Sure:D Im adding you in:D Here it is! Chapter 2 on this story:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 2: Jack's discovery. My little sister looked at me. "You..wished for Kingdom Hearts?" she asked, still confused. I nodded excitedly, putting my hand on her should i turned her to the window. "Look! A knight!" I excitedly said. "Ohhh! Cool!" she gasped. I nodded, putting my shoes on. "Where you going Noemy?" My little sister asked. I turned to her and back. "I'm gonna say hi to the knight!" I said, I ran out opening the door running to the knight, I was only 5 steps away from the knight. "H-Hi!Knight!" I called. The knight turned his head to me and stuck his keyblade out. "Who are you?" His voice was deep. "I'm Noemy!I see you weild a keyblade!Impressive!" The knight took 3 steps forward and grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Nice armor! I like the way it's disigned!" I said. The knight dropped me and pointed his keyblade to my face, ready to slice me. "Who are y-" "I'm not a heartless man! I'm a somebody! You know...a person with a heart!" "Who are y-" "Dude! Not a heartless! Can't you see me! I'm all in pj's and we're starting a fight already!?" "Silence!" he yelled. I closed my mouth and looked at his shiny armor, half there was damage. "Who are you?" He asked in a calm deep voice. I gulped and slowly stood up. "I'm Noemy I already said, and i'm from Earth!Canada!" I happily said, swinging my arms back and forth. "Earth?" He whispered. "Yeap!" ********************* In the USA, jack was walking around the park, back and forth.Bored. He sighed and looked to the sky, it was greyish, it looked like in any minute it was about to rain. "Such a boring day." He whispered to himself. While listening to nothing but silence, he saw a black thingy creeping around in the sand. "W-What?" Jack took a step forward to get a closer look. It was a heartless, creeping back and forth in the sand, until it saw Jack. "Uh-oh." Jack said, he turned around running for his life, trying not to get his heart stolen. The heartless was following him. "Since when was they're heartless on Earth!" He asked himself. He kept on running, until he stopped. It was catching his breath for some air. Panting and panting repeatedly. The Heartless was getting closer, very closer. Jack wiped his forehead and turned around. The Heartless jumped, Jack closed his eyes sticking his hand out to a stop sign. A cold rasp of ice flew out of his hands, attacking the heartless. Jack opened his eyes and saw the heartless on the ground. "Wha?" he whispered. The heartless got up and jumped forward to Jack. The heartless jumped on Jack, trying to reach for his chest to grab his heart. "Get..a...way!" He yelled, fire came out of his hands, hitting the heartless. It dissapeared. Jack panted again and looked at his hands. He closed his hand into a fist and looked up to the sky. What just happened? How did Heartless come here? When did this start!? How did I get magical powers!!!! Jack walked away,into the streets. While he was walking, each step he took was a weird feeling. The only thing he felt now was the wind blowing and his legs moving and the liquid dripping. "I must know..." he whispered. While walking he saw a gang of boys walking to him having their hands in their pockets, giving a grin upon their face. Jack glared. It was the bullies. "Hey Jack-o-lantern!" They called. Jack tightened his teeth together. "You should get home!" The called out again. Jack glared. "I know you have some money in those pockets so pass em!" They ran to jack jumping on him. Jack punched some on their faces trying to get through them. "Get off!!!" he yelled. A lightning bolt came down smacking them out cold, for a little while. "Huh?" Jack got up wiping the dust off him. He looked at them and ran before they woke up. "I got powers...awesome!" He said. As Jack was running, a figure took his arm and pulled him in, covering his hand over his mouth. "Don't bite or scream...come with me..." a voice said. Jack nodded, he was shaking cautiosuly, scared that he would be kiddnpapped for life..or worse...murdered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jack was getting sleepy, as he was carried he was in the woods laying on the mudd that was wet. "" He asked himself. "Welcome." said a figure. "Show your self! Or i'll take serious charges!" he yelled. They're were chuckles surrounding him, about 12 people..or more... "Gladly." one said in a deep voice. Portal came in showing 12 people in black cloaks. "Your...your...Organization XIII!!!" Jack yelped, running in circles. " did you know...?" Jack took a deep breath and looked at them in a smile. "Well...I knew you all ever since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out! Umm take off the hoods!" Jack commanded excitedly. "What ever..." One said in a bored motion