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  1. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Um...rabbits? :3

    Um...rabbits? :3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 31, 2010
  2. Forever Love
    No! Roxas's body stiffened, his wide eyes on his best friend. It occurred to him a while back that Smith was able to steal their abilities, and it was obvious that he had done just that against Sora. He glanced from Sora to Smith and then back again, fearing his friend's safety.

    Kairi gasped, seeing Sora not too far away from where she, Riku, and Namine stood. She pulled her arm out of Riku's grasp, which had loosened after what happened to Sora, and ran toward her boyfriend instantly.

    Riku's alarmed eyes moved from Sora to Kairi, the boy reaching out to her when she ran off. But he didn't hesitate going after her, trusting Namine to stay close and follow.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Sooo....yeah. xD

    Sooo....yeah. xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 31, 2010
  4. Forever Love
    Roxas lifted his blades, deflecting the orbs and sending them scattering just as he heard Sora's cry of pain. His alarmed eyes went from Smith to his Somebody, the boy tensing at the sight.

    "Sora!" Kairi cried, stepping forward without thought. She felt Riku take hold of her arm to keep her from going any further, though her sight didn't leave the boy she loved, his cry terrifying her.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Yuppers. :3

    Yuppers. :3
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 31, 2010
  6. Forever Love
    Roxas growled slightly in frustration when his blade missed its target. He summoned it back to him, twirling it once in his grasp as he set his footing. He was preparing himself to charge, though he had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Forever Love
  8. Forever Love
    Roxas brought back his left arm and flung Oathkeeper at Smith while he had the distance between them. He winced when pain shot through his already wounded shoulder from the throw, but he ignored it to the best of his ability. Now was no time for weakness.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Forever Love
  10. Forever Love
    Riku's eyes darted from Kairi to Namine, and upon seeing the blonde's lowered eyesight, he wished he could come up with something more promising. But now, the focus needed to be on something much more important than himself. And that was Smith. At the thought, Riku's head turned to the side, his eyes finding Sora, Roxas, and Smith still in battle.

    Roxas took a few steps back, having just been blade-to-blade with Smith. He gritted his teeth together in anger, his eyes piercing as he glared at the man. This battle had been going on for a while, and he had been so busy that he neglected to see Riku rescue the girls from their imprisonment.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Forever Love
  12. Forever Love
    "You okay?" Kairi asked, looking up at her friend slightly when he stopped in front of her and Namine. He didn't look good, and by the looks of his injury, he probably wasn't.

    Riku flexed his jaw against a second of burning before responding. "I'll survive," he said with a small nod, trying to assure both Kairi and Namine that he would be alright until this was over. Whenever that was.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    O.o Seriously?

    O.o Seriously?
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 31, 2010
  14. Forever Love
    Riku stared at the space the Heartless had occupied before turning to look at the girls. He nodded to them once before starting back toward them, subconsciously bringing a hand to his aching chest. Roxas better kill him, he thought silently, since he had taken the hit for the Nobody. If he didn't repay Riku by doing that, Riku wasn't sure what he would do.

    Kairi stepped forward slightly when she saw her best friend's obvious sign of pain, her concern growing for him. She had seen the blow he took in saving Roxas, and it seemed like it had a lasting effect.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Forever Love
  16. Forever Love
    Riku leaped into the air and performed an air combo on the second Heartless once he reached it, fighting through the pain in his chest as he swung. He didn't let up until the Heartless let out a wail, disappearing in black smoke.

    Warning bells went off in Kairi's head when she saw the second Heartless going for Riku, who had just finished taking down the other. "Riku!" she called instantly.

    Riku heard the cry and whirled around, lifting Way to Dawn simultaneously. He felt his feet slide back a little at the attack he had just blocked from the other Heartless, but that didn't stop him. He slashed at the Heartless repeatedly, and in about half a minute, it faded from existence as well.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Forever Love
    xDD Those are hilarious.
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 31, 2010
  18. Forever Love
    Now that the girls were behind him, Riku knew they wouldn't go anywhere else. That meant he had to take care of the Heartless immediately. He stepped forward and brought up his arm as he shot Dark Aura at one Heartless, stunning it as he darted for the other, Keyblade at the ready.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Forever Love
  20. Forever Love
    Kairi ran over to Riku and came to a stop beside him, behind him slightly as she looked back toward the Heartless. She wasn't sure what was going to happen now, but Riku could certainly handle them. Right?
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home