Since Christmas is coming I decided to write a story of christmas and stuff:D I feel jolly so please enjoy and comment (that's if you want to ) A Fictional story:D :) excuse me from my words...can't spell some right:S Christmas in Twilight Town Chapter 1 The snow was falling from the sky, the soft white snowflake. Falling down landing on the hard cement walk. Millions of snow was falling, it was December the 8th. Christmas was coming, many people were excited and gratefull. Roxas layed on his bed looking at the mail he got, mostly they were news from the Sandlot, but there was one from Organization XIII. Roxas threw the other mail away and ripping up the Organization XIII one. He was excited to see something from them, it's been quite a long time. As he took a sheet out from the envelope he flipped it open and read the words from them. Dear Roxas, it is "nice" to write to you. From us Organization XIII, we are here to invite you to a sleepover, some members insisted to you to sleep over. As we must know you do have Axel's phone number am I correct? If you want to have a sleepover at TWTNW then call him and answer yes if not... then you shall not call or do anything to communicate us. It'd be quite disturbing if you tried. So yes..that it all. By: Xemnas. Roxas laughed a little and sat up from his bed and looked around to find his cellphone. Of course Roxas wanted to come! It was his only chance, he'd be spending Christmas with his three friends! Roxas then spotted his phone sitting nearby the tv, it layed there, flat and cold. Roxas jumped out and ran to his cellphone which was white and black. He grabbed it in his hands and flipped it open, he searched through his phone book and saw Axel's phone number. Quickly Roxas dialed the number and put the cellphone next to his ear, Roxas was waiting for the cell to pick up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axel was in his red flame boxers, with nothing else on topless but wearing boxers. He had his head on his soft pillow, his 3 blankets covered him warmly, keeping him that warm. He was grinned in his dream until a disturbence came. Axel's cellphone was ringing and vibrating at the same time. He moaned and stuck his hand out on his small black draw. He smacked his hand on it around to hit his cellphone. A cold metal he hitted, he grabbed it and pulled it over and flipped his cellphone open and pressed answer, moaning " Huh..Hello?" "Wha? Who's this?" he asked all tired with his eyes closed. " Roxas!? Oh hi! Morning buddy and Early morning!" he said sitting up quickly with a grin apon his face. " So whats up Partner?" he asked scratching his elbow. He nodded with a wide smile on his face, his eyes were glowing hearing the words. " So, your coming!" he excitedly said. Axel nodded and continously nodded. " Alright I'll meet you at the Sandlot say... Noon?" he asked standing up. He nodded and grinned " Perfect, thanks partner!" he said. Axel closed his cellphone and threw it at his bed. Axel streched and jumped in joy. He was really excited to see Roxas, he accepted their offer and now he's coming ! This was the best or other best day Axel could possibly have! He then ran to his door and jiggled the doorknob to open. It was still alittle busted, but Xaldin said he'd take care of that. Axel opened the door and walked down the white clear hall to go report Xemnas about the acception. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roxas hung up and smiled, he looked around his room and saw his friends walking fast by. Roxas cocked his head and ran to the window, he rubbed it from the cold fog and saw a better look. Strange? Roxas only saw Olette and Pence walking fast. Roxas turned around and ran to his clothes to put them on and see what's up. He put up his pants, tightening it with his belt, putting his checker sweater, and best friend wrist band by Axel and Hayner, he put his hand and gloves on along with his boots and jacket. He was ready and set he grabbed his keys jsut incase no one comes in his room sneaking around his stuff. Roxas ran out closing the door, locking it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roxas opened the door and called out to Olette and Pence. " Pence! Olette! Wait!" Roxas ran to them and looked at them. " What's wrong?" he asked. Olette and Pence nodding. Roxas noticed they had their backpacks on. " Guys?" he asked waving his hand in front of their faces. Olette sighed, " Me and Pence are leaving Twilight Town for the Winter Vacation." she said. Roxas cocked his head. " Why though?" he asked, Pence sighed after and said, " Roxas, we're off to see our family. We're going to celebrate with the rest of the families. So yeah, unless you have a family you can come with us on the train." Roxas lowered his head. " Hayner? Wheres he?" he asked quietly. " He's at his familes he left early in the morning." Pence said. Roxas nodded, " sorry Roxas but me and Olette got to go catch our train! Bye!" Olette and Pence ran off leaving Roxas behind. Roxas lowered his head. They weren't going to celebrate together, they were going to celebrate the newyears, play Secret Santa! Roxas closed his fist, with a tear slipping down his cheek. He turned around and went back in the apartment to his dorm. He was going to be left all alone this Christmas. End of Chapter 1. Like it? I did when I was typing this . Please comment if you'd like to:D Poor me that is. I feel so jolly.
