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  1. Mexony
    I can't wait for the next chapter this is getting so interesting!!! Lovin'it!
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Mexony
    Well yeah and sorry for the late submission on the story and stuff. So please enjoy and comment on this chapter if you like to.

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 15 : Memories

    Xigbar and Kirsty were still walking. The smoke scent got closer and the voices were getting a little more clearer. " How much further?" Kirsty asked putting her hand on top of her other hand. Xigbar pointed staright ahead thinking. " Um... about thrity or twenty more steps." Kirsty nodded and grinned over her shoulder to Xigbar and began to run. Xigbar's jaw dropped and ran right behind her. " You won't win!" Xigbar said with a postive attitude. Kirsty cocked her head until she bumped in to a another cloaked member. " Do you...mind-who are you?" asked the figure in the cloak.

    Kirtsy put her finger on her lip in a bit nervous until Xigbar came leaniung his shoulder on Kirsty. " My new friends Kirsty. She's here to-" he was cutted off by a direct hit from the back on the head. Abrutly he was knocked out for quite a while. The cloak grabbed Kirty's wrist and pulled her next to him, so she wouldn't leave. "Um..excuse me! Let go!" Kirsty called out to the cloaked figure. The cloaked figure ignored Kirsty and kept on dragging her across. She was trying to keep her feet up so she wouldn't end up falling being dragged on the ground. "Ptff...whatever." said the voice.


    Jack was sitting on the branch watching Xemnas and Amber talking. Seems that Xemnas was very dissapointed. Jack grinned. He looked over his shoulder and saw Xaale peacfully on the leaves on the hamock sleeping. He rubbed his lips against his wrist. Watching he saw Angel get up from the wooden seat, entering a corridor. " Meeting's over." he whispered. Feeling a tap on his shoulder it was Angel with her arms crossed. " Thanks." she said pushing his right shoulder. Jack nodded and closed his eyes.

    "Your mission failed and if I had a heart I'd be laughing and then suffering with a heart attack.'' Jack said. Angel squinted and turned around looking at Xaale. "You tricked her." she lowered her voice. He nodded and stood up on the branch and put his hand on Angel's shoulder. " It's not my fault I was beaten to be in this pathetic Organization!" he whispered through her ear. Angel's eyes widened and they rolled. " Yeah right! You chose to be in the Organization and pathetically your a sucess!" Jack turned his head away and sighed. " Well I was the first person to find all this out in the's so strange. It's really hard to run away-" Jack stopped


    I got powers...awesome!" He said.
    As Jack was running, a figure took his arm and pulled him in, covering his hand over his mouth.

    "Don't bite or scream...come with me..." a voice said.
    Jack nodded, he was shaking cautiosuly, scared that he would be kiddnpapped for life..or worse...murdered.


    Jack was getting sleepy, as he was carried he was in the woods laying on the mudd that was wet.
    "" He asked himself.
    "Welcome." said a figure.
    "Show your self! Or i'll take serious charges!" he yelled.
    They're were chuckles surrounding him, about 12 people..or more...
    "Gladly." one said in a deep voice.
    Portal came in showing 12 people in black cloaks.

    "Your...your...Organization XIII!!!" Jack yelped, running in circles.
    " did you know...?"
    Jack took a deep breath and looked at them in a smile.
    "Well...I knew you all ever since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out! Umm take off the hoods!" Jack commanded excitedly.

    "What ever..." One said in a bored motion voice.
    They all took their hoods off and looked at Jack, who was smiling excitedly.
    "Oh my god!!!!It's you! Um your Xemnas,Xigbar,Xaldin,Vexen,Lexaeus,Zexion,Saix,Axe l,Demyx,Luxord,Marluxia and Larxene!!!!!!!!"

    They all had suprised faces.
    "Tell me..what's your name.." Xemnas asked calmly.
    "I'm Jack!!!" Jack excitedly said.
    Xemnas nodded and summonded a heartless out.
    "You shall become one of us...a Nobody...we shall become Organization XIV!!!" Xemnas said, with a little grin.
    "Woo hooo! One of you-wait! One of you!!?" Jack asked, he looked at the same heartless, only their were 20 times more.

    "Wait Wait!!!" Jack yelled.
    The Heartless jumped and scratched him and started to get to his chest..where the heart was.
    "Leave me alone!" Fire flew out casting some heartless away.

