Aren't you the guy who trolls every thread Roxas&Sora4E makes? Irony at it's best.
You were cooler when you weren't a kiss-up to the mods.
They can wait. KH3 comes first. Besides, why remake FFVII when you can remake another FF title that's actually good?
I don't think Nomura will remake FFVII just because a friend of his wants it. What about the numerous fans who wants Kingdom Hearts 3? Does friendship come first before die-hard fans? I sincerely doubt it. Interesting gossip yes, but as news, not really.
Enjoy your constipation guys.
It's dead bro, give it up.
That's what you get for living in Canada.
Best Batman game I ever played. It's definitely worth it.
You just want to suggest this so Kitty can win them both.
I don't know, IGN gave it a 7.9. Not good enough for my standards.
I have been on my summer break for two years.
Never asked for anything though. Rather have nothing then crappy games.
The more I think about it, the more I wish Sony would have given PS+ members a wider selection of games to choose. I mean, they basically picked the most purchased PSN games that were the oldest. Almost everyone has played these games. Hell, I would have preferred if they let us pick a high quality game instead of two average games.
I don't know, IGN gave it a 8.5. Which is not good enough for my standards.
You keep whatever free theme, game, avatar, etc you download from the Store with it. But whatever you decide to buy with the discount of PS+ goes back when it runs out.
Link to the article if anyone is interested.
Maybe about two weeks or less. We missed three weeks of updates so if things go as planned, they might get the store up and running completely in less time. Hopefully not that long though.
Multiple PSN Store updates coming
What a dumb thread this is.
"I ain't even mad dough."