Hey everybody! You readers know what day it is today:D Friday and that means I write out the next chapter!:D Please enjoy this and do not feel offended you weren't in this chapter. I only have 1 hour, and using my hour i type the next chapter so not plenty of times, so i'll try to squeeze some characters in? ok? Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 12: Searches for friends and enemies Eden was still going berserk. " Let me go! Let me go or I'll--" " Or you'll what?", Xaldin said menicly. Eden stopped going bererk. Xaldin was right, how could a mere girl do anything? She was just an eleven year old girl, how could she even try to damage him? Oh duh... Like this!, she thought. Since her legs had no chains, she kicked Xaldin hard in.... down there. Xaldin let go of Eden and fell to pain. Eden quickly got up and ran... somewhere. She stopped at some random point and looked around frantically." Where do I go?" She ran in anothor random direction and bumbed into guess who, Larxene. " Oh... my...god..." she said. She was on the verge of running away, but fear nalied her to the ground. Larxene smirked and got out her kunai things. Sh was just about to strike, when OathKeeper hit her and sh was out cold. Eden lookd for the source of the keyblade, and saw Roxas running to her. " Roxas!" "Eden!", they both said with joy. Roxas used Oblivion to brak her chains and Eden was rubbing her wrists. She really needed moisterizer.(spelling) " How did you find me?" " Truth be told, I have no clue.", Roxas said, rubbing the back of his head. Eden giggled and hugged Roxas. "Thanks..." Roxas nodded putting his arm around her, giving her a hug back. The released and Roxas took Eden's hand, nodding to her. For sure Eden knew what to do, release her powers until- A clash of dirt flew up in the air and a girl with black hair and green streaks came walking with vines attatched to her. "Another enemy!" Roxas said releasing his two keyblades out, to hurt. Eden held her fists up and looked at her, she was soo young! " Pardon me, if I interupted you two love dovers but...i'm afraid i'll have to take her." she said walking forth. Eden pointed to herself cocking her head. " Yes you." she said. " Who are you!" she said taking steps back. She looked away while walking, " My name is Rexmildd I am under orders, here to collect the princesses, I believe you are one." she said reaching her hand out. Roxas looked at Eden who had a face of confusion. "Now come! Face me well!" she yelled, her vines charged- **************************************************************** Angel let go of Zexion and wiped her tears, she then put her hand over her chest and felt no beat beating, the blood didn't pump. " Oh no..." she whispered panicking. She looked up and saw Jack sitting on the branch of a tree grinning. " ARGH!!!!!!!" she yelled, she got up and ran to the tree and climbed up really fast. Jack grinned and jumped away to another tree. " I hate you! You turned me into a Nobody you jerk!" she yelled reaching on the branch. Jack laughed like he still had a heart. Angel growled and jumped over to the tree until she was caught by Zexion whom was holding her in his hands. "Take it easy...please.." he muttered. Angel nodded and walked off opening a portal. " I'll be back, just going for a dumb bad awfull stupid walk!" she said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Angel was walking she met up with a girl who was walking quietly with a cellphone in her hand, she dropped it and it crashed to the hard ground , collasping to pieces. Angel walked over to her, " hey, you." she said stopping her to a hault. She looked up and saw the cloak she was wearing. " Cosplayer?" she quietly asked, Angel shooked her head , " No, i'm from Organization XIII, if you don't belive me, it's true no lies." she said holding her hand up. She slowly nodded and looked at her in the eyes. " Wanna...fight?" she asked. Angel cocked her head and nodded, " Sure..." she released her weapons abit more much ranked. The girl released her weapons two dragoon spears, sharp and nice. " I realized I had powers an hour ago so I wanted to looked for someone challengng." she said running. Angel nodded and attacked her with on hit. She flew to the air and landed perfectly. " My turn!" she said throwing her dragoon spears into her arm, it cut her cloak a piece. Blood streamed down dripping. She looked up and grinned with a little chuckle. " I was just getting started, by the way before you lose my name is Angel." "Xaale." she simply said attacking her back with her spears. *************************************************************** Kirsty was walking down the ile bored, she had her backpack on walking to the lame old place everyday! " Ugh, school, why do I bother going?" she asked herself kicking a pebble stone. She looked up and saw a black antennae thing pop up. It flew over to her and before she knew it a keyblade appeared in her hand , attacking the heartless, it moaned and dissapeared. "What the-" she heard clapping from behind her and she swished around seeing a person in a black cloak. " Excellent-o!'' he clapped. She knew that voice it was the only voice she knew from Kingdom Hearts 2! "X-Xigbar!?" she asked walking forward to him, she looked up at the sky then back down seeing him right infront of her, he was taller then her and looked abit young. She grinned and pulled his arm dragging