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  1. Mexony
    I died in a dream before. I felt the pain also. The pain and blood i actually felt like that was real, it wasn't real because my sister and cousin came to help me and they started to dance, so it was just a nightmare. Still I lay there dying and since my mood is sad I mean I wish I wanna die. I'm blamed for something I didn't do.

    My sisters are mean to me they think i'm stup[id, ugly, fat ( i'm not) , dumb , emo (no im not) they don't like me at all until when it comes to say stuff, I wish I died. I won't regret it.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mexony
    Well, it's kinda embarssing to me because strangers where there. Well here it is, I was in Newyork at a water park and I was sitting on those donut things that looks like a donut and I covered my head because of the water pouring hard. I covered and the water pushed me through the whole and i fell in the water under, the water was pressing hard so I couldn't get up until a fought it... I though I was going to die and drown my whole life.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mexony
    I'm alergic to medicene for stomach. So when my stomach gets sick I can't have anything.Nor eat
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mexony
    I was dirty at the age of 10- 11..................*cough* not anymore though.

    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mexony
    5. My dog poo'd in the house and i lied to my parents... which i still feel guilty.

    *cough* Woah. I accept that truth and secret... I'm inlove with a boy that's gay... but that's over.. now i'mm not in love anymrore.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mexony
    I got scratched on the face by my cat, it was all the way across..

    2. I ran naked in my house once.

    Oooh...Aww.. you were young than.... *shakes hand*
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mexony
    In the closet those wooden hanger things you hang your hangers on right? Well I was swinging on it and it fell... no one knows about that.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mexony
    I pee'd infront of my whole class... at kindergarten... yes i really needed to go, dumb teacher wouldn't let me until i cleaned up... dumb clean ups.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mexony
    I eat toilet paper O_O...
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mexony

    Truth Booth

    Just bored and something to tell the truth, maybe a secret lol anyways i'll start off..

    The truth in this booth: I eat paper.

    :D:D:D It's good... for me though;) your turn:D
    Thread by: Mexony, Jan 6, 2008, 416 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mexony
    Sorry if I didn't post Friday. The website wasn't working so I couldn't go on the website all day yesterday. Even though yesterday I was online. That's because I don't sign off. Anyways Here's the next chapter and I hope all of you enjoy it!

    Also! I made a drawing of my story. It has all the characters who joined in. Not the KH characters because...they're hard to draw for me. So click the website next to the arrow and choose which person (drawing ) you wanna be!------>

    Please enjoy this chapter and please comment on it. Also my aplogies for grammar and spelling.

    Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth
    Chapter 16: Fighting and Defending

    Jack walked through the forest, it was still dark only 3 more hours till day. He walked until he heard leaves crumpling and crunching. He looked over his shoulder, it seemed that no one was there but himself. Was he just imagining? Or was someone really there sneaking up behind him? Jack didn’t know the answer unless it was revealed. As he walked Jack realized that he was stepping on leaves also, but when he walked there WAS crunching and crumpling but another echo of it from behind. It was a bit strange to Jack.

    Until he head a voice dark and a girl voice. “ Hello, ‘Nobody.†She said. Jack turned around in a jiff and saw no one. “ Up here-no wait…†she said in a giggle. Jack glared and looked around from behind. “ In front of you.†She said. Jack turned around and saw half her face, the Kingdom Hearts shone her left side of her face while the other one was dark from the shade and shadows. She grinned and stuck her hand out waiting for his hand to hold hers and shake. As if they were at a meeting or something! Jack stuck his hand out holding hers shaking it. “ Hi.†Jack said, she nodded and let go, examining him. “ What’s your name?†she asked. Jack looked around and said, “ Jack, part of the Organization.†She nodded and gave another grin, her face went placid. “ My name is um- Mild-Rexmildd!†she said. Jack nodded.