    "Do it Axel." Xemnas said.
    Axel grinned,"Certainly."

    He summoned out his chakrams and grinned.
    "This'll hurt alittle Jack-o-lantern!!" Axel screamed.
    Jack gasped, he was attacked, one hit and he flew across to the tree, bumping his head, causing some blood coming out of the back of his head.
    "Ow..." Jack whined. That hurt lot...
    Heartless jumped on him and holded him back to grabbed his heart.
    "No...No!!" Jack yelled.
    The heartless took Jack's heart out.
    Jack's eyes went all the way back, leaving them white.
    Blood was spreading.
    "His Nobody will be somewhere...I know it..." Xemnas said.
    All the members nodded.
    "Search for him..the other half..which his Larxene,Marluxia,Luxord,Saix and Axel...go find Sora..or...some other children to kiddnap and turn them into Nobodies like us." Xemnas glared.
    ~End Flash Back~

    Jack shooked his head and opened a corridor. " Where you going Nobody!" Angle taunted. Jack looked over his shoulder. " I'm going, leaving.. I'm gonna find the person..who did this."

    Tybic and Luke were laying peacfully on the grass. Valerie was asleep. Saix,Sora and Riku were talking."I wonder... who on Earth would start this." Luke said. Tybic shrugged looking at Valerie. "You can admit it." Luke said to tybic interupting his moment of stare. Tybic looked at Luke cocking his head. " Admit what?" he asked. Luke laughed alittle, " you know... you in a crush with her?" he laughed some more. Tybic blushed and got up pushing him to the side. " Shut-up ! I am not in a crush it's just that she's a girl and only girl here and-"
    "Save it." Luke said rubbing his nose. " Moving on, we got like six more hours until it's sun rise so let's make the best of it."

    Tybic nodded. "I remember when this all started..."
    ~Flash back~

    "Today is the worst Saturday in my life!" he said.
    The wind blew and dry dirt from the ground flew causing it to go in peoples eyes.

    It went in Tybic's eyes, he gasped and quickly wiped his eyes, to get it off. He then saw a girl with dark red hair a pink kinda dress, puple shoes and a black hood.

    "K-Kairi? Or just someone imitating Kairi?" he asked himself.
    He stood up took a deep breath and walked towards the uknown person.
    "Hey um-are you ugh, Kairi?From Destiny Island?" Tybic asked.
    The red dark hair turned around, her hair swished when she turned around.
    It was Kairi.
    " Yes i'm Kairi, from Destiny Island. How did you know my name and where I came from?" Kairi asked, crossing her arms.
    "Oh, well you see your in a game called Kingdom Hearts and-bla bla bla! I can't say it all! Well anyways your in Italy, Rome! The great!"

    "Uh-oh." Kairi said covering her mouth. Typbic crossed his arms.
    "What? You don't like it here?" Tybic asked, with a stray face.
    Kairi shooked her head and pointed out behind Tybic's body.
    "No! Heartless! Their here!" she yelled.
    Tybic turned around and saw about 100 heartless crawling forward.
    "Aww man! Kairi summon your keyblade!" Tybic called.
    Kairi nodded and summoned her flowery keyblade.

    "You have a keyblade?" Kairi asked. Tybic shooked his head and grabbed a hard small rock in his hands.
    "Naw but-" A light came in his hands.
    Appearing was a keyblade! A pistol kind.
    Tybic had no words out of his mouth so he grinned.
    "Let's go!!!" he yelled charging to them.
    Kairi nodded and charged after.
    ~End Flashback~

    Tybic nodded, Luke looked over and nodded saying, " Well I met Riku and we fought went on airport, fight somemore., kick some heartless but, go in NewYork, meet you guys, fight some more, meet Sora and Valerie, eat and eat, fight a damn big heartless which made me get some hand cramps and talking this now." Luke said streching. Tybic nodded. " Wow."

    Rexmildd was walking through a forest remembering before this all happened.

    ~Flash back (never seen..)~

    Rexmildd known as Mildred was walking with Mexony known as Noemy to the convienience store to buy some food and something for them to eat. " You know what be cool?" Noemy asked with a grinn, walking in the hot air. Mildred shrugged. " What? Tell me." she said looking at her mom's cellphone, checking the time. 1:42. " That Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth, that'll be cool we fight and there be no problems and we meet all the characters! The three soldiers, Organization XIII and my favourite Roxas!" Noemy said. Mildred laughed alittle.