him, running to her school. " Uhm, little erm. kid! What are you doing!" he asked while being dragged. Kirsty nodded and smiled " Let's see what you gonna do now Art lady dumb founded teacher and school! I'll prove you right and you'll be sobbing in the dirt tell you reach the hotness!" **************************************************** Tybic slashed against Luke, but the keyblades pressed together, no hit so far. " Arrgh! Give up you dumb little-" Tybic couldn't finish that sentence " Nu-uh! You give up! We've been fighting for quite a long time and i belive that you should-" A strike of lighting bolted down and shocked the four people, causing them to lose 50 HP. Riku grinned and panted, " I know that strike of lightning, he's out going strong and-jolly." Saix cocked his head and saw a blue hair spikey boy with a girl. Tybic made his weapon dissapear and so did Luke. " What the hec man, what's going on so far my day has been confused." Luke and Tybic said together. Sora jumped down with a girl and smiled giving Riku shakes and Saix some props, and he walked over to Tybic and Luke giving them a noogy! "Hey Sora!" Sora smiled and said " Hey guys sorry guys I was late this is Valerie! She found me and helped me and not im here with Riku Said, some two boys and awesome I feel so happy because I just took his awesome drink called um..." "Cola?" Luke asked, Sora nodded and jumped up and down. "HOLD IT!!!" Tybic yelled, they all looked at him. " This is confusing! Tell me your story please!!! Valeria or whatever! Ugh SOMEONE EXPLAIN!" Luke sighed and walked over to hit punching his across the face. Valerie nodded and Sora calmed down, " Ok it's confusing and..this is what happened." **************************************************************** Mexony was walking alone, the guy she met left her he went out...searching. ..she then caught up with her 3 friends, Muxene, Muxelle and Hexia. The three friends of her that were fans of Kingdom Hearts. Hours passed by they all sounded horrified and scared hearing the story from her that her sister Rexmildd left, and in the small city the place was getting emptier by the minute. People were dying, not knowing that heartlesses wereout murdering people, they never turned to Nobodies, because they never had strong hearts. To be continued. Short I know but takes atleast 2 hours to type a chapter out. I'm really sorry not all can make it, I'm feeling bad but good... because I typed the next chapter and i'm glad about they please comment and hoped you liked it, sorry if I made you confused this chapter, long story...*sigh* :D:D:D:D thanks for all the suppport also:D
Sooo picking Xaldin! God he's HOT! lol excuse me for that ...erm..language... Anyways Xaldin I'd pick hes my man *gets pink ballerina matching shoes* they match!:D:D:D
YES! Someone who can communicate:D lol. I almost fell today on my way so many ice it takes about 30 minutes jsut toget to school, I can't afford boots at this time*sigh*
*Gets jelous* I got school tomorrow! Grade 7 sucks in my opinion! We had no school last week..*sobs* Your so lucky, but if it's possible there might not be any school, ah what am I talking about even if it's so icey we still go to school, talk about injuries these days.
I care about you! Even though im quite not the noticing type, but I care! I'm a big fan of your stories and threads and most of all one of your amv's *sneaky* Just now I read your christmas story thing and that inspired me:D *applause**cheers foxxie* WOOO:D
Ooo! That was very good!:D Poor Demyx, that inspired me abit too much i got the tickles in me.:) That was very good *two thumbs up*
Yes Math is hard...i kidna hate is except for now because we're learning fraction 3/ +4 :D it's... nvm i dunno the answer...and agree ..
In school I mean hm...Lemme say them.. Science and Music, serously in Music class theres no music and in science we take notes so basically I don't learn anything:(
Sad Story...I guess my promises are breaking..which breaks my sisters said everytime i promise I always end up breaking it!!!Argh!!!:( Man I feel really bad because when I promise i try to keep it but it slips! So to say something the next chapter...all of you write.. just chapter 12. Just tell what'll happen next to your character and just yours... Like... Example: Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 12: Sister versus sister. Finding my sister Rexmildd she appeared to be looking sad but powerful also, her eyes were different, I remember she tried to attack me along with my new buddy! I can't believe it! Well I see her now I shall go to her and speak from face too face... Something like that, but ti should be 5 paragraphs if you wanna write something that'll happen next to your chapter, then later in the days i'll write chapter 13 and go along with what you have from your own chapter 12 of you in kh....that good??? Im really sorry, I hate me a promise breaker.....forgive me if you want but write your chapter 12 and i'll go along with it and then write chapter 13 and go along with what you have......:(:):(:):(
Thanks everyone, it seems that my promise and say i made yesterday, I can't do it because I have to go somewhere and im getting ready, for some stuff and some homework to d do tomorrow?:(:) Please forgive me, I'm kinda in rushes these days, (stupid homework) Please forgive me:( Next chapter up tomorrow pinky swear promise in my underwear.