    “ Where’d you come from?†Jack asked Rexmildd. She looked away and pointed away. Any random direction. “ Not the point.†She responded. Rexmildd released her vines out and gave the fist to Jack. “ I’m challenging you to a fight and if you win.. I’ll tell you something secret that no one knows…but me!†Rexmildd charge, Jack jumped in the air onto a branch. He fired at her with a ball of razing fire. It attacked on Rexmildd, knocking her into the dirt. She got up and growled, wiping the dirt off her face. “Wow, you’re a real fighter. Mostly everyone would try not to hit me because I’m young but today, you made my day. Someone stands up and fights me. Now shall we continue?†Rexmildd said. She kicked her feet in the air standing up. Jack nodded and charged forward throwing a warp aura at her. Rexmildd dodged sending her silver vines at Jack’s hips.

    It tightened on his hips dragging him forward to Rexmildd. Jack struggled and stopped. He was figuring out a plan to destroy the vines. As closer he got to Rexmildd, Jack finally though of the plan! He grinned at Rexmildd putting his hands together. It made fire and blizzard appear in my hand. He smashed his hands together, combining them together. Making a blirafe. A new type of magic Jack though. He banged the blirafe to Rexmildd’s vines. “AH!†Rexmildd squeeled. Jack laughed a little and charged with a bolt of lightning in his fingers.

    “Your tough.†Rexmildd panted. Jack nodded. “ I’m strong and tough.†He said. Rexmildd nodded and made her vines disappear. “ I’m giving up now, so it’s a tie.†She said. Jack cocked his head and walked forward to Rexmildd. “ Tell me, the secret.†He said. Rexmildd laughed a little. “ You really want to know? I mean, it’s quite a shocker.†She said stretching out her arms. Jack nodded taking a deep breath. “ I really, want to know.â€

    Rexmildd nodded and turned to him, staring into his eyes. “ I know who started all this, it’s my sister.†Rexmildd said with a glare but at the same time, devious grin. Jack’s eyes widened. “ You mean.. your sister started all this!? Is this a joke?†Jack complained. Rexmildd shook her head. “ Her name’s Mexony. She wished for it and now your all dealing with it. To bad everyone’s dying. 300 people die each day. I checked.†She said. Jack shooked his head. “ I don’t believe this.†He whispered to himself. “ Believe it, I was shocked to. To think she was on her way to your hut just to get on the enemies good side. I told her not to but she wouldn’t listen and now she’s got me close to death. I already put my life on the line when this happened. You too!†she yelled.

    Jack put his hand on his forehead. “ I’ll find her.†He whispered. Rexmildd grin, with a tear slipping down. “ Sayonara Jack. I’ll meet with you in the next days or hours.†She said. Then, Rexmildd disappeared with a jump in the dark sky. Jack closed his fist and turned back. He promised himself that he wouldn’t let anyone hear about this. Only himself. He knew his new mission, take down that girl.

    • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Tybic and Luke were walking back and forth. Valerie was busy looking up in the sky. " It's already morning, but still... it's dark." she said with a quiet voice. Luke turned to Valerie whom was sitting there looking up to the sky. " So um... anyone... hungry?" Tybic asked interupting the silence. Sora jumped up licking his lips. " A burger sounds nice!" excitedly he said. " Stores aren't open." Luke and Valerie said at the same time. Sighing. Sora nodded rubbing his stomach. Riku looked at Saix.

    "Saix.. why'd you leave the Organization. I mean, still I don't forgive you for the trouble and all but.. why?" Riku whispered to Saix. Saix shrugged and gave a tiny growl. " Change. I don't have a heart. After you 'killed' me it was over. Until something weird happen we came here. On this weird planet. So I thought of change. Turn over the leaf. Get it?" Saix said. Riku was amazed and nodded with a tiny thumbs up.

    Everyone all sat down in a circle. Really quietly. " So um, what do we do n- woah!" Tybic gasped. A rumble on the ground began. It shook. Like an Earth quake. The ground was still rumbling. " Heartless?" Sora asked, releasing out his keyblades. Riku released his keyblade. Saix made his Claymore appear in his hand. Luke and Tybic raised there hand up with a bright light appearing. They're keyblade. Valerie stood up, still her leg was broken but until she remembered. Before she met uyp with Riku, Saix and Tybic with Luke. She remembered someone giving her a potion. Hi-potion. She grinned and looked at her bag. Still a big lump was on it.

