Good morning or afternoon or evening or night....:D Just wanna say hi and what you doing? Im typing, having some oatmeal (very good:)) watching 6teen on channel 45 because I always do and thats about it, although i keep switching the channel to 51 because Recess is on I love that show:D
Look! I think I had the time to do short 40 minutes i think or less! Well please comment and enjoy this chapter that I have been trying to memorize each request:) Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 5- And it all begins...chaos. Just before Zexion could come forth to Angel with his weapon... Angel put her hand out as a hault. Zexion cocked his head and stopped looking to her face for an answer. "Say it." he said simply staring to her eyes. Angel sighed and looked to him in the eyes. "I-I'm sorry." she said lowering her head. There was a small chuckle from Zexion, his weapon dissapeared. "Your lucky. I could've accepted the apology but you see me mission was to take in humans, take their hearts and force them to join the Organization." he said walking forward. Angel looked away and bit her lips,blood streamed down and fell to the cold concrete road. "Fine. If that's what you want, then shall it be." she quietly said, Zexion nodded and opened a portal. "Walk forth and surrender...follow m-" Angel looked at Zexion and frowned a little. " But will we...hang? Like as i be your assistant? Please?" she begged quietly. From 10 steps away from her she could hear Zexion sigh, " Well i'm not sure..and it would be useful to have an assistant, we'll just have to wait for the superior's answer." he said walking towards the portal. Angel followed, to join the Organization , but behind her thoughts she wondered. What will happen it she leaves? Could her mom worry and send out polices to places? Answers will come, sooner or later. They walked in the portal, and the portal disspeared, leading them in the path of darkness. ****************************************************** Tybic was catching his breath for air and so was kairi, both were catching to breath. Kairi looked over her shoulder, saying " your a good fighter." she said. Tybic laughed a little he had his hands on his kness alittle crouched down. " So are you but close up your diffinatley good!" Tybic responded. Kairi laughed a little, and stopped with a pause looking to Tybic with a little blush. "Your...blushing?" he said in a confused look, asking Kairi. Kairi giggled," I blush when boys make me laugh, don't know how they do it!" she complained giggling at the same time. Tybic nodded and walked forward, " Kairi your here to search for...Sora and..Riku?" he asked, Kairi nodded with a grin upon her face. "Can" Tybic asked looking down to his feet. Kairi said yes, with that Tybic smiled and thought that looking for Sora and Riku, would make some way excellent to fighting, and might even challenge Sora to a battle. But those were thoughts, they may not happen, he might just get a thankyou and that's all. "Kairi let's find them! So you three reunite! I'm sure this may be the 3rd time!" Tybic laughed, Kairi nodded with a glare. "Anyways let's go!" Tybic raised his hand and walked, with his hands in his shorts pockets. Kairi nodded without a word and followed Tybic the way. ********************************************************* In USA, NC it was a nice day, for anything..even fighting like practice. Valerie was in her room, she had her own computer, own bed, own everything! That she owned ofcourse. She was lying on her bed, her legs were swinging back and forth, desperatly she was trying to finish her homework that was due tomorrow. It was the only thing that hurts, homework, the waste of a precious afternoon. Valerie sighed and looked out the window, seeing children play, walk and ride. "Why do I have homework and they don't? It's not fair much homework wastes my day!" she said to herself. Looking down to her papers, scattered all over her bed and computer she took a random piece of paper. A picture of Sora she drew. She had many more drawings of him, but some were on the walls and some were somewhere in her room. Abit messy from the homework. She smiled and giggled to herself, with a small bush on her cheeks. "Sora...if only you were real!" She put the paper down and sat up on her bed, she decided she do her homework later on in the day before dinner. She jumped off and put her coat and mits on, it was a nice day, though windy. She walked down the stairs, she