Here it is! Today is Friday! Loving that day! And today is my anime that *wink* you know...Naruto,Avatar,Gundam Seed Destiny, Death Note, Bleach and Eureka Seven ...yep....Anyways I'll try to make this the longest chapter...;) Enjoy! And scroll down! By the way some thing are confusing. Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 11: More than seven princesses! Rexmildd was walking down dragging Kairi in chains. She didn't care, she was taken away and her older sister wouldn't even help her. This pathetic, my first mission failed and now I have a new mission , get the seven princesses, well this one is the last. I remember from Kingdom Hearts she did something with them...I forgot though, but she shall share that or I shall implore her. As she was walking continously dragging Kairi in chains, Kairi awoke waking up with bruises and cuts. "What?" she whispered, Kairi saw her self in chains being dragged across the hard cement road. She felt the hot steam from being dragged on the hard cement. She tried to remeber what had happened before this occured. "Awake, princess Kairi?" Rexmildd asked giving a grin. Kairi looked up and glared at Rexmildd, she was walking fast. "What happened!?" Kairi yelled at Rexmildd. She stopped and turned around her eyes were turning black, " Well, You were with that pathetic boy and I knocked him out with a poison and then I knocked you out taking you away, and before I know now, your here listning to my story." she said in a placid voice. Kairi looked forward and looked up at her," Can I atleast walk while your holding my chains, your dragging me hard-" She was stopped and then carried by the little Rexmildd! " I knew you'd ask, your not walking, but I am going to carry you there all the way." she whispered. Kairi wondered how did she turned to be like that. "Do you know who started this?" she quietly asked, afraid to get a beating. Rexmildd sighed and in a melancholy voice she said " My sister, Noemy. But I call her Mexony, she wished that Kingdom Hearts came to Earth and it did and now your in this mess and people are dieing by minute!" a tear slipped down on her red cheeks. Kairi wondered who this Mexony was. **************************************************************** Down in California USA, was an empty road. She was walking slowly on the side walk, nothing new in this wolrd, but same old,same old. She then walked forward and saw a boy a a black cloak. He was walking with a girl, the same hieght. She was wondering that maybe they were getting ready to go to a cosplay. She then saw them pointing directly at her...It felt ominous. (means unfavable, threatening);). She saw them teleport in a fast way. "No way! They- they just teleported to-" feeling a hand on her shoulder she saw them behind her. A girl stepped up and waved with a grin, to be polite." My name is Angel and this is Jack." she said pointing to him. She gave a sly grinn and waved back, " my name is Amber." she said. Jack grinned, and took her wrist and pulled her right to his face, closely there face were close, not touching. Jack looked down and sighed, " Sorry but sleep." he said. Amber cocked her head '' What are you talking abou-AHHHHH!!!" she screamed, a lightning shocked went on her back to her heart and Jack snapped his fingers. A Heartless appeared and it was looking at Amber whom was looking like gaunt. She layed there while the heartless jumped on her grabbing the heart. Jack didn't look undaunted but with a grin on his face he was enjoying it. Angel gasped and looked a Jack like he was a crazy guy. She punched Jack across the face and yelled at him. " Jack! That wasn't suppposed to happen!!! Xemnas's order was to BRING the person in not just turn her intoa nobody right there!!! You crazy or somethin-'' Jack interuppeted in with a yell back " I don't care! Whether or not I would've turned her into a nobody back there! Same thing! I don't care what Xemnas says! He's NOT MY dad!!!" He yelled furiously. Angel's eyes grew a little watery, wasting her voice in high pitch, her throat was hurting. Jack closed his eyes and snapped again getting another heartless out. "Sayonara , Angel!" he glareed, he ran to Angel hugging her giving a hard electric shock through her back to her heart. She screamed in pain and fell to the ground. "I knew you were still a somebody, but to be in the organization you must have NO heart!" he said. Angel's heart was getting grabbed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later on, Amber found her self on a pile of leaves, red, yellow and organge and some crusty brown ones, she found her self laying there. Two other girls were laying there knocked out also. One was in chains, the other masked with tape on the mouth and Amber, with nothing. She rubbed her eyes and found herself in a black cloack herself also. She heard small steps coming from behind her, she remained laying down waitng and calming