    Taking a hi-potion out of her bag she opened the tap throwing it on herself. Sprinkle came out and cured her with a blossom blooming up above. She couldn't feel any pain. She was ready. One thing she said way before was to fight along side with Sora. Now was her chance. Show that she's the only female in the group. Show how strong and courageous she is! She ran over to Sora and gave a wink. " I'm feeling better."

    Sora nodded and gave a wink back with a smile. He handed Valerie one of his keyblades. " Fight and hold tight. Defend yourself and remember. There's hope." he said. They all looked ahead and saw the largest heartless stomping it's way towards them. It's attracted to keyblades and those whom have light within them. " At three we run and charge-" Luke was interupted when Valerie came in. " No, we let Sora Riku and Saix carry one of us because they're fast and they lead us three to the heartless and stab it's weak spot while that the other three will distract it while we look for it's weak spot." Valerie finished. Saix nodded. " Ok, let's go." Sora lowered alittle down with Valerie on his back. Tybic was on Saix's back and Luke on Riku's. It was exciting to fight.

    "Three!" Valerie yelled. They ran. Also... woah! Saix, Sora and Riku were really fast. Valerie, Luke and Tybic jumped in the air on the heartless. " Find it's weak spot!" she yelled. The two nodded. Sora, Riku and Saix were below distracting it with magnet magic.
    " There! It has a symbol! Lightning!" Luke called out. "Also water!" Tybic said. Valerie nodded. " Well.. release out your magic to attack this large balloon!"


    Kirsty was thrown on the ground. Hard rocks. " Hey what the heck was that for!?" she yelled. The cloaked figure grinned. " Ever since we were here. I don't like it. Now, stand still so you can turn to a Nobody." the figure said. Kirsty but her hand up she had a plan. " Wait! I'm already a Nobody! If you attack me and turn me to a heartless you'll fricken kill me!" she yelled with a glare. The figure cocked it's head. " How?" Kirsty sighed. " First of all I live in spain and I got caught by those stupid black things and I died but i turned to a nobody and now I'm like this! So please! Attack me now and you'll get in trouble!" Kirsty said with a deep voice. The figure nodded and opened a portal.

    " First, to test you ARE a Nobody. You must fight me." the figure requested. Kirsty nodded and released her keyblade out. " Come on! Bring it. You'll be really sorry!" Kirsty yellled.

    She charged and banged her keyblade against it's weapon. " Yeap, I knew you were Saix." she said. " Saix!? Saix is suspended from the organization for now. I'm someone else!" the figure yelled. Kirsty cocked her head. " Show yourself! If your not Saix then who are you!" she yelled. Thee figure sighed. Figure opened it's hood up. It was someone different. " Who the hell are you!" she yelled. He smiled. " Daisuke" he said. " Daisuke!? Where did you come from!" she asked. Daisuke nodded. " Easy, I copied your clothes and got myself a sick claymore i made and knocked out Xigbar here and also got you and I know your a somebody because I can HEAR your heart beat!" he said. Kirsty gasped.

    "How'd you know!" she asked yelling Daisuke laughed like a evil scientist. " Simply my ear have the power to hear and sneak so if you try to sneak away from me or sneak up on me without me looking. I can hear your steps and your breathing." Daisuke said with a grin. Kirsty's eye widened. " AH!!"


    Eden sighed. Demyx looked over. " Something wrong?" he asked. Eden shook her head. " Just a friend I miss. Valerie she's um gone. Wish I can see her. Probably in trouble." she said. Demyx patted her back. " No worries! We'll see her, she's somewhere we just need someone who's really good at sniffing or um.. hearing." he said. Roxas sighed. " Demyx, this "girl" has been passed out for the hours and I think it's time to wake her up." Roxas said. Lynn looked over seeing Angel kinda disapointed. " She needs a kiss!" Angel blurted out. " Um.. why?" Lynn asked carving the tree." Angel sighed. " Hours ago Jack made a spell, and it has to be a cute boy, to give her a kiss on the lips to awaken and snapp from that spell." Angel explained.

    Everyone looked at Roxas. " Nu-uh guys, i'm um... older.. than her and you know I'm with Namine." Roxas shyly said. Demyx nodded. " Who then?" Demyx asked everyone. " Your cute Demyx. You make the right boy to kiss her." Lynn said distracted with carving the tree. Demyx nodded with a smile.

