I have the Hero Edition pre-ordered. In fact, I liked inFamous so much, this was the very first game I ever pre-ordered. I look forward to Tuesday so I can finally play the game I've wanted to for years. I'm also trying to not look up anything about it to prevent spoiling myself.
So it seems Sony gave me a lot of errors for free. What an exciting program.
I had no idea you were a video game. Anyway, get Dead Nation. It looks much better.
I want to play Assassin's Creed with Jesus.
Old. Saw this a long time ago. Nice copypasta.
I'll give it three days before everything is back to normal
I hope this means that the sex scenes are going to be fully interactive. If Kinect Support is real, then Move Support couldn't be far off.
Try to imagine that Fang is in bed with you stroking your hair and whispering into your ear to fall asleep.
It's Call of Duty. And it's like that because it sucks.
No, that's not even considered messy. You just have a lot of clothes hanging around. You have to be more creative than that.
From how the article made it sound, if SE gets into money trouble, just remake a FF title. It sounds a bit too far-fetched for them to just remake something like that.
Zelde eh? I'm interested in this as well. Sounds like a good original IP. There's not much I am really looking forward to in this E3. Maybe just Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Arkham City. Perhaps Sony will reveal some secret project that may catch my eye. And lol at KH3. FFvsXIII isn't even out yet.
So by ''Around the end of May'', they actually meant ''First week of June.'' Ah well, I just want my free games already.
Jesus Christ. Edit: Damn you Wolf.
Oh look, another member to add to my ignore list.
Bioware makes games for lonely people.
Every man has a feminine side. He is no exception.
Summer sucks. It's all about that winter.
It's okay to not be excited. Graduation day is boring and pointless anyway.
Don't tell me you actually sat there and listened through that?