voice. They all took their hoods off and looked at Jack, who was smiling excitedly. "Oh my god!!!!It's you! Um your Xemnas,Xigbar,Xaldin,Vexen,Lexaeus,Zexion,Saix,Axel,Demyx,Luxord,Marluxia and Larxene!!!!!!!!" They all had suprised faces. "Tell me..what's your name.." Xemnas asked calmly. "I'm Jack!!!" Jack excitedly said. Xemnas nodded and summonded a heartless out. "You shall become one of us...a Nobody...we shall become Organization XIV!!!" Xemnas said, with a little grin. "Woo hooo! One of you-wait! One of you!!?" Jack asked, he looked at the same heartless, only their were 20 times more. "Wait Wait!!!" Jack yelled. The Heartless jumped and scratched him and started to get to his chest..where the heart was. "Leave me alone!" Fire flew out casting some heartless away. "Do it Axel." Xemnas said. Axel grinned,"Certainly." He summoned out his chakrams and grinned. "This'll hurt alittle Jack-o-lantern!!" Axel screamed. Jack gasped, he was attacked, one hit and he flew across to the tree, bumping his head, causing some blood coming out of the back of his head. "Ow..." Jack whined. That hurt lot... Heartless jumped on him and holded him back to grabbed his heart. "No...No!!" Jack yelled. The heartless took Jack's heart out. Jack's eyes went all the way back, leaving them white. Blood was spreading. "His Nobody will be somewhere...I know it..." Xemnas said. All the members nodded. "Search for him..the other half..which his Larxene,Marluxia,Luxord,Saix and Axel...go find Sora..or...some other children to kiddnap and turn them into Nobodies like us." Xemnas glared. "Go.Now." To be continued. Like it? I hoped you did.:D Please comment on this chapter if you'd like:)
Sure you can join!!:D Im gonna write my first chapter in the next few days maybe friday or thursday not really sure when to write the next chapter:D I need you- Name:( Can be real or fake name) Canada or USA or other... what you wanna be when kh comes to earth.. Here's mine to get the idea Name: Noemy(soon to be Mexony) Canada or USA or other: Canada I wanna be in the organization... a new organization to create:) I wanna have powers.. Yeap:D Perhaps i'd do the first chapter might be short but worth it...i was going off in 5 mins so im typing the fast I can. Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 1 - The Wish came true. Noemy opened her eyes, the light was shining through the blinds. It was bright outside. Slowly she got out of her bed, she rubbed her eyes and stretched out with a yawn. "Yet another morning that will repeat" she muttered. As Noemy walked down the stairs she found her little sister Mildred eating some sunny side up. "Hey sis! Guess what, there was a shooting star last night and i made a wish!" She excitedly said. I grinned raising my eyebrow. "Oh really?What was your wish?" I asked, still grinning at my smiling little sister. She pointed to her plate, with sunny side up. "Oh, hahaha!" I laughed. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. All of a sudden I saw a man in an armor suit, walking with a keyblade. "Oh my heart." I whispered. My heart was pounding fast. "My wish came wish came true!" I gasped. My little sister cocked her head with a small stare. "What you talking about?" she asked ina confused face. "My wish... I wished for Kingdom Hearts to Come to Earth!!!" I excitedly said. To be continued. Sorry if it was short i only had five minutes so yeah welp hoped you liked it and please comment if you'd like:D
Here it is finally got off my bum and got to do first story....welp here it is. The Story of Rodul Chapter 5: Sweet Night.(part 1 of 2) It was all ready, everything. The decorations were up, food was made and ready to eat, music was on and everyone in their suits...and dress. It started off with some music tuned on, the soft soothing sound of music. Which Demyx chose for the night. All the 12 members were drinking fruit punch, just talking. One member was sitting on a chair,decorated. Larxene, since she was the only female, the event ''Dance Night" was made espically for girls. Larxene had her hand closed under her chin, she sighed looking at all the other members. Ugh all they do is talk and's my special night because it's a very special event for ladies! Forget that...the dance time will come. As the event rule says ,1. You must enjoy the night.2 you must get ready to dance with a girlfriend female at the time of 10:30...this is ridiculous! I missed half my 10 ten years in jail, missing Dance Night! Only twice I got to dance with Mr.Flower. Although he still leaves me some love notes...which is weird but a's a long story to ask why I was in jail...let's just say...three brothers were stabbed...ok? Get that in your head! Larxene sighed and gave a small smile. All of a sudden she felt a hand go onto her shoulder.The soft skin touched her smooth shoulder. "Hey Larxene." he