crept through the halls, until her mother popped out of nowhere. Her mother was suprised, she rasied her eyebrow and put her hand on her hip, waiting for an explanation, " and where do you think your going hmm?" she asked. Valerie looked down for an excuse, she looked up and took a deep breath. "Mom I just wanna take a walk for an hour or 2 and walk across the park maybe swing by and when I come back i'll do homework! I promise! Please mom? It's not fair to get air when your sheltered in a house with papers surrounded you with questions just waiting for an answer." she said, lowering her head. Her mom put her hand on her shoulder. "Ok, only one hour and you come straight home if you don't your grounded for a month which means no internet or any other things importantly you use!" she said in a calm voice, but the last 3 words abit deep. Valerie smiled and hugged her mom, before she knew it she had her shoes on. "Ok. Bye!" she said waving while exiting, having her hand on the door knob. Her mom waved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As valerie walked past by the park she thought she could swing for a litte, until she noticed a spikey brown hair teenager laying there on the sand, looking like he was knocked out cold. Valerie gasped and ran to the uknown person who was laying there cold. As she arrived she leaned down and flipped her hair behind and moved his shoulder gently. " Are you ok?" she asked curiously. The teenager moaned and looked up to her face, " She then saw her favourite character from Kingdom Hearts 2!" "Sora!" she yelped, she lifted him up and she looked at him with a smile. All Sora did was look at her confused. ''How'd you know my name?" "Come!I'll explain on the swings!" she said excitedly. ************************************************** In USa, NJ, it was a school day, another boring day once again. In the classroom there were 20 students sitting at their individual seats and desk. She was paying attention, abit bored, but this year she had to get a perfect mark! " What is the answer Eden?" asked the teacher looking straight to her face. Eden looked around the room, faces staring at her. "Um..-" The bell rang, before she knew it school was over, she sighed in relief happily no to answer. There was no homework, which was really good, although she had to do an artifact on some projedt which was due in 2 weeks so she had time. She walked straight home, thinking what she would do, all of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder. '' Nami-ne?" said a boy voice. Eden looked over her shoulder and saw Roxas, in a visible form, abit fady-ness. "Roxas? Oh and i'm not Namine, i'm Eden." she responded with a little smile. Roxas gasped and looked around, " Uh, how'd you know my name?" Roxas asked. Eden smilled and took his hand and pulled him near her by her ear she reached to his ear with alittle mutter. "I'll tell you later, here I can't explain! It'd be..kinda awkward." she said. Roxas nodded and followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As they entered Eden and Roxas went to the backyard, "Okay I know your name by-" ************************************************** To be continued. Sorry if it was short and all of you couldn't be in it at all time:( I had a really rough day, staying after to get help..which I get hjelp every Monday and Thursday, which starts next week. anyways hoped you enjoyed the story, next chapter will come out soon or later days..i don't really know, please comment:D
My apologies everyone, it seems that this week is very very busy for me I never get the time to type the story in! I feel really awful for having you guys to have to wait for the next chapter:(. Sometime this week i will be sure to have the next chapter up! Pinky swear!
Thanks all for commenting:D I will start on Sunday which is tomorrow or maybe Monday because I have some work to do and chores....T_T well thanks for commenting:D i'll add you right in the story Monday of This Sunday:D