    "Cool. I wish for some eggs you know, mom doesn't make'em anymore." she said laughing a little. Noemy put her hand over Mildred's shoulder. " Let's wait, when the shooting stars come we'll wish what we want and then it'll come true, ptff maybe and then we'll be happy!" Noemy said happily.
    ~End FlashBack~

    Rexmildd shooked her head with mad eyes. " Youy may be happy Mexony, but i'm not!" she yelled. She let out a big roar and panted taking deep breaths.

    To be continued.

    Yeah that's about it, sorry I couldn't add all of you guys in but I hoped you like it:)... and yeah I feel so jolly so don't burst my jolly wolly smally bubble!:D Just kidding, anyways please comment if you like and wait for the next chapter!:D

    Thinking the new chapter will be up somehow..after Christmas? Because I have a family to be with well actually i'll kinda be unwrapping presents and spend time with them cause I am really jolly to them and Christmas so i'm expecting to have a long chapter (maybe) by Friday.:)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Mexony
    Hey Everyone i'l be able to put up the next chapter by Saturday Or Friday so yeah check the thread you never know what day:)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Mexony

    I always wanted a tv with cable and channel 25 to watch anime every Friday:D

    (for my room)
    Thread by: Mexony, Dec 18, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mexony
    As my wish I wish...

    1. Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    2. A big room ( my room is small T_T)
    3. To get my family something they've always wanted ( I love my family(L))
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mexony
    A mission perhaps it was to bring a new member... I can't quite remember but..I think you ahd to get a new member but suddenly yeah...Thats alll I can remember.
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Mexony
    Well everyone…. The darknessgrowswithin Thanks for helping my make this idea so um yeah… well here everyone here’s the next chapter :D

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 14: Kingdom Hearts appears

    “ Kingdom Hearts.†Jack said putting a chip in his mouth. He crunched it up in his mouth and licked his fingers. Xemnas had a wide grin apon his face. “There it is… lovely isn’t it?†Xemnas said taking a chip to his mouth. Jack nodded and stood up wiping the left branch pieces off his cloak. “ Superior, sorry but I have a mission to do. Find Angel.†He said opening a corridor of darkness. Xemnas nodded and looked at Kingdom Hearts gazing at it with such great wonders and little bit “feelingâ€.

    Jack walked through the road. His sensors can sense that Angel was around here somewhere. He heard laughing and giggling behind him. He figured it would be her.

    Angel laughed and passed Xaale some fruit. “No kidding eh?†Angel asked putting a grape in her mouth. Xaale nodding chewing her fruit. “ No really! I actually did beat up the meanest girl in my class!†she laughed and stopped. She felt someone breathing on her neck. Goosebumps were rising. “ Um Angel…†Xaale freaked.

    Angel looked up and saw Xaale who’s shoulders were rised up. “ Yeah Xaale?†Angel said biting a piece of an apple. “Xaale…what a lovely name†said a voice. Xaale turned around and saw nothing. “ Someone’s- um†Xaale freaked and heard his voice again speaking softly and nice. “ Don’t fret. I won’t harm you. I can’t harm a pretty young teen. If you want to see how I look like how about climbing up higher on the tree-hmm?†whispered the voice. Xaale slowly nodded and carefully stood up on the branch she was sitting on. “ Um Xaale? Where you going?†Angel asked taking a sip of her water.

    Xaale shook her head and climbed up one more branch. “ I’ll be right back.†She said quietly.

    Jack grinned and waited for her to reach the third branch. As she climbed on the third branch he grinned and went behind her whispering to her ear. “ Now don’t turn around unless I say so… now Xaale when I say turn you turn around, simple yes?†Jack said. He felt her nodding and breathing. “Turn.†Jack said and when Xaale turned around Jack pressed forward to her face a gave a little kiss on her lips. Xaale eyes widened and her eyes closed before that Jack opened a portal and carried her in.
    ‘ My plan worked, not only does this magic work but it has to take another cute man to kiss her to awaken from the spell’ Jack snickered through the portal.

    Angel looked up and didn’t hear anything. She was a little worried so she climbed up to the third branch. “ Xaale?†she called. Angel stood on the branch and looked around. There was no one. “ Oh perfect. Better go tell Xemnas and Zexion.†She sighed and entered through the portal. Feeling the wind blowing she entered and the portal closed.