    "No worries! I kissed many girls.. at my young age. Even though they called me jerks and-never mind! I'm gonna kiss her!" Demyx proudly said. Lynn and Eden laughed. Demyx walked over to her and nealed with a bend he closed his eyes with his lips ready. He aproached and kissed her. His lips touched hers. Sparkles came flying from the sky. It was Roxas, he felt like it was a joke to make glitter fly. Demyx still had his eyes closed. " O m g" Angel said with a giggle. Roxas took out his checker cellphone and everyone hearing. There was a loud click. " That's going in my album!" Roxas laughed. Demyx had his eyes closed.

    Xaale was awakening she opened her eyes and found herself touching Demyx's lips. Demyx let go and smiled at her who has awakened. She smiled wide. Her only words lasted for 2 seconds. " Eee." she squeeled. With a pass out she fainted. " Woah Demyx.. you have a "way" with girls.. espically with this one." Roxas said taking another picture shot.
    Demyx sighed and laughed alittle smoothing his mullet hair. " I guess I do."


    To be continued.

    Like it? I hope so. Sorry if I couldn't add everyone in, I don't have much time and because lately sites and logs aren't working in my computer. Needs to get fixed.. Anyways I hoped you liked it and please comment. Sorry for grammar and spelling also I hoped you like the picture I drew. It took an hour and 30 minutess:) :D:D:D:D:D:D Thanks.
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Mexony
    I say this is all good and I can't wait for the next part! The font is really good and the way you typed it was really awesome! I love your stories I crave for them, this one is on my favourites:D I'm looking forward to what you'll have next!
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 3, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. Mexony
    Great:D Glad you liked it:D
    Post by: Mexony, Jan 2, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Mexony
    I drew all the joiners who joined in the story and so I drew something. The one with the vines hanging is my sister and im in one of the groups with the four. The rest is up to them to choose which one should be them. Also I couldn't fit their weapons much, but I had fun drawing this and I hope the people who joined in the story likes it:D

    Here's the site to check it out.:)
    Thread by: Mexony, Jan 2, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Mexony
    Thankyou, and now I shall continue with the story, with the next chapter:)

    The Story of Braig
    Chapter 2

    So me and Ienzo stood up, exiting his room we were now in the hall. "So where do we start..." Ienzo mumbled. I looked at him, he had a thinking face. Well I THINK he had a thinking face, I can't tell really! It was really quiet in the hallway until some giggles and laughter came. Yeap, it was Ienzo's sisters. Annoying I say! " How about we start with the first floor." he suggested. I nodded and followed him down the stairs. To make this "walking" down the stairs interesting I hoped on the railing and holded on tight and slid down my way. I didn't want to fall and break my arm last time. It was a pretty nasty fall, i'd say.

    As I reached I can see Ienzo still walking down the stairs. He seemed to think that was danger, which was, but at the same time he thought it was funny. I bet it was my goofy face that made my way sliding down, haha! " Dude one day, you got to try this! It's awesome and it's super awesome!" I believe I said that twice, sometime in my childhood, I have no idea what I say sometimes. Ienzo nodded at me when he was reaching the last step of the stairs. "Come, i'll show you our backyard." Ienzo said walking down the far right door. I nodded wondering. Wondering what his backyard would look like, probably bigger than mines.

    He put his hands on the knob twisting it, hearing a click. Then Ienzo pushed the door open, and we both walked in the backyard. Amazing! I ran in the grass with my eye's sparkling. "W-Woah! Ienzo dude! Your backyard is better than mine and larger!" I said. But there was more to say but I was to excited. Almost pee'd my pants when I saw that wonderful swing. Lesson number one, swings are fun to ride and you can feel like you can fly! It's the only way to feel like to fly. Lesson number two... do not jump off the swing, when your swinging! You can cause yourself to break a bone. Trust me, I've already been through it. So I ran to the swing and jumped on it, with my bum sitting on that nice black comfy seat. Ienzo walked forward and sat on the next swing. We holded on to the chains and swinged out leg. Back and forth, back and forth, until we reached high. Close your eyes while your on the swing, it feels weird and tickle-ish at some point.