Here it is folks:D enjoy and remember I can add you in the story anytime! All chapter will go on...for a very very long time!:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 4: Heartless sworms in! The soldier was panicing, trying to get the two girls off of him! "Stop it! Just Stop it!" paniced the soldier. The girls laughed. "Not until you take you helmet off!" ************************************** In the United States in VA, there lived a female, always bored doesn't care about anything much. She was sitting outside on her door step, feeling the wind blowing through her hair.She sighed and looked around, it was getting really chilly outside. Until she heard her mother call her name. She stoof up and walked in, to her mom where ever she was calling her. As she entered the kitchen she sees her mom cooking, something in a pot. "Angel sweety why don't you go buy the groceries? It will only take an hour since we're very far away from the grocery store, please? Can you go to the grocery to pick up some food? You know the usual." Her mother said, chopping some veggies. Angel sighed without a word, she left taking the money from the 'family' savings. "Don't forget! Ok? Come straight home!" her mother called out. Angel sighed and muttered "What ever." After she left the house slamming the door, walking to the grocery store. Angel was walking along the sidewalk, keeping her head down, she was wearing a black scarf,navy blue jacket and more.... She still had her head kept down, not looking where she was going. Walking looking at her boots, she saw a black antennae thing creeping around the road. She looked up, her eyes were caught on the heartless. She wondered why was there a heartless. Is this a joke? she thought. Angel took a step forward, stomping hard on the ground, it attracted the heartless's attention. It jumped towards her getting ready to snatch her heart away. Angel had no choice but to take charge she didn't say anything but concentrated on the heartless, coming for her.She took a stick out, remembering Kingdom Hearts 2 what Roxas did in his twilight days. Before the heartless attacked two keyblades appeared in Angel's hand. A Fire keyblade and a Lightning keyblade. "Wow." she whispered, she looked up and waited for the heartless to come for her. The heartless jumped and she attacked. It dissapeared with ashes flowing into the air. Until more heartless came, a group of them. A sentence she only said, " Get ready heartless i'm now known as a keyblade weilder!" She slanged the heartless 5 by 5. When there was one left she slanged it with a big slash and cling. Finally the heartless's were gone, her keyblades dissapeared into her hands. She was catching her air, panting. Until she heard a clap from behind. " name is Zex-" Angel nodded, and said " I know who you are. Your Zexion in the Organization number 6. Don't ask why I just do." she said turning away. Zexion nodded taking steps forward, " Come with me and join the Organization, help us get hearts." he said. Angel bit her lips and turned around see his hand sticking out a few feet away. " I don't know...go leave and do it yourself" she retorted. Zexion glared at her and summoned his book (lexicon) out. "Very well then...i'll make you." ********************************************** In Italy in Rome, there was a bored boy...who was bored. Tybic was his name. He sighed and looked up into the sky seeing just a clear blue, no clouds no nothing. "Today is the worst Saturday in my life!" he said. The wind blew and dry dirt from the ground flew causing it to go in peoples eyes. It went in Tybic's eyes, he gasped and quickly wiped his eyes, to get it off. He then saw a girl with dark red hair a pink kinda dress, puple shoes and a black hood. "K-Kairi? Or just someone imitating Kairi?" he asked himself. He stood up took a deep breath and walked towards the uknown person. "Hey um-are you ugh, Kairi?From Destiny Island?" Tybic asked. The red dark hair turned around, her hair swished when she turned around. It was Kairi. " Yes i'm Kairi, from Destiny Island. How did you know my name and where I came from?" Kairi asked, crossing her arms. "Oh, well you see your in a game called Kingdom Hearts and-bla bla bla! I can't say it all! Well anyways your in Italy, Rome! The great!" "Uh-oh." Kairi said covering her mouth. Typbic crossed his arms. "What? You don't like it here?" Tybic asked, with a stray face. Kairi shooked her head and pointed out behind Tybic's body. "No! Heartless! Their here!" she yelled. Tybic turned around and saw about 100 heartless crawling forward. "Aww man! Kairi summon your keyblade!" Tybic called. Kairi nodded and summoned her flowery keyblade. "You have a keyblade?" Kairi asked. Tybic shooked his head and grabbed a hard small rock in his hands. "Naw but-" A light came in his hands. Appearing was a keyblade! A pistol kind. Tybic had no words out of his mouth so he grinned. "Let's go!!!" he