    Xigbar and Kirsty were having some drinks. Grape juice. She looked at Xigbar, seeing him get up. “Where are you going or you just stretching?’’ Kirsty asked, then taking a sip of her grape juice. “Hey um… Kirsty you know what that is right?†Xigbar asked pointing up to the dark sky. She nodded saying, “ Kingdom Hearts.†Xigbar chuckled and opened a corridor of darkness.

    “I’m running off Kirsty that is…if you want to come with me.†He looked over his shoulder. Kirsty shrugged and got up walking to him to the corridor. “ I’ll come, but no funny business! I got lame school tomorrow!†Kirsty mumbled crossing her arms together. Xigbar but his arm around her and snickered a little. “ Then don’t go.†He said simply. Kirsty looked over and saw his left glowing eye. “ R-Really?†she asked gazing away. Xigbar nodded and walked with his arm around her In the corridor of darkness.

    They entered and the woods was dark. There was no sound, though they could see some smoke floating in the air. “ They’re probably eating.†Xigbar said walking forward. Kirsty cocked her head. “ They’re? Who’s…they’re?†she asked. Xigbar turned around. “ What you didn’t think I came to this place alone.†Kirsty nodded a little reaching her hand out by 5 centimeters. “ I thought-.†Xigbar cutted In saying “ I live with the Organization duh now let’s go.â€

    A whisper came behind. “Um…who’s there?†Xigbar asked releasing his ponytail. He shaked it all up and tied it back in the pony-tail. A person came in, it was Eden and Amber. “ Xigbar what are you doing here?†Eden asked. “ Going back to base, and what are you guys doing here?†he asked. Amber and Eden grinned and looked a Kirsty. “ Finding our way back to base and we heard there was a new member In our group and also!†Eden said, Amber cutted in saying “We think Angel’s getting in BIG trouble because we heard she failed her mission!†Amber excitedly said. Kirsty didn’t know who these um…people were? But she nodded and looked at Xigbar at who was already walking.

    Kirsty walked over to Xigbar, catching up with him. “Um who were those people.†Kirsty asked. Xigbar looked over and saw Kirsty looking straight into his eyes. “ Those were my ‘friends’ and new†he said. Kirsty nodded and looked straight ahead she smelled more smoke and some…food? Like marsh mellows or something.
    Though she did want to know who these unknown people were.

    Amber and Eden looked ahead and giggled and saw Lynn who was carving on the tree. A heart? “Hey Lynn! What’cha doing carving on the poor tree!†Eden called over. Lynn shrugged and turned around dropping the sharp knife. “ Let’s go-.†She was interrupted by the melodious’ nocturnes footsteps, crunching on the leaves. She turned around and saw him smiling giving a wave to the three girls.

    “Hey Demyx!†Amber said jumping into his arms. Eden crossed her arms and leaned on his arm. “ Hey Dem.†She simply said closing her eyes. Lynn shooked her head and walked off. Demyx cocked his head and let go off the girls pressing them some soft forehead kisses and walked over to Lynn. “Hey, what’s up?†Demyx asked putting his hand over her shoulder. Lynn sighed shaking her head. She decided she didn’t want to talk about it, so she ran through the woods and jumped on a tree branch and made her way up to the top and keep on jumping through tree by tree.

    “Hey!†Demyx called, he jumped on the tree branch and caught up to her. When she stopped Demyx took her wrist and pulled her over into his arms. Lynn wiped a tear away from her eyes and she soft sobbed into his chest, she was pressed into Demyx’s chest and Demyx patted her head. “Hey what’s wrong Lynn? You suddenly start being sad.†Demyx said smoothing her back. Lynn looked up with tears in her eyes. She looked into his eyes and said “ Before it was all normal ! Until something happened I appeared to have a weapon and have magic along with powers until my parents died! They died because of that stupid damn heartless!†Lynn sobbed. Demyx made a little frown and put his chin on hers.

    “ I’m going to kill who ever started this damn thing!†Lynn said. Demyx nodded and comforted her. Amber and Eden looked up and felt little jealous. “ Let’s get up there.†Eden whispered to Amber. They nodded and climbed on and hugged Demyx and Lynn to make a four hug.