down. "You Awake?" said a jolly high voice, yet curious. It was Demyx. "D-Demyx..Demmy?" Amber asked sitting up, not facing him. Demyx cocked his head, " Hey! how'd you know my name!" Demyx asked walking to her. SHe turned aroudn and hugged Demyx's leg, like she was imploring him for something. Demyx nealed down and hugged her also, not knowing what was up, but yeshers.... Eden awoke finding her self in chains she was laying on leaves, she saw Demyx hugging some girl and another girl masked with tape on the mouth and legs and hands. "Demyx!" she called, Demyx looked up and saw her looking abit nervous. "Where am I !" she yelled, out of control. Leaves being crunched Xaldin came running he grabbed Eden by the arm. "Hey! Stop it!" he said. She was going berserk..just like someone in the Organization. Angel woke up from the babbling. she felt like some kind of ebony hit her on the black real hard. She then saw Zexion walking forward to her, but it was all a blurr. " Are you okay?" Zexion asked nealing down to her. Angel's eyes were watery and she noticed she couldn't talk. Tape was on her -_-|'|. Zexion nodded and slowly with water her removed the tape easily. Angel went right into Zexion's arms and cried. Felt like a nightmare, wanting it to end. **************************************************** Lynn was in someones hands, carrying her. She looked up and saw the face of Demyx!? He blocked the heartless surrounded in a ball of water, wow what a new attack! "Don't worry I gotcha!" Demyx happiyl said. Lynn nodded and smiled thinking ' woah this is so cool! In Demyx's arms how awesome is that!?" Demyx opened a portal and ran right in, with Lynn in his arms. While in the corridor He put Lynn down and stuck his hand out. Lynn took his hand and shaked it. "Name's Lynn." she happily said. Demyx grinned and nodded. "Names-" " Demyx, I know!:D" Demyx nodded slowly and sighed happily giving a little laugh. "Uh..yeah." Lynn nodded and Demyx took his hands on Lynn's neck," I am sorry but I have to!" he said in a weeping sound. He pressed hard on her neck, chocking her! Lynn saw Demyx hurt from chocking some girl. Lynn grabbed Demyx's hands and pulled them away from her neck, releasing a bruise. " Don't! Please Demyx!'' she yelled rasping for air. To be contiuned. Sorry if not everyone could make it but....i'll make it up to you, i'll make the next chapter tomorrow because I ran out of time and I only get an hour and my parents only let me go on once, yes i leave my account on, because i'm lazy and I realized someone from way before wanted to join but somehow I couldn't see it. By the character name Kristy from Spain? I just found that today. Sorry Sorikai for not adding you sooner:( and the rest sorry if you weren't in this chapter I promise the maybe I might write to extra chapter on Saturday and Sunday:) Please comment if you'd like.
Thanks everyone for commenting:D Friday is coming and you know what that chapter!!!:D
Here it've all been waiting for the next chapter for a week...Friday is today I write...the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!:D I hope you enjoy it and I don't have much time so if I make mistakes please forgive me and yes i'm doing this quickly memorizing what happenes to each character, please to not feel bad you weren't in this chapter...:( I already feel bad about that! So here it is! Scroll down and read!:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 10: Plans, plans, plans! Marcus and Namine were panting catching for their own breaths. The huge limit wasted half their energy. Marcus looked over his shoulder seeing Namine catching for breath. "We make a good team, Namine." Marcus grinned at her giving a two thumbs up. Namine giggled and smiled at Marcus standing up properly. "Thankyou, Marcus. Your right. We do make a good team." she said walking ahead forward, Marcus followed. Marcus and Namine were walking together, prepared for what will come next. Namine had weird thoughts going through her head. Like... how did she get here, and more. Marcus had amazing thoughts through him..but one remaining with no answer. He appeared to be able to weild a keyblade but how on Earth did Namine get here. He looked over to Namine and saw her holding up a green glass with glitters. "Here, hi-potion it'll cure half you damage." she said handing it over to Marcus. Marcus looked at it glowing glittery. He opened the jar tap and sprayed it on him, sprinkles of hi-potion went on him withn a blossom blooming for cure. Marcus felt much more powerful and good. Namine poured her self some elixir and grinned. So the two continued on walking forth for their next challenge for sure their plan was ready to...attack. **************************************************************** Tybic smiled and patted Saix's back for some sort of reason. "Thanks, Saix." Saix nodded and walked out with Tybic. "Where to?" he asked while walking with the