yelled charging to them. Kairi nodded and charged after. **************************************************** Jack was in a black coat, it was big for his size. "You..happy jack?" chuckled Xaldin. Jack looked up and sighed looking back down. "I heart..I can't feel anything." Jack said in a dark voice. "Leave him be." Xemnas said. "Jack you are now number 14 of our organization.You name is-" Jack looked up and glared at Xemnas. "Jaxck" he said. It was a simple name only added between his name, nothing knew. For there he kept it that way, in his thoughts he would change it. "Go forth Jack to a" "Canada." he responded. "Yes Can-da- go there and 'sense' if anyone has powers...very simple yes?" he said with a grin. Jack sighed and bowed to Xemnas like he was the king..." Yes Superior." ************************************************ Luke was happily looking through the window on the airplane, until he heard Riku's voice..talking to himself. "Riku...I can weild a keyblade..." Luke said. Riku's eye caught his, he stared. "Weild a keyblade? How?" he asked tapping the chair. Luke sighed and looking up to the ceiling smiling. "Well...there was a heartless aboard on the plane and-" "WE"RE GONNA DIE!!! PLEASE WEAR YOUR MASK!!!" said the maid she was crying. Riku stood up, " What..happened? Tell me!" he demanded. The lady wiped her tears, "he pilots faded into ashes!" Riku nodded and walked to where the pilots controlled the plane. "Heartless...can't believe their here...this is unbelievable!!!" Luke walked in and summoned his keyblade out to attack. "That is a big heartless!" he yelled. To be continued Hoped you like it:D Please comment and hoped you liked it:D
Same here:D cuz Roxas is my favourite character:) On second choice I'd choose Xigbar. don't know why:D
Okay:D i'll do it on Friday the 26th cuz i only have 30 minutes right now which takes me an hour to write a chapter:) it'll be up tomorrow afternoon somewhere at 8 or 7:D
Wow the first chapter was really good! And letter *gasps* how could her mother..or eh...:D it was good:D Please continue when you have the time:D:D:D 100% cool and good and more;D
Here is the next chapter:D Kingdom Heart Comes to Earth Chapter 3: Keyblade in Luke's Hand Noemy was smiling to the soldier. The soldier noticed Noemy's face, just staring at him. "What? Got something on my armor?" He asked, checking his armor. She shooked her head and looked at him. "Take off your armor! I got extra clothes upstairs..I think they're your size!" Noemy said. The soldier shook his head. " please..tell me about this..'Earth'." The soldier slowly said. Noemy nodded taking a deep breath... "Earth is a planet! Not a world! A planet! We breath air in here...Earth was formed by rocks and minerals i, Earth is a planet with 7 continents, has provinces..towns,cities,countries and states." she said, rubbing her temples. The soldier sighed. "Not really what I was asking see my world dissapeared and so did I in the middle of a war and I appeared in a tall house place, so i wonder around and I find you...techinally weird though..." Noemy nodded and walked to the oven grabbing a cup of coffee. "Hey soldier man! I made you coffee, I added sugar and milk in it." Noemy said handing the coffee over to his hands. He took it and looked at it with a cofused face. "Is this a trick?" He asked. She shooked her head and grinned. "Take your helmet off to drink it! It's good coffee I swear!" She said, with a grin. The soldier put down the coffee and looked away. "I don't want to take my helmet off." Noemy sighed and yelled her sister. "Don't worry 'we' will take it off one way or another!" She yelled. ****************************************** Jack woke up, although he wasn't Jack. He was a Nobody, since Somebodies are randomly turned to Nobodies they must have an X in their names. Jack woke up, all confused, his head was aching from the pain. "Uh...what..happened?" He asked himself, he looked around surrounded in the woods. He took a step forward, the pain came through his leg and a crack snapped. The sound of one of his bones from his legs cracked. "Oh!Owwww!!!!" He cried. He layed down having his hands on his leg holding it softly and gently not to hurt it. "How did I end up broken?" He asked. "Found him!!!" said a girly voice yet evil. Jack gasped his eyes were widened he put his right hand out stretching and pulling on the ground to move. "Hey why you running jacky boy! It's us..oh don't remember us!" said a voice. 