    Valerie and Tybic were talking to each other, while Luke and the three guys were talking.
    “So um… all weird ain’t it?†Tybic said putting his hand behind his back. Valerie nodded and looked into his eyes. “ Hey um-.†She stopped and saw Luke walking to them. Luke gave a little wave and said “ So we’re in the Eastern part a little of New York and by tomorrow we should make it to somewhere in a Hotel.†Luke said pointing on the map. Valerie nodded while Tybic sighed. A loud roar came.

    “What the heck was that!†Tybic gasped releasing out his weapon. Luke shrugged and released out his weapon also. Valerie stood there and ran over to Sora and the other gang. “ Guy’s we got trouble! I think we’re getting close to danger-AHHHHHHH!†Valerie suddenly yelled. A heartless grabbed her and pulled her up shaking her continuously. Tybic and Luke gasped and nodded to each other. “One, two…go!†Luke yelled. He jumped and released a fire ball out of his keyblade attacking the heartless. It dropped Valerie making her crash to the roof of a building. Valerie cried in pain, it seemed from that high fall made her break a bone.

    Tybic looked and saw no Valerie in the heartless’ hands. Luke went to Tybic and both saw Sora, Saix and Riku running to them. Luke scratched his chin and grinned. “ Guys! Maybe if we force our weapons together we can form an ultimate limit!†Luke said. Tybic nodded and put his hand out the others hands stacked on top of Tybic’s hand. “Limit!†they all yelled. A Light glowed with green, red, blue and yellow. They formed a mixture and went up to them into each of their weapons. They all jumped high and charged at the heartless fiercely. “ AHHHHH!!!†they all yelled. Saix went berserk and did a high attack on the heartless’ chin. Sora jumped with Riku and they both went through the heartless’s chest making a humongous whole. Tybic and Luke jumped and,

    Did a mixture keyblade break attack( new limit). The heartless roared in pain, The five jumped together and attached their weapon together forming a huge keyblade. The all yelled and the huge keyblade went right through the heartless.
    The fight was over.

    They all landed on the roof, Sora ran over to Valerie for some support for one of her broken bones. She has scratches on her legs and arms from the high drop in the sky.
    Tybic and Luke gave some high fives and props. “ That was awesome!†they both said. Saix gave a tiny smile and gave tiny thumbs up. Riku laughed and making his keyblade disappear in his hands. They all made their weapons disappears. Sora jumps down from the roof with Valerie on his back. Valerie looked in so much pain.

    “You okay?†Tybic asked walked to her. Valerie shooked her head and looked at all of them. “ My right leg hurts I think I broke my leg bone…†they all looked around.
    “Anyone have an elixir?†Luke asked.

    Mexony and Muxene were running through the forest. “ We got to go to your place and get a camera or maybe…wait!†Muxene said as they were running. “Hexia has a camera! We can go ask her if we can borrow it!†Muxene said. Mexony nodded and grabbed Muxene’s wrist and pulled her running. “ Hang on and hope you don’t fall because you know how fast I am and stuff hold on and we’ll be there in 15 to 10 minutes!†Mexony said.

    To be continued.

    Yeap that took me two days in my spare time and more will come so you never know when a new chapter comes!:D Thanks TDGW if it weren't for you I'd still be rushing through one chapter:) and the rest thanks for all particapating in the this story I've created. Thanks for commenting and enjoying more chapter will come soon!

    Please comment and hoped you like it.
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Mexony
    Those two chapter were beautiful...*coughZ* um yeah thats what you read! Lol That was great I can feel the tingling in my stomach:D (which is a good thing) I can't wait for your next chapter:D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Mexony

    Mmmm...probably Tueday or Monday tomorrow. Thanks to the idea of darknessgrows:) So yeap...:D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Mexony god... why didn't I think of that!!! You my friend are so smart! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D thanks a billion catrillion million billion in finite beyond!:D:D I'l do that then everyone will be able to share a part:D Thankyou:D

    Little hint the next will get little romance for some scenes and alittle more action then *cough* eating.*put on typing hands* thank tdgw for giving the hinty tip I owe you!:D So just now tomorrow i'll write the next chapter and i'llbet by Friday this chapter will be long.:D Now chapters come any random day Friday SAturday or Sunday or Monday Tuesday not Wednesday or Thursday . :D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Mexony
    I'd say uh...

    Teacher: Noemy, where's your homework? You didn't hand it in yet and don't give me the excuse of I forgot it, left it in my locker well duh your supposed to remember! So..where is it?