whispered. Larxene grinned. "Hey Marly." "Having fun yet?" Marluxia asked, with a grin upon his face. "No..not really...the only time I had fun was when i was dancing with you..remember?" Larxene asked, she grinned and stood up facing Marluxia. In his pink tux or suit. "Oh yes I remember sweet-er-larx." Marluxia blushed. Larxene giggled and took his hand. "Your hand is soft and smooth, to tell the truth Marly." Larxene said. Marluxia laughed a little and blushed once again. "So are yours..I think we have something in common, hahaha!" "I'm using the washroom...for some reason i really need to go." Larxene said, Marluxia nodded. Larxene walked away, and Marluxia sighed, going back into the group on men and teenager.. "Hey Luxord! What am I?" Xigbar asked. He was in a drunk voice, his hair was messed up, he hiccuped every minute and he was holding a bottle of sweet wine. "Drunk." Luxord answered. Xigbar shook his head and hugged Luxord for some reason. "Ugh! Xigbar get off me! Your gonna ruin my suit!" Luxord said, pushing off the freeshooter. Xigbar fell and laughed and hiccuped. ~Flashback~ "It seems that your what you call 'girlfriend' isn't talking to you!" teased a teenager. "Shut-up Marco!" Rodul shot back. Slowly Rodul's girlfriend came and put her hand on his shoulder. "Like the party gambler?" she asked. "I love it like a disco dice. You?" Rodul asked. " Eh I sorta like it...the dancing hasn't started yet...i would love it if I dance with you my card." Celia said. Rodul's face went red, he turned away and turned back to his girlfriend. "It's almost-" ~End Flashback~ "ten'thirdy..." Luxord said out loud. Looking away he saw his superior talking to his second commandment. Saix. "Hey Luxord! How ya doing!?" Demyx shouted. "Okay, Demyx your shouting and almost causing me close to death ears!" Luxord said, growling. "Whoops sorry!" Xaldin whistled by Luxord's ear. "I need soda!" Xaldin said, shaking his cup infront of Luxords face. Luxord shoved the cup away from his face. "Get it yourself! Lazy bum!" "NO! You get it! Or i'll tell Xemnas!" Xaldin glared. Luxord sighed talking Xaldin's empty cup, walking to the table to grab some coke. "Dumb Xaldin..lazy." he mumbled. After a while Larxene walked back in. The bell was 10:30. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" The guys cheered. Larxene was suprised she blushed and turned away from a moment. "It's Dance Night!!!!AROOOOO!" Demyx called out with his hand by his mouth. "Yeah dance night!" Vexen yelled. Everyone looked at Vexen. All confused, giving him a what-the-hell-dude- look. Vexen shrugged and ducked out of the way, walking to the back. Xemnas walked forward putting his hand up. "We shall Dance with the only female member!Ahem!Ladies...i mean Gentlemen! Larxene!" Xemnas said threw the microphone. To be Continued. Thats the end hoped you liked it, more coming soon!:D Please comment.....
A new story i'm doing with my little sister rexmildd:D I can add you in this story if you'd like!:D Just pm me or tell me on post...yeah... Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth (prolouge) Noemy was looking out the window. It was nighttime, all the power was off. Stars were sparkling in the night sky. The moon was shining. It was all beautiful. Staring into the sky, a shooting star passed by. Noemy gasped and sighed after putting her hand under her chin. "I wished many times, and they never come true!" Noemy thought outloud. She sighed and closed her eyes whispering, " I wish Kingdom Hearts was real...on Earth!" Noemy opened her eyes and jumped in her bed under her sheets. Closing her eyes it was pitch black. She just had to wait and see if her dream came true. Liked it? Me and my little sister made it times i wish Kingdom Hearts were real
That was so...COOL I loved that chapter actually i love all the chapters!!!! i can't wait for more whenever:D
I was only 8 and i had a cat..visious... It had my mom's pen so i tried to ge tthe pen out of his mouth. but he hissed, I tried again and SCRATCH!! he scratched me across the face. it was bleeding, my grandma put some kind of white cream on my scratch and i left laying on the couch watching spongebob...or...fairy odd parents..... Next day at school people kept on asking me what happened to my face i said"Cat scratch" (lol it ryhmes) And so then i don't like cats im scared it will happen again. i like calm cats...i have a dog now...hes lovely...and mine (JRT)(L)