5 people walked forward to Jack. "Come with us." said a deep voice. Jack shook his head and slowly stood up, he ran but fell only from 3 steps. "Trying" laughed a voice. One pointed to Jack, to his leg. "I think one of us broke his leg..which caused him to crack it and not be able to run...let's carry him back to the superior." said a voice. The walked forward with they're hands out ready to grabbed Jack. "No...get away!!!Away!!!!" Jack yelled. The took his arms and pulled him into a dark corridor. "Quit whining." The girly voice said. ************************ In Europe, there was a boy named Luke. Luke was walking around a lot, he had nothing to do. When he heard a mumble around the lot. "Huh?" Luke ran and saw a teenager boy with grey hair to his shoulders,baggy blue pants, blue greyish eyes or aqua and a keyblade...way to dawn keyblade. "Hey!!!" Luke yelled. The person turned and ran. "Hey come back!!! I know who you are!" Luke called out. Luke ran after the person, the person stopped and was breathing for air. Luke caught up with him. "Hey! Stop running Riku!" Luke said. Riku was the person. Riku turned around and walked to Luke. "Is this ansem! Tell me are you Ansem!!! Did you do something with my friends!" Riku yelled pulling Lukes collar shirt. "No no! I'm luke! Big fan Riku your soooo cool! I can't believe your actually here!" Luke said in a girly voice. Riku sighed and dropped Luke's collar and summoned away his keyblade. "Tell" "It's Luke!" Luke corrected. Riku nodded, " Tell me Luke, where you from and where am I and how did YOU know MY name?" Riku asked putting his hand on his hip. Luke nodded grinned, "Well I'm from Earth in Europe! Your in Earth, Europe right now! Infront of my street!Uh...and! I know you because your Riku and your friends are Sora and Kairi and your from Destiny Island and your a game! I'll show you your on kh and kh chain of memories and kh 2!!!" He yelled, then breathing for air. Riku nodded and laughed a little. "Tell you what Luka-" "Luke!" "Yeah, tell you what Luke. You help me find my friends Sora and Kairi and the..king*cough* just incase. That alright?" Riku asked holding his hand out for a slap five. Luke smiled wide, without thinking anything else, "Deal!" he said slapping his hand on Riku's. "How do we get somewhere else." "Oh, theres an airport some km away...we can get there by ...walking!" Luke said. Riku nodded and followed Luke, whom was leading. "What an airport?" Riku asked. Luke laughed at his question, "Where planes take you somewhere..thats all I can say." Luke said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The arriveed at the airport. Luke and Riku went in, they needed passport. "This is the airport!" Luke said spreading his arms out. "Nice..and full in where we take the plane?" Riku asked. "Right this way!!!" Luke said, until some gaurds came in their way. "Passport!" one said. Luke chuckled alittle. "I wost my mwommy in the airport!!! Me and mi bwig brother are wooking for hwer" Luke cried. One of the Gaurds wiped their eye, before crying. "We will go look for your mommy, please. Wait here." they said, adn then ran off. Luke laughed hysterically and patted Riku's back. "It worked!" Riku said. So they ran to the plane...any plane..before it took off. So they ran and ran and passed everyone as they arrived Riku took Lukes hand and did a high jump before the doors closed. The made it. The walked to a seat and sat down relaxed. "Thanks!" Riku winked and rested," Damn this is soft!" Riku whispered. As they rested a scream came from the airplane! Luke awoke, Riku seemed to be in deep sleep. "Uh-oh!" Luke gasped, he then saw 3 heartless aboard on the airplane, trying to reach for the ladies heart. Luke got out of his seat and ran to the heartless with his fist. "Get away from her! Look over here buddies!!!" He snickered. Until a keyblade appeared in his hand, it was black and full of spike with navy blue. It hit one heartless. "I can...I can weild a keyblade!?" Luke said. He glared and smiled at the other 2 heartless. "Take this!!!" He yelled, furiously he slapped 2 heartlesses and they both disspeared into black ashes. "Wow...I did it! I can weild a keyblade! And a cool one!" To be continued. Like it? Hope you did. Please if you wanna join jsut ask me and i'll add you in my next chapter:D Please comment if you'd like:D:):D