    Noemy: Well half it that I did left it my locker because I didn't finish it..because...I didn't get any of it.

    Teacher: Ok, Lunch detention and I will be calling your parents to let them know you didn't do your homework.

    Yeap....that always happens twice or once I think but it was worth it I told the truth otherwise my excuse would've been.

    " Oh um Homework 'bout that...I was running then the beast came and grabbed it saying" homeworks are for nerds." the do I get a detention...xD
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mexony
    Yeap because I saw you avis and sigs and I realized most of em were cookiesxD so I decided to add that in:D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Mexony
    Here we are everyone! It's a new chapter and you know what that means!!!:D Woot! Well here I am so i'll type and try to fit everyone in here!!!:)

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 13: One day has ended

    The day has ended and it was such a twist shall the night come and the lights shine above. Today has ended and the night will be dark will the heroes and enemies stop, let them rest? No one is quite sure...

    "Give up?" Angel asked with a grin apon her face. Xaale shook her head and put her hand on her hip. " Well, we've been fighting for hours..." she trailed off. The sun was setting and it was going down. Angel sighed and made her weapon dissapeared and so did Xaale. " I give up, my hand has cramps and my legs are sore and numb!" she said. Angel nodded and rubbed her fingers together, " I'm beat, well how bout a truce?" she said sticking her hands out.

    Xaale stretched her hand out and took her hand shaking it. " So really from the Organization?" Xaale asked. Angel nodded and put her hand over her stomach her face went a little hungry-ness. " I'm hungry." Xaale smiled and took some money out of her pockets. " How bout some lunch-woah." she saw a big shining light up in the dark sky. Something big and shiny, it showed it was Kingdom-

    Xigbar was still being dragged, Kirsty was alittle mad, school was over already, night was coming she was still dragging Xigbar. "Man! She wouldn't let you aloud in there! Why didn't ya say something eh, porque!?" she whined. Xigbar rasied his eyebrow, " Well what was I supposed to do, she spoke in some kind of language!" Kirsty sighed " Porque, porque!!!" she looked up with her eyes closed. Xigbar cocked his head he snatched himself away and looked Kirsty who was now on her knees looking down.

    " I'm sorry, um.. Xiggy! Guess what!" she said standing up changing her mood, " I saw this heartless- I should've told you earlier but well kinda to think about it lets go eat some tortilla eh?" she walked jolly until Xigbar grabbed her wrist. " No, before we do that, I hadn't had some fun in this day boring day! So um let's-" he licked his lips and realesed out his snipers. " Fight."

    Kirsty nodded and released out her weapon, she had no idea why.
    Xigbar dodged and went behind but before that the light shoned and Xigbar stopped with his eyes bright as the light.
    " Well you know kiddy-erm yeah. Dude...It's Kingdom-"

    Sora, Riku and Saix were eating like pigs, Valerie, Tybic and Luke looked like they didn't know them. A women passed by with her two kids, One went on to Saix and tugged his cloak. " hey mwister why woo wearing thwat?" he asked. Saix looked over with a mouthfull. " I wobbent gwo kobid" he said with food in his mouth The boy's eyes were getting watery and he ran away to his mother.

    Tybic took Saix's hand. " Calm down guy. You just scared a little boy off with tears." Saix swallowed and shrugged taking a sip then after saying, " Well sorry!Now let me continue on." Sora and Riku smiled taking big bites on their burgers.
    "OK we're going now to a hotel to sleep!" Valerie said standing up tking Sora's greasy hands. Luke grabbed Riku's arm and pulled him off the chair.
    "That was sooo delicious!" Sora jumped he had tears of joy he stuck his hand out to the table. Walking out to the exit Riku and Saix and Sora yelled joyfully " I'll never forget you!"

    They exited and Riku began licking his fingers. Luke narrowedhis eyes and started walking they saw the news on the centre of Newyork city and saw a man talking with something huge.

    "This is amazing!Scientist are researching this and look now Better then the moon another thing appeared!!!" the man said.

    Valerie and Tybic looked up while Luke was already looked up.
    "It's, K-Kingdom H-"

    Mexony and Muxene were looking up at the nightsky at their school on the tall hill. " I miss Rexmildd, why'd she join forces with Maleficant" Muxene asked rubbing her nose with a tissue. Mexony shrugged and grabbed a cup of nesea opening the can and taking sips. " Water fall?" Muxene asked. Mexony handed over the can of nestea.

