
Roxas opened his eyes when he sensed a presence over him, and he didn't hesitate bringing up an arm when he saw what was happening. He sucked in a breath, preparing for the pain. Riku's body appeared immediately in front of Roxas's when he tried to call up Dark Shield, but he casted it a little too late. The silver-haired teen grunted when he felt Smith's blade strike his chest. Riku ground his teeth together to fight off the urge to scream at the pain, though a sound much like a gasp escaped him. Kairi's eyes widened at what just occurred, the girl not able to find her voice as she stared in shock at her best friend. Riku!
Who would you prefer to have him save? :3
Roxas heard quick footsteps and opened his eyes, only to have them widen. That was all he had time for, the blond feeling Smith's gunblade impact him. He cried out in pain, his eyes squeezing shut as he was knocked into the air and sent back a few feet. Roxas's body landed roughly on the floor, his blades clattering onto the ground next to his form as he groaned at the power behind Smith's attack.