    "You like swinging?" Ienzo asked me. Well it was a simple answer, " Yeah! Swinging is really awesome I mean look at this, we're swinging high up!" I said cheerfully. Now lesson number three, never try to stand on the swing, while your swinging high. Trust me I've been through that and it wasn't pretty, I went through sergery, at the age of 3! Swinging I can see Ienzo. Having his eyes closed and grin. Feeling the wind I say. So I closed my eyes to and felt the wind blowing through my face. It was a radical feeling. Until thing's got worse until you can hear a whoosh flying.

    "Woah!" Ienzo cried. I opened my eyes and the next thing I see is Ienzo on the grass laying there. Like he was dead or dying. I put my feet to the ground. The swing still swung, slowly because of the feet on the ground. I jumped off and ran over to Ienzo, kneeling down. "Dude you alright!? What happened? One thing I knew you were swinging next thing I know your on the grass laying there dead!" I exclaimed. I can tell there was gonna be blood. "I-I-" is all Ienzo said. Putting my ear abit closer to hear he said in a shaky voice. " I was pushed off." Now that was unexpected, who would push someone off the swing when they're swinging. Plain wrong. Lesson number 4. Standing behind someone when there swinging, you never know when they're but, swing or leg hits you in the face, knocking you down. Trust me I've been there and my lip was swollen from that horrible- ugh! Accident. Also! Never push a kid off the swing, you never know if you can I don't know, KILL him!? Yeah that's right!

    I'm talking to you John from grade 3! John Wisker! Well it's a long story. Let's just say I was swinging until someones hands pushes my off, sending me flying to the monkey bars! Hitting my face! But that's a different story. Back to Ienzo and me! So I looked at him whom was still lying there looking dead. " You hurt yourself anywhere?" I asked. Well I needed to know because, I've been through many injuries with many scars on my legs. Luckily my face is clear. Ienzo shooked his head and tried to sit up. I helped. He sat up and put his hand over his right knee. " Dude, remove your hand away from your knee for a second." I asked. He did remove his hand and seeing it. There was blood, it was spreading on his pants. Damn that person who pushed him.

    "Your gonna be okay, hey. Are you able to stand up?" I asked. Ienzo looked at me and stretched his hands out to me. I took my hands in his and pulled him up. For sure I hear a whimpy voice for 5 seconds. It wasn't Ienzo though. Someone else. I guess someone is spying on us, teasing Ienzo. As Ienzo stood up I turned around and bended down with my arms behind my back. " I'll carry ya. Too where ever there are bandages." I said. One thing, this was a nice thing to do, what's not nice was when you have a bleeding knee some kid comes over and kicks you causing you to bleed more. John Wisker!!! Ienzo nodded and slowly hopped on my back, putting his hands around my neck, I put my arms under his legs to carry properly and to keep him up.

    "Thanks." Ienzo said. I nodded and carried him inside the mansion.I carried him in and stopped and walked abit slower. " Where do I go heal you?" I asked. Ienzo pointed up the stairs to the washroom. " The washroom, it's upstairs right by my room." I nodded and walked to the stairs. " Hold on tight and don't slug my back down because that causes me to fall, and promise. I won't drop you." I said. Ienzo nodded and rised up on my back alittle more. Slowly we headed up the stairs. Oh thing's got worse later, i'll tell ya. With Ienzo's family, but yeah nothing got better.

    End on Chapter 2

    I hoped you liked it and my apologies for bad grammar and spelling mistakes. Please comment if you like and tell me what you think:)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 30, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Mexony
    So I said i'll work on two stories at a time. I am doing my other story at the time but yeah. The other story has a time to do this but at the moment no. I have another story in mind to let the spotlight shine on this character, from Organization XIII. I hope you like this story and there will be chapters, that is if anyone likes it.

    The Story of Braig
    Chapter 1

    You know, I thought all about it. Sora, he's a kid with heart. Wish I had one like that! Me and Sora are fighting, i'm sacrafiicing my "life" for the team! To complete the mission but..