twice his small size, Tybic. "We can open a corridor of darkness...can we?" he asked. Saix nodded and put forth his hand out and there he released open a corridor. "Let's go." Tybic nodded and walked right in the dark corridor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walking right out they entered a new place, North America, New York City. "Been here before?" he asked Tybic looking at him with his yellow-ish eyes. Tybic shooked his head and saw people walking then suddenly...he saw...Riku!? "R-r-" Before Tybic could finish his sentence Saix cutted in. "Riku, weilder..." he said walking forward. Tybic remembered that he said he'd helped Kairi find Riku and Sora. No way he can't let that say down! Tybic gave a smile and quickly ran to Riku with an excited face. "Rikuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!" Tybic yelled rushing over to the "Riku" and uknown guy. Saix saw Tybic rush fast by him, he seemed to be in speed. Riku turned around and he was pushed to the ground with arms around him by the weight of thr boy he knocked over Riku with a quick speed. "What the!?" Riku had no idea what was happening. Luke looked up to the person and...Saix!? Luke looked serious and he quickly released his keyblade. "Who're you!" he said walking forward with the keyblade sticking out. Tybic looked up and saw the boy sticking his keyblade to them. "Oh, a weilder eh? Well so am I!" he yelled released out his keyblade. The keyblades met eachother and they shoned through the sun light. Riku stood up and wiped his pants from the dust particles and looking up. He saw. Saix. Riku glared and released his Way to Dawn keyblade. Saix looked at Riku feeling offended by the keyblade, releasing his Claymore. It was go time! Tybic and Luke charged eachother, they're keyblade smashed together on the edge they kept attacking eachother but no hit. Tybic was struggling but then yelled out, "FIRE!" and a raps of fire relased from his keyblade and burned Luke's wrist making in burn in the inside. Luke whined for a moment and charged back yelled "THUNDER!" A shock of thunder srtiked down and hit Tybic's back causing him to fall down. "!" he yelles standing on his feet attacking back. Luke glared at him and did a back flip to dodge the keyblade attack. *************************************************************** Lynn wiped her mouth and laughed a little...she actually attacked the heartless's! "Wow.." she whispered her keyblade dissapeared from her hand. She crunched her hand together and looked up flipping her back hair, like nothing ever happened. She then heard a huge shock, the sound of her mother from far. "Mom!?" she yelled, she began to run, but automatically she did a hight jump leap. "Wha!?" she said, she continued to high jump leap to her house, which was really easy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arriving at her house she saw her mom and dad fading together...into ashes air. Tears went in her eyelids, she tried not to cry but couldn't control it. She saw them look up and smiled to her daughter. "It's ok, Lynn...may we rest in peace, while you live in peace." Lynn shooked her head and put her hand through her mom's stomach, it went through like she was a water getting poked through and out. She gasped and touched her fathers face, her hand went through, both were disspearing. It was the good day but worse day that ever happened to her. Her parents dieing on the cold surface, fading to ashes. But Lynn looked up and heard a stomp from the attic, she ingnored her parents and walked up the stairs slowly. Her nervous sysytem was vibrating, her heart was thumping, pumping the blood through her. Goose bumps rised up from her arms. Butterflies scattered in her stomach. Lynn reached the top and she turned around, slowly. Making sure no one was watching her or getting ready to attack her. She walked to her parents room and saw the heartless sworming in and then looking back over it;s shoulder it grinned and laughed alittle and looked straight to Lynn whom was standing at the door. The heartless hissed, " Lynn, don't ask how I know your name! I must grab your heart and set you free, with your parent's of that is. What will be your choice?" Lynn shooked her head, and stepped to the window in her parents room." No, I'd rather live then get my heart reached in being taken out for no reason!" she retorted. The heartless growled."You've made a wrong choice...Lynn!" He growled loud like a beast and wapped his tail making a big wind blow Lynn at outside, smashin the window she fell out and landed on her back hurtfully. Her head was hurting and back was hurting also, she was bleeding from the upper left leg. She looked up and the heartless jumped right to her and- ************************************************************* Jack was holding Eden under his arms, walking in the woods. Jack had a serious face going on and he was walking quite