Aww... 1:12 pm...but tomorrow at my school its back to long day...i hate learning...and my mom signed this thing only a few of us the class. We got a help slip...i need help in math it starts November 5 from 3:00 to 4:30 watse of my day....*sigh*
Its a good morning...well actually cold here in Canada... But I got to go to school, its a Thursday here...the 25th... I have activity day and half day today:D So i chose board games which means i get to bring the DS:D But i gotta be carefull:) Well thats all i gotta go to school at 8:30, it starts at 9:00 i'll be on later:Dwhen i get back from school:D 9:00 to 12:22:D
Lol Thankyou!:D I appreciate the comment!:D laughing loud enough? Where?:) lol
That was really good:D Can't wait to see whats next:D
Here it is:D This is not about Luxord in this chapter..but sweet Demyx. :) The Story of Rodul Chapter 5: Sweet Night(part 2 of 2) Larxene walked in blushing, the light was shining at her, following her steps. All the guy members cheeks turned red, except for Roxas. Marluxia smiled with a rose in his pocket. Demyx was choking up, he always wanted to dance...never did before though. "Shall we dance?" Xemnas asked, offering his hand to hers. Larxene nodded, taking Xemnas's hand. "Like it so far?" Xemnas's whispered. Larxene glared at him. "I'm in a dress..." she muttered. "I like your...dress." Xemnas said looking into Larxene's eyes. "Thanks superior. I like" Xemnas chuckled in a soft voice, and looked around at the others, who were just standing there, waiting for a turn. "Their jelous." he said. Larxene nodded and took a step forward in the dance. "I know, all wanna dance with mean Larxene hehe..." Demyx was staring at Larxene, grinning in a tiny bit, his face was red. Luxord was having a flashback at that time, about his girlfriend Celia. After the dance it was somebody else's turn, which was Demyx. Demyx bowed to the ''wonderful'' Larxene and said, " Can I please, take this dance?" he asked in a polite voice. Larxene grinned and took his hand, they began to dance in slow version. "I like your dress Larxene." Demyx said. Larxene shrugged and turned away. "Yeah I know, i've heard that comment many times, and I take it as a compliment." Larxenen muttered, they took a step back in their dance. "I hear you and Marluxia were friends at the age of 8 and 11." Demyx said, not knowing what to say. Larxene nodded," Yes we were, sadly we aren't friends anymore." Demyx slowly nodded, lowering his head. ~Flash Back~ "Edym! You do it all wrong! You can't dance!" Her big sister yelled. Edym covered his ears, his eyes were getting watery. "Don't yell at me! I'm doing my best!" Edym cried. "Ugh! Whatever! Just follow my lead and stop crying you babbling bafoon!" her big sister yelled. ~Later~ Edym was crying into his pillow. They're were wet stains on his pillow from the crying. Edym sniffed up and wiped his tears off. " I'll show her I can dance,sing,swim and play the guitar! I know it!" He furiously yelled. ~Years Later~ "I bet you never got a girl to kiss you because your to soft!" Her big sister yelled. Edym was 16 by then, he was still being teased by his older sister. "I can to! It's just not the time...." ~End Flash Back~ "But it is now...." Demyx whispered. Larxene cocked her head. Demyx leaned forward to Larxene and pressed his lips against her soft lips. Demyx had his eyes closed , Larxene had her eyes open wide. Larxene never realized Demyx had soft lips, something must have been bugging him for quite a long time. Quickly Demyx took his lips off her and let go of her hands, his eyes were a little watery. "Sorry about that...i'll be right back i need to use the washroom!'' Demyx squeeked. He ran out, with a tear falling to the floor. Larxene cocked her head, and waited for a next dancer. Luxord took a step forward. "May I take this hand in my dance?" Luxord said, larxene took his hand. They began to dance. Luxord smiled and imagined her as Celia, his old girlfriend. "Celia your pretty as a star." he said. Larxene cocked her head. "Hey! Gambler! Quit the day dreaming thing, it's a particular...way?" Luxord nodded, but all he could think about was his Old Girlfriend Celia. ~Flash Back~ "Celia your eyes are beautfiul." Rodul said. Celia blushed and leaned forward, kissing Rodul on the cheek "Your sweet you know that?" Celia said. Rodul nodded and whispered in her ear "Sweet Night eh? My card." he said. Celia smiled and leaned for and ki- ~ End Flashback~ Larxene again was kissing another fool, who kept kissing her. Twice today she had to kiss someone, who automatically,randomly,crazily