    If I don't make it through the fight, i'll think. Think of the past and more, what I've been through. If I do make it through the fight, there's no point of telling and remembering the past. I'd be impressed and then...we get out hearts and live! But, just in case i'll start telling my past.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Past- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Being a kid is rough you know? Having two eyes is great! No damages on the smooth body, it's all perfect. Until someone moves in my neighborhood. I'm rich, live in a big house in the long way road Hollow Bation, called Radiant Garden. It was all perfect until my dumb self got curious with this neighbor. The new neighbor has a dad, two daughters and three sons. Talk about a family! Sure they needed a mansion for that kind of family!

    So, I thought of...sneaking over. It's nothing bad particulary...well it IS now. So anyways I sneaked over while things were still unpacking, three trucks full of furniture and more. I can hear laughing from the inside, so instead of standing I ran over to see what's it like in there mansion and maybe-i mean introducing myself! Running inside the mansion it was huge! two stairs, one on left and the other on the right! My mansion we had one! I ran to the left stairs and ran my up 20 steps!

    It was a work-out alright. Walking down the hall I could hear giggling and more stuff. I could tell which one it was because there was only one door closed. "Ptff, girls!" I yacked. Walking some more there was two halls that led somewhere. I took the right. Walking down there was a door almost shut but wasn't, alittle peep to see the knob wasn't even there! So we my right eye, I peeked through the doorknob's place. I could see...a boy with mixed dark blue-ish grey hair, it was dark hair alright. He had one hair flipped over it was short but still I can see 'both' his eyes. Seems like he was reading something...a book?

    Looking carefully at it, it WAS a book! He was reading it peacfully and a grin on his face. One thing I won't get is, people reading make them laugh for some reason. Pathetic! When I read a dumb novel I hardly ever laughed! I don't see why he's laughing? So um to ask this kid what he's laughing at, I decided to knock his door ad introduce myself and plenty more. Knocking I can hear the creek of the chair going up like it's been given a chair wedgy!

    "The door's unlocked and it's open but a peep." the boy said. I nodded to myself and was about to push open with the knob but wait, the boy said another thing with a tiny gasp. " There's no knob, so push the door open and close it by a peep." I nodded and pushed it open wide, until it hit something hard, causing stuff to colaspe to the ground making hard vibrates and stuff. I can tell it was something bad like something expensive or it was just plain nothing but un breakable toys. I walked right in and pushed the door back by a peep, not letting it close and get my stuck with a boy. I looked behind and saw that there was a big brown shelf full of books!

    Appearantly the books were scattered on the hard wooden floor, lot's of em. Probably 40 of em. Yes it was a big deal. I can see the boy walking over pasty wearing black socks. He knee'd down and took the fallen books into his hands. I decided to help, I mean after all! I was the one who knocked down his precious book and they looked new! " Oh, dude! I'm very, very sorry!" I said helping him pick up his books. He looked up staring at me with no worries and like he hasn't been sleeping for days! " It's ok, just a tiny accident-" I cut in hearing what he just said!

    " A tiny accident! Dude that was a big accident! I knocked down your new books down to the floor hard!" I was beginning to overreacted. He shooked his head at me and saw me pick his books. When I was picking his books I put one on the shelf then another. I couldn't see what's wrong. "No!" he worridly said strechting his hand out. I turned and saw him with a bit of a worried face, so I cocked my head. " I mean, it's great that your helping me but i'm sorry." I can see him fiddling with his fingers now. " I put them in aplhabet order, book by authors name." he said. I oh'd as if now I knew what I was doing so I carried the books over to the roomy floor place them down gently putting them in scatters. " I'll lay them here! Then after dude, we can look for the author who ever is first then place it in the very top shelf!" I said with a chuckle and grin. He nodded and carried some books over place them scatted as I did.

    While we were scattering the books the boy started to talk to me. " I never got your name, if it's ok to ask. What's your name?" he asked looking at me. I stuck my hand out and took his shaking it, " The name is Braig! Best sling shot kid in the mansion neighbor hood ha! Well not for long hahaha!" Man was I fool saying something like that to the boy. He smiled alittle with a response he said " I'm Ienzo, I moved here just now, if you noticed we are still unpacking." he said. Ienzo, I like that name for the kid. Not until I figured out his name. " How old are you?" he asked me. Looking up I said " I'm ten, going to grade 6 next month." he grinned and let go of shaking my hand and so did I.