fast, Eden was trying to kick her way out but couldn't, before, when Jack went to the last portal leaving Roxas alone. He injected a needle into Eden's legs for her legs to be weak by the minute. But the only cure was pour Mega-elixir on the legs. Eden was looking away from Jack's face. "Why are you taking me!" she yelled, Jack ignored her and kept on walking, fast he went by the second. He then bumped into the Superior whom was having his hands behind his back. "Where's Roxas? And why'd you bring this imbecile girl to me!" He demanded in a low voice. "I demand for an explanation!" Jack sighed and dropped Eden to the dirt ground leaqving her in the leaves and mud. Jack bowed to Xemas and looked away from him. "I didn't want to do that job so I knew Roxas had nothing because I didn't i had no tingling but for her, she had a sense of power in her heart and she was having a huge power source somewhere, I can feel it." Xemnas nodded and looked at Eden was trying to stand up. "We have another member. She's joined the org-" "Why!" Jack exclaimed. Xemnas glared at him and stepped to the side appearing the face of a girl. Jack looked at her eyes, it didn't look like she was braze, yet nervous..mostly the same. Angel bowed to Jack and said, "It's an honor to meet you..finally-" narrowing her eyes. Jack bowed back and took Eden into his arm's again. "I must leave, and cure her back, leaving her in shackles." **************************************************************** Valerie walked in and saw Sora with an unhappy face." What's wrong?" she asked sitting beside Sora. Sora sighed and said, "Well I was browsing your room seeing pictures of me, Riku Kairi and Donald and Goofy and other people." Valerie nodded and patted Sora's back and passed him some food. "Eat, you'll feel better. Oh Sora...who're looking for?" Sora gulped his food inside and nodded, "Kairi and Riku, I have to reunite with them! I've been seperated from them again!" he said banging his fist on his knee. "Please don't-" before Valerie finished about 20 dusks surrounded them, appearing out of nowhere. Sora saw them and released his keyblades. He looked over his shoulder and passed Valerie a bag that was shaking. To be continued Hoped you liked it, took my whole time typing this!:D Please comment and hoped u liked it!
Awww thanks!:D My chapter shall be up today later on in the noon. I have school now and never i'm aloud onthe computer I have... Math Science Science Lunch Lunch DPA LA SS French....teehee( just a guess of my schedule) but the 3 first are right..I checked. Well thankyou for commenting:D
Well obviously this is ANOTHER story again! I'm sorry to put up another but...I had to do it I doulcn't resist but post it up! This is just how it'll be, and yes i'm still writing Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth, just on Fridays and weekends because never the weekdays are free sorry for writing up another story, please comment if you'd like...(read the carefully...) The School That Never Was and Chapter 1(it's short I was invited by my dad for a treat to McDonalds...not that bad but I am hungry I haven't ate since 11:48 Xemnas was walking down the hall way having thoughts run through his mind. Only XII members in the Organization, number XIII has left the Organization...betrayel. Walking down the hall way he saw Axel leaning against the wall having a ripped piece of paper in his left hand. Instead of ignoring the assassin he walked to him standing infront of him. "What do you have there, number eight," Xemnas asked with a little glare in his eyes. Axel's emerald eyes looked up to Xemnas's organe-ish eyes. "A ripped piece of paper, saying-" Axel held up the paper and read the dirty writing. Axel I must say that The School That Never Was, Xemnas requested is almost finished. I have a request for you. You, Xigbar, Larxene, Zexion and Demyx collect some nobodies, not over the age of 20. We already have some over 20 year olds. So I already found one but never had the time to kiddnap him, he seems to have dark green hair one covering his nose. I found out his name, it's Felix. Well techincally I "called him Felix but, you know what I mean don't you? Anyways as number III please do this request, we must collect about 30 nobodies in order to start The School That Never Was. By: III Axel ripped the paper more and released it out of his hands, spirnkling down to the white clear floor. Xemnas glared at him for quite a moment. " Axel, I believe that now you should do your request otherwise there will be more." Axel nodded and opened a corridor of darkness, walking right in. Xemnas continued on walking having some more thoughts in his head. "30 members eh?" an Axel plushie..i sleep with him..(not the wrong way) but just incase I get bad dreams which I hate xD.
Happy birthday who's ever birthday it is on kh-vids Also.. Happy birthday Grandpa, my friends dad and my friend Brandon:D...