    "I don't get it-what the crow!" Mexony yelled. She saw a big thing up in the sky better than the moon, but it's seen! Muxene dropped the cna with her jaw open and a big light. " Look! It's Kingdom-"

    Lynn awoke on the cold cement floor with someone standing by her.
    " I?" She felt a hand touching her cheek. " With me on my lap me having some fries with my "girl" friends" Eden looked over and pushed Lynn away. " My turn." she said putting her head on her lap. Lynn growled and took some fries stuffing them in her mouth. Amber was stuffing a cookie in her mouth a jar of cookie. " Thanks Demyx for letting your superior take us ^.^" Amber said with a cookie in her mouth.

    Eden and Lynn looked over and grinned, " Can we have a cooki-" AMber took the jar with her vute crying eyes. " cookies.." she said, then she handed one to Demyx putting it in his mouth. Demyx smiled giving a thumbs up for cookie. " These are dwicious." Demyx said with the cookie in his mouth. Amber leaned over and gave a small kiss on his cheek. Amber squeeled and fell on the leaves with a happy sigh. Eden got jelous bit. She kissed Demyx on the other cheek. Lynn got jelous and kissed Demyx on the nose.

    Roxas had a shocked face and pulled Eden. " Girls..too much "love" for Demyx." he said we a queezy look. Demyx grinned and kissed the girls on their forehead. All giggled and stop seeing.." It's Kingdom- He-"

    Jack was lying down on the branch with Xemnas having some chips. " Jack, would you like to be second commandment?" he asked with a grinn. Jack looked over and shrugged looked away. " I thought Saix was your second commandment." Xemnas shooked his head. " I'm thinking off kicking him off, for some reason I think this should be a new change-o"

    Jack looked up and saw it, big lights in his eyes. " Kingdom Hear-"

    Marcus and Namine were holding hands, they were happy. Namine was dressed as a boy in boy clothes while Marcus was being a professor.
    " Hahaha!." Namine took her book out and drew a new picture with Marcus as a star and Namine as Bird.

    Then it changed. Namine and Marcus were laughing hard. It was all funny to them. " I'm having fun Namine!" he laughed. Namine nodded and walked over to the blanket where there was food. " I'm starving wanna go eat?" she asked nudging him softly. Marcus nodded and put his arm around her skipping the whole way. They laughed so hard alot. Namine sat down and took a drink sipping. Marcus took his drink and looked up seeing that big light! He dropped it and gasped taking napkins. " I'm sorry it's that I just saw it! Kingdom Hear-"

    Rexmildd was sighing with tears running down her face she looked up and saw it. SHe was trapped and wanted to go home in her moms and dads arms, She wanted to hug her family and be with them. Why is she forcing an alliance with Maleficant and dumb Pete! Rexmildd thought and looked up seeing that dude in the armor suit.
    She rubbed her tears off and said " Chris?" Chris looked over and saw her eyes. Which was all watery.

    "Mildred what happene-" Rexmildd shooked her head and looked at him.

    " It's Rexmildd- Oh..Kingdom Hear-"

    To be continued.

    I think I added everyone in! If I didn't tell me and i'll make it up to you! Well everyone had a short part because I wanted to add em all in. I hope I got everyone! Hoped you enjoy this chapter:D And if i'm lucky and you. Maybe i'll slide another chapter in tomorrow:) Well please comment and hoped you liked this chater and if you noticed something.

    Someone hasn't finished there last sentence.*wink*

    :D:D:D:D: Please comment:D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Mexony
    Oh yeah! I forgot to add the gender! My bad:( Well here

    Mexony- Female
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Mexony
    It's my own Organization Take the Story we go off do mission find our way to get Kingdom Hearts do some funny stuff on our way and if you wanna join yeap... right here.