did it! Luxord opened his eyes and let go running off saying, "Sorry!" Larxene sighed. " Unbelievable...just..ugh.." Larxene mumbled. That the second time someone runs away in the middle of a dance! ~Washroom~ Luxord ran in and closed the door, he walked to the sink and looked at himself through the mirror. His face was red. Luxord turn the water tap on to cold and poured some water, onto his face to cool down. After he heard a cry coming from one stall. The only stall they had in the washroom. "Demyx? That you?" Luxord asked. Luxord could hear the sniffling and whining. "Go don't know how miserable I it's like to get bullied every day in my life!? I was created to live happy and cheerfully, until I got bullied at the age of 3! Is it good to have been living unhappy when I try to be happy! Trying to get atleast ONE friend!? You don't know what it's like! Having to live horrible, right when i died and got another chance, I was a Nobody whom had no heart, which meant no feeling and other types!!! How when I joined the Organization I thought it'd be over from the bully, well I guess it's not!!" Demyx screamed, tears were flowing down his cheeks. So much tears from the inside, he's been hiding it, and boom he bursted. "Demyx I never thought you felt like th-" "Don't be! You say sorry the rest won't they'll just be one cares about stupid Demyx!!! He's a dumb 19 year old who tries to have a heart! Acting like a dumb old idiot!!!"He cried outloud. Demyx banged his head against the stall wall and cried harder. "You all tease me! Bully me! Why can't I live one day without trouble! When I was 16 my sister said I couldn't kiss a girl or get a girlfriend ! Well guess what I did! I kissed one and I ran I was hurt and I couldn't hold no more!!!!Nwgh!" Demyx cried. Luxord didn't say a word but listen to Demyx's words. "I wanna live! I may be weak but I have a strong heart! I wanna live! No one wants me to live! They want me to die and not care that I wanted a heart from Kingdom hearts!!! I need strengh! I wanna leave the Organization and die so it's over...I wanna...please...i want this night to be over...It was a Sweet Night!!!But no!! I'm ruining it all with tears and whining!! I'm such a baby and a stupid imbecile loser child!!!" He cried. After a door opened, Axel and the other guys came in. "What's going on?" Xemnas demanded. "I remember when my big sister kicked me everyngiht to admit I was a total slump!" he took a breath and let out another sigh giving another cry. "I shouldn't have been born! I know i'm slowly fading into the darkness! I can't feel but what is this? Why am I crying so hard!? Why am I! Why am I...I wanna stop but I can't more tears are dripping and because I control the element water...I'm making a huge mess in the washroom! It's all wet and soaky! I'm in trouble i'm in trouble!!!!AUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Demyx yelled. The stall opened, Xigbar, Axel and Xaldin were there looking at Demyx, shaking and crying. "Dude calm down!" Axel said. Demyx cried more and more. "I know, get a grip Demyx! You can't cry no more! Bla Bla BLA!!! I don't care I wanna live!!! Please get Kingdom Hearts now and let me be the first to get a heart! Please!!! Please...mmmmm*sniff*pl-no..." Demyx dropped to the ground, in the puddle of his tears. Xigbar and Axel took Demyx in his hands. "Dude wake up! Stop's over now!" Xigbar said. Xemnas looked at Demyx, seeing that he was still crying, his eyes were closed but water was coming out. It was abit weird. " Number II and III take him to his dorm and let him rest." Xemnas commanded. "We shall continue this dance." To be continued. Like it? I almost cried when writing this because of the Demyx part..I don't know why...but please comment and hoped you liked it:D!!
Yes this is very good:) *cheers* Its a good prolouge you should continue on:D
*shocked* -HJNJEHNJnjdf;knjnjfdsnfsdjnumnumgfjghfjgdhgood browniesnkgrjrjtkrjkrthanks:D *sends airplane and country of cookies and milk* Enjoy that:D
I'm just bored...I wanna say hi to everyone...knhow what i'm doing? Nothing...just typing and viewing threads...some I comment...and i had to get off 6 minutes ago...welp yeap..
Ofcourse I don't!!!:D We're like...friends on here. Member? *gives cookies and milk*Friends:D *Gives huge cookie* Enjoy that:)
Awwww! That sound horrible, I'll save you lol:) *gets helicopter*
I don't know if anyone asked this question yet but. Who's your favourite band, or artist.