Alrighty, sounds good.
Roxas couldn't bring his blades up in time to block, the boy squeezing his eyes shut as he prepared for the pain aimed at him now. Less than a second later, a cry left his lips instantly, the boy feeling himself stumble back to try and get away from the source. Kairi's eyes moved from Sora at the sharp sound, her head turning sharply as she recognized Roxas under attack. She pushed herself up from the dark ground of the Realm, her heart beating rapidly, much like it had been for quite some time now.
Sure, why not?
Roxas was about to bring the silver Keyblade in his left hand back toward Smith, but because of his older injury, he was slower there. So instead of dealing a blow like he planned, he felt Smith push his other Keyblade back, the blond taking a few steps back due to the force. Riku looked down at his best friend, Way to Dawn still in his grasp in case Smith decided to take any other chances. Sora said he felt alright, though Riku was sure there was more pain that he was letting on. He didn't say anything, though, but simply nodded to Sora in acceptance of his words.
Haha. YES. ;3 Uh...crap. Never thought about that. Dx
Roxas felt Oathkeeper get hindered by Smith's gunblade. His arm already started shaking since it was weaker now, due to his injured shoulder. Noticing that, he swung Oblivion since he had that advantage, aiming for Smith's side as his arm traveled horizontally. "...Sora?" Kairi called, her worry evident through her voice. She wasn't sure she wanted to see the look on his face, having a feeling his boyish features wouldn't hold a good expression. Not that it was to be expected, considering the circumstances.
Only in America. xD
Roxas's arms recoiled, but he brought them right back down on the shield. He struck at it a few times in fury, even as Smith stood and got his weapon back. Roxas was too angry to stop, but he knew that once the shield faded, he would hit Smith at least once. Kairi's hand slipped from Sora's shoulder and to her lap as she rested on knees, her eyes on him. Her eyes held pure concern for him, having seen what happened only moments ago.
That's ridiculous. xD Who would fall for that?!
Roxas swung Oblivion down on Smith, Oathkeeper following shortly after as a roar of anger left his throat. If he managed to knock Smith's blade out of his hands, then he knew he could somehow gain advantages, just like this one. Kairi winced faintly at the sound she registered as Roxas's cry, her eyes on Sora regardless of the battle still taking place. He seemed to be waking up, the girl's hand still on his shoulder.
...What? ._.
Roxas felt the difference in the pressure behind Smith's hold, the blond feeling a memory flash before his eyes as he swung Oathkeeper to his left, aiming to knock the gunblade out of Smith's grasp. He was enraged, and Smith was going to die under Roxas's wrath.
I don't know, but they did make some cash on them. Which is insane.
Roxas briefly remembered something he had pulled on Sora when they fought in the past, and he didn't hesitate doing it again. He brought his blades back and repeatedly struck down on Smith's blade in front of him, hearing the constant clash of impact as he grunted with every swing.
GAH. They were so creepy. Dx
Roxas raced forward, summoning Oathkeeper back to him as he charged at Smith. He brought his blades back, swinging when there was only a few feet between him and his foe. He was going to pay for all of the harm he caused his friends. Now. Riku saw Roxas had a handle on Smith for now, so he turned around a few seconds after Kairi spoke. Sora's Keyblades were gone, which instantly told Riku that his friend had gone unconscious. For how long, he wasn't sure, but it definitely wasn't good that he did.
They were SCARY. Mine would randomly start talking in the middle of the night. O.O
Kairi shook her head in disbelief when she saw Sora's Keyblades fade away. "No. Sora..." she said, reaching forward to touch his shoulder. "Sora, open your eyes." He was face down on the ground and his eyes were closed, but she didn't want to accept that he had passed out from Smith's attack. Roxas felt a small wave of relief wash over him when he saw Riku take care of the Dark Aura attack, but that didn't stop the blond from getting any angrier. He looked back to Smith and didn't hesitate his next action, pulling back Oathkeeper and chucking it at the man. "You'll pay!" he cried.
Furbies? O.O
Kairi ran forward a few more feet before stopping and dropping to the ground right beside Sora. She didn't even acknowledge the fact that Smith sent an attack their way, more focused on her boyfriend. Roxas took a step forward when he saw the attack, knowing it was headed toward all of his friends. "No!" he cried, watching the Firaga orbs soar through the air straight for Namine, Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Riku noticed Smith's attack just as Roxas cried out in horror, the older teen moving quickly toward Sora. He gripped his Keyblade tightly as he stepped in front of Sora and Kairi, and surely Namine as well, casting Dark Shield immediately to deflect the orbs.