Hey! Sorry if this story didn't get it's next chapter, but here it is! You've al been waiting for*smirk* welp here it is!:):D:):D Everyone has a short part ok? lol ok:D Chapter 10 comes tomorrow :) Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 9: Limit counts! In Kentucky, USA, Lynn was walking on the sidewalk looking forward ahead, feeling the light breeze go through her face and blissfully through her hair. The wind was getting windier by the minute, it was all a breeze. As Lynn was walking she saw a medium sized bottle with a green glow inside. She was not sure, so walking forward to it she took in her hands and grinned at it with her eye brow raised up. "Hm...and what's this?" She asked herself...alone. Lynn put it in her backpack, that she carried around at some times. Zipping the zipper back up, she continued on walking and headed straight for home. For sure Lynn knew that she would be home alone for 5 hours, because her parents would be out of town doing buisness. Walking she bumped into a Huge heartless 2 times taller than her, she was frightened and satisfied. Lynn began to run, she didn't relalize it was heartless until she saw it's yellow eyes. "Heartless," she yelled. She wanted to fight but couldn't she had no weapons in her hands or nothing! She only had some bottle with glittering glowing green inside. Until a tingle reached her hand, goose bumps rising up her arms, a keyblade brightly appeared in her hand, not any normal but a different one with black and yellow on the handle and some other things that she couldn't describe. "A k-keyblade!?" Gasping she grinned at the heartless and charged toward the huge heartlessm, " Your ashes! Your Heartless!" She hitted the heartless repeatedly whenever the heartless wasn't looking, nothing she couldn't beat it, she closed her eyes and tightened her fist together. A swarm of white circles surrounded her embraces onto her and slowly forming down it appeared to be a black beast, closely looking like a heartless. She looked up and glared charging towards the heartless with only 1 bite the heartless moaned in pain and dissapeared into ashes, a heart floating up into the air not being stopped. ***************************************************************** As they arriveed at another airport, passengers were sent to use the washroom from the excitement...and bladder. Riku and Luke were walking, proud they both were. "Man! That was some sweet ride Luke!" Riku said smiling over to Luke. Luke's face turned red and he laughed a litte, "well it was only for a little bit, besides I learned from driving that gummi ship in the manuel." he said. Riku nodded and looking at the exit door. "Do you know where we are?" he asked nudging him over on his left arm. Luke shrugged and looked up at the sign. It said " You are in New York City". "New York city it says." Riku nodded to Luke and reached in his pocket. "I need some Health feels low," he said pouring some on his body ith green glitter and a blossom blooming on top on his head. "Have you ever been to New York city before L?" Riku asked putting his hand in his hair, Luke shrugged and sniffed under his arm pitt." I need a shower..." he said slowly turning away from his arm pitt. Riku laughed and sniffed his own too! Riku laughed and patted Luke's back. "It's ok, we both stink! Let's see if anyone has a washroom in here to clean!" Riku said walking towards the busy street. People were walking on phones walking through the side walk, Taxi's in the one road, cars honking and more. It was a very, very busy street in New York City in the center. Advertizement's and slogans were hung up in the New York City Center place. Riku saw a sign saying "Salon! Manicures Relax and more!" Riku poked Luke's arm and said, " Luke look! Salon Manicures Relxas and more! That'll solve our problems!" he said. Luke laughed and walked forward with Riku to the store! ********************************************************************* It was 10 in the morning, Saix and Tybic were having some kind of morning sandwich in a breakfast store. Saix kept chewing and chewing his food. Tybic wiped his mouth with his wrist and grabbed his organge juice sipping it. "You must be really hungry." Saix said wiping his hands with the napkin. Tybic nodded and grinned, " I was really hungry ever since Kairi and me were fighting!" he gladly said. Saix shoved his plate away and put his hand under his chin and looked to the window. "Kairi?" he asked," she's still here?". Tybic shooked his head. "She's gone, some green streaked girl kiddnapped her and slapped her somewhere and then..." Saix put his hand forth and nodded. " I understand well, let's go-" he made a face and tried to smile. "Help's over...we live, wi'll get our hearts back in this world" Saix said standing up tucking his chair in. *************************************************************** Marcus was walking with Namine, until a heartless appeared.ABout 10 Large ones came. "Let's fight," Namine said adjusting her hands. Marcus cocked his head and nodded slowly."Suuuuureeee....." Marcus walked forward, his eyes grew wide. Namine looked at Marcus, "Release your keblade feel like you have no fear," calmly she said, Marcus nodded and relaxed with no fear. A keyblade appeared, another different kind. Namine nodded and calmly said, " Drawing keys!" A blue light appeared on the keyblade and it flashed quick. "what?" Marcus asked himself. It was a limit, Namine created. Marcus charged and everything went blue hitting all heartlesses together. "Blue breaks!" Marcus yelled, a blue came out and Namine drew which made Marcus charge again and.....ATTACK!! To be continued. Sorry if not everyone could make it:(:) the bright side is that I got to get to this chapter, which I should be gratefull of, I think I made some mistakes or so an yeah.... I hoped you liked it and please comment. Oh if it helps it's like for fun when ever you have time a 1 minute trailer of my story Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth. It's just for fun and you really don't need to do it so yeap:D anyways please comment!:D