    " I'm ten also and appearantly I'm going to grade 6 to in the next month." Ienzo said. I nodded giving a smile, " Hope your in my class!" he nodded. So then after that we didn't talk for quite a while, because we were busy placing his books aplhabetically. It sounds to me that this boy is smart for some reason. Ah but I know we were going to be buddies because who ever I talk to eventually likes me! Except for some...

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    After placing them in the right order I looked over to Ienzo, he seemed to be realive, and then goes back to the seat he was sitting in. Now before I wanted to ask the question so, I went on ahead and asked the dumb question that was about to disappear in my mind! " Say Ienzo. Why- um were you laughing a little at the book, what's so funny in that book anyway?" There! I said it! Ienzo looked up at me with his dark blue purple eyes saying, " It's just that some lines in this book is funny. But, it was different you see before they said they were going to save the empty heart crystal from turning to evil, it has already turned evil! Without them noticing they already spent ten times in this book and as I expected they now realize that the empty heart crystal was evil. It was a fake, the real one was hiding! There is a riddle but they can't solve it and I think it's kinda dumb when they said " When Under the bucket it goes it, then goes out and swims in another!" So I'm trying to figure out the riddle and then again one of them says a funny line which you can't resist!" Ienzo laughed a little.

    One thing was that I never understood a word what Ienzo was saying because I lost half his words he said. " Sorry dude but I lost ya." I said scratching the back of my head Ienzo nodding as if he understood. " I know, I kinda get people lost when I say things weird." he said. I nodded and walked to the window. " Dude come over here and see this! Also remember it!" he said staring out the window. Ienzo stood up and walked over leaning over to see too. " Okay you see that house right across from your house?" I asked. Ienzo nodded looking at me. " That's your house?" I shooked my head and pointed out. " Behind that mansion is my mansion. So you just go around the street and there's mine! Mines is just behind that house across from yours." I said. Ienzo nodded. " You have a pool and stuff?" he asked. I laughed alittle " As if! I can't afford one, but I do have a backyard with a swing set and monkey bars that my" I lowered my voice. Man I remember that I wouldn't mention the word dad and there goes my record.

    The reason why I can't say it , is because he was in a car accident, on the way home from work. Yeap he died that day after he was took in the Radient Garden special hospital! So yea.

    Ienzo looked at me, man I was gonna cry! Can't i'm a ten year old boy I gotta be a man! Sucking that tears up i looked to him. " Sorry dude, just can't say dad! Sorry dude but i'll explain later later. Anyways-" he interupted me.

    " I can show you around my mansion. Offer you a snack to." Ienzo said. I put my hand on his head and patted it like he was a dog. " Oh, thanks! Let's head now!" I excitedly said. Not when thing's got worse later.

    End of Chapter 1.

    Yeah new story, and hoping im willing to post up a new chapter tomorrow. The same time to postup the new chapter for my other story:D Please comment and tell me how it's like, if I made grammar mistakes, sorry! I'm not good. Thanks.:)
    Thread by: Mexony, Dec 29, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Mexony
    Do you read books like comics, novels or such more?

    ( Sorry if the question was already asked...)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mexony
    Well Xaale you will get your Demy-poo lol getting to you know..A little hint Demyx WILL kiss you but you don't know when and where lol and DarknessGrows Within you will get a fight ultimate you meet up with green streak girl which probably you should know who that is and she will give you a hint of who started all this lol Friday is coming.

    Something to say but.... I hope you readers understand that I can't post up Chapter 16 this Friday because I have a family buissness and that im tired and stuff also i'm sick with a hard cough and need more sleep than usual, also I have my life to worry to...i am sick today I was sick ever since Christmas:( This is not a lie. So Saturday i'll put it up and just to remind you of something please please do not ask me when is the next one coming? Either Friday or Weekends. Sorry if that line sounded rude and anyways I won't be able to put up the next chapter, i hope you understand.
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. Mexony
    This is really getting good and the text writing is very perfect:)
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Mexony

    Hehe suprised? I said there will be romance and others *closes mouth* lol , my apologies if I "suprised" you with that random yet added scene.
    Post by: Mexony, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Archives