    Name: Mexony The Fist Hanger
    Personality: Shy, quiet great fighter and wields a big fist.
    Number: #1
    Age: 12

    Simple eh??I think not just kidding....join if you want..
    Thread by: Mexony, Dec 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Mexony
    So Chapter 13's coming up right? Well if you wanna be in Chapter 13 well tell me now, or I pick randomly...:)

    I can fit all but I put them short scenes:D And I'm also trying to make a slideshow of Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth trailer slideshow if you want to you can make a 20 seconds trailer of my story...thats if youn want:D Friday is next chapter and sure if you dont think you can join of course you can!!!:D
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    That was good!:) Very well typed/written!:)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Mexony
    I gots pink DS 2:D it was my early Christmas present Coral Pink:D

    My mom needs something special...I love her and I want to get her something she'll love...:D *xoxoxox<----------whats that supppose to mean?
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mexony
    Well...Im getting my mom a card and a bracelet...or maybe i'm gonna make something for her, my dad a shirt or new hat..(he loves em)
    My big sis a shirt
    My lil sis...i dunno really...probably a new DS game...can't afford that..I don't have any money.
    My dog...going to pj's pet store thingy to buy him some treats or a leash or new toy...

    I just know my dog loves em.....

    Thread by: Mexony, Dec 9, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mexony
    Thanks:D The next chapter should be up by tomorrow.:)

    Here is the next chapter:D please comment if you'd like!:D

    Christmas in Twilight Town
    Chapter 2

    Roxas layed on his bed his face was in depression, he felt really down. He just layed there facing the carpet, with a sad face apon him. Roxas sighed and heard his cellphone virbating in his pants pocket. He reached into his pocket and pulled his cellphone out he checked to see who it was and saying it was Hayner.
    He flipped it open and put it next to his ear.

    "Hello?" he said, Roxas heard Hayner talking yawning and more. " Yeah i'm fine...what about you?" Roxas asked rolling on to his back on the bed. Roxas nodded at his friends words and sighed in a tiny way. " No, nothing's bothering me, just bored." he said. He nodded and made a tiny growl, he was hearing Hayner yapping all about hs trip there and the food they gave him!
    " Why'd you leave?" he asked, Roxas was getting all serious at the moment. He closed his fist and punched his pillow that was next to him , " no i'm not making it such a big deal!Wha?-" he stopped and heard Hayner talking abit louder on the cell phone.

    " I know but, you should've stopped by to tell me or something! You told Pence and Olette but not me! Listen I-" he sighed and listened to Hayner for a second or two. " Ok, ok! Do I what?" he stopped sitting up with his head cocked, " Well I don't okay!? I don't have a family and now i'm spending my time all ALONE! OK! bye!" he hung up before Hayner said another word on the cell. Roxas looked away and saw his computer, he looked at it for a second and got up and walked to it. Roxas sat down on the chair and saw his friends on his desktop screen, It was them when they were on they're summer vacation. He narrowed his eyes and clicked and pasted another picture into it, just showing a black background, nothing more.

    He logged in and typed out some stuff randomly, pressing any key that his fingers touched, another disturbence came. Roxas' cellphone was vibrating again, he sighed and took it in his hands and flipped it open without looking at whom it was. "What?" he asked in a bad mood.

    "What? What are you talking about Roxas? I just came to see how's it going over there?" Demyx said fiddling with his left fingers. He heard Roxas apologizing, he nodded and gave a little smile. " It's ok, so you sound down. What's bugging you?" he asked walking over to the kitchen grabbing an apple. "Nothing? You sure?" Demyx cocked his head and nodded with a smile taking a bite on the apple, leaving marks on it, with his teeth.

    "Yeah, so Axel told me you were coming to sleep over am I right?" he asked, making sure he was right or not. " Really? Ok, that's good. Wait tell you come here just to let a hint on you, Xaldin plans on scaring you." he said whispering. " Oh, Xaldin? Pshh not sure-" he took another bite of his apple and chewed while talking, " but all I know is that-mmm- he'll scare you somewhere." Demyx nodded and said, " Okay bud, bye!" he hung up and took another bite of his apple " Man these apples are tasty!" he said amazed. Larxene looked at him giving him a what-the-hec look.


    Roxas hung up and figured he should bring something when he comes to the Organization's hut to sleepover. Probably a cake or something for them to enjoy. Roxas laughed to himself just saying in his head ' I know they all like cake anyone anytime!'
    Roxas put his jacket, boots and hat on taking his keys to lock the dorms door. He shut the door and locked it. Walking down and he went down the stairs and met up with the exit.

    Roxas though it would'nt be bad without them, but it's kinda sad to him that he'll be celebrating it all by himself.

    End of Chapter 2

    Like it? Please comment if you do:D Next chapter should be up sooner or later.
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 8, 2007 in forum: Archives