Ok here is the next chapter of The Story of Arlene....:) Arlene looked at Lamurai drawing. "Whatcha drawing?" she asked. Lamurai looked at her and look back down to his paper. "Nothing important...just a flower..." he responded back. Arlene sighed and layed on the concrete floor. "I'm bored." she said, laying there frozen. Lamurai looked at Arlene and took a piece of paper, crumbling it up. "Catch." he threw it to Arlene. Arlene caught it and un crumbled it. It was all crumbled up from each and every corner. "What's the paper for?" Arlene asked. "For you to draw on. Here." Lamurai rolled a black crayon over to Arlene's cell. "Thanks," she winked and took the black crayon and began to colour. "So'd you get in here?" Arlene asked. "I got in here by stabbing my step mom in the stomach...she got me so mad.." Lamurai closed his fist shut. " She kept pushing me around so much...I just had to..." he said. Arlene frowned and began to draw her 'brother'. "I stabbed my three brothers, from anger and hate... they kept on bullying me so much." Lamurai looked to Arlene and gave a sly smile. "We're equal." he had finally said. Arlene looked up and gave a sly smile. "I don't know why but you make me feel..happy for some..reason." Arlene said. Lamuria chuckled alittle. "Maybe it's destiny....I dunno or maybe we were meant to be friends." he said. "Why don't we be friends?" Arlene asked. " friends of all!Hahaha!" ******************** All day Lamurai and Arlene were talking about stuff and stuff. They both laughed together, during lunch time they'd eat together, still talking about stuff! Guess they were best friends. ~During Lunch Time! "Food's nasty.." Larmurai mumbled. "I know, and that's the fourth time you said that!" she laughed. "I like you." Lamurai said, changing the subject. Arlene looked down and saw Lamurai's hand on top of hers. She blushed hiding her face away. "When we get out of here we'll be free and we have anything to do!" Lamurai cheerfully said. "Yeah we can, because I don't think my family won't care any more!" Arlene said. Lamuria chuckled and took his hand off her hand. "Let's eat..." "Sure." ~Night~ "Night Lamie boy!" Arlene laughed. "Don't call me that!Arly!" he shot back. "Anyways night." "Night.'' he responded. Arlene had her eyes open she went talking in her head. He's so cool, but I feel awful, never had a friends before...forget that Arlene! Think postive. Anyways he's cool, when I get back I wanna right in my diary and say everything aboout him! I don't know why but I do! It's a thing...private thing. I should shut my eyes and sleep and stop thinking about him! Tomorrow i'll see him! To be Continued Sorry if it was sooo short:( I couldn't think and I had to get off!:( i'll write the next chapter in the next few days or so Anyways hoped you liked it and please comment if you'd like:D
Sure thing!!:D I realized that to. I got alot of shading and dtrawing to work on these days. And thanks for commenting:D
Welp it's kinda good...i dunno your choice. *Another Flashback* I was walking in circles in the kitchen with my line paper book drawing thing... "What should I draw?" I ask myself. So I thought of it. "Saix...yes he's hot and berserk*rawr*^_^" Sits on couch in living room. "I got like 5 minutes to draw this....because i gotta eat breakfast before school starts!" Draws Saix. "Awww he looks cute!" *Noemy's big sister walks by* " and your anime...emo girl hahaha joking sister! But seriously you need a life sometimes" Big sis walks away. It's true...I do need a life sometimes...I talk to myself at times!? looks cute to me.. Noemy scans it and puts on deviant. Tell me what you think of it...i drew the date when you see. Please tell me what you think!:D Oh an this time i posted it on the right forum place thingy....*giggles*
Thankyou:D i'm gonna post more picture about 3 in one thread...but it's uploading at this time lol *looks a deviantart*
Yeah i'm making more, I have some org members on the paper though its hard :S And thanks for commenting.. And the rest thanks for commenting:D I appreciate it
"Sooner Or Later" I want a normal life just like a new born child I am a lover hater I am an instigator You are an oversight Don't try to compromise I'll learn to love to hate it I am not integrated [Pre-Chorus] Just call my name You'll be okay Your scream is burning through my veins Sooner or later you're gonna hate it Go ahead and throw your life away Driving me under, leaving me out there Go ahead and throw your life away You're like an infantile I knew it all the while You sit and try to play me Just like you see on tv I am an oversight Just like a parasite Why am I so pathetic I know you won't forget it [Pre-chorus] Sooner or later you're gonna hate it Go ahead and throw my life away Driving me under, leaving me out there Go ahead and throw my life away Sooner or later you're gonna hate it Go ahead and throw our life away Driving me under, leaving me out there Go ahead and throw our life away Throw our life away Ooooo Throw our life away By Breaking Benjamin...I love that song alot...anyways that was need to let out*cough*:D:D:D
Oh! Man i realized that just should've been in the art one...well thanks for commenting:)
Out of all i give it 100% on the story and chapters:D Its getting good!