Well Valentines day is coming and I thought I can post up a story dealing with Axel and Larxene*cheers* Yes Hopefully yhe text can be readable. Sorry if there are errors in my grammar and stuff. So please enjoy and feel free to comment. Um.. It deals with Roxas, Axel, Larxene, Xigbar,Xemnas, Zexion and the res tof the members:D Nobody's Valentine Chapter 1 Axel was walking down the hall, it was really quiet. Axel could hear his footsteps being echoed each step he took. As he walked around the corner of the hall he saw his best friend Roxas in badshape. "Roxas! W-What happened?" Axel asked running over to Roxas whom was bloody and bruised up. Roxas looked up and smiled at Axel, he was glad to see his best friend right infront of him. "Who did this to you!" Axel yelled in curiousity. Roxas tried to stand but he fell, due to his wobbley arms. "L-Larxene did it." Roxas whispered laying on the floor. Axel's eyes scrunched, he didn't like that. "Roxas, I'lll be right back. I'll report Vexen the news and the superior. In the mean time I'll deal with "her". " Axel walked away opening a corridor. He knew what to do, he was ready to deal with Larxene. When will that damn girl stop!? She's been beating the heck out of my friends and now... it's time for her to stop! ~Xemnas' Office~ Axel knocked on the door. Xemnas looked up and answered, " Come in..." The door opened with Axel peeping his head in. "Xemnas, I need to speak to you." Axel said in a serious voice. Xemnas crossed his legs and put his hands on the big desk. "What might that be, Axel." Xemnas said looking at him. He could tell Axel was serious and mad. Axel took a deep breath and walked over sitting on the soft stool across from Xemnas. "Roxas was beaten up to his death, and now he's bleeding non-stop and has bruises all over him. He can't stand or speak in normal voices!" Axel complained. Xemnas' eyebrow raised. "Axel. Do you know who beated up Roxas?" Xemnas asked in calmness. Axel nodded. "Larxene. Damn girl beated my friend. Xemnas can't you tell her to stop or something? Shouldn't I assassinate her!?" Axel raised his voice. "No! Axel, Larxene may be the troublesome, but she's the only female in this world of ours. We shouldn't remove a member from a beat. She should be punished in the old way. Cleaning... Yes she is banned from entering and battle stands or others." Xemnas said. Axel nodded with a grin. "Thanks...superior." Axel stood up bowing with a grin. Xemnas stood up and looked at Axel in concern, "How badly was Roxas beaten?" Xemnas asked. Axel turned and said, " Badly. Xemnas in a request for you...for the help...can you... call Vexen to check up and cure my buddy?" Axel asked biting his lips. Xemnas nodded, "..." ~Throne Room~ Axel entered the throne room seeing Larxene standing in the center. Axel closed his fist and walked up to Larxene. " What the hell is your problem!" Axel called out. Larxene turned and saw the flaming boy walking towards her. "What? What did I do?" she asked teasingly. Axel looked at her and scoffed. " You know what you did! Don't act like you don't because you can't act! Your a nobody!" Axel yelled. Larxene laughed. " Your a nobody also. Axel, I'm not acting, I'm simply asking!" she raised her voice. Axel looked at her and glared. " Why'd you go beat Roxas up huh!? What he'd ever do to you! Sure he's annoying to you but he's MY friend!" Axel yelled at Larxene. " He was pissin me off! That annoying friends of yours just HAS to comment on me and badly trick me! Little kid won't shut his-" Axel stopped her with a pinch on her arm. "Shut it." he said. Larxene looked at him in suprise. She was getting angry. Larxene raised her hand and threw her hand onto his face but before her hand can reach to Axel's face to slap. Axel caught hold of her hand and squeezed it hard until it began to hurt her. "Let..go of my hand!" she said. Axel shooked his head and grinned. "What did you say Larxene? Oh okay...done!" He teased. Axel squeezed her hand harder until the door opened. Axel turned and let go. Larxene didn't. Larxene jumped on Axel and began to punch him on the face, with her releasing her kunai's, scratching him and electricuting him. "Ah! Hey-OW!!!" Axel screamed. Xaldin, Lexaeus, Demyx and Luxord saw them fighting. Seeing Larxene and Axel attacking eachother on the hard floor. You could see them have bruises on their arms. Larxene was yelled words out cursing and Axel was woridng them back. Both were babbling. Lexaeus ran over with the other guys. Xaldin and Demyx took hold of Axel and Lexaeus and Luxord took hold on Larxene. " Get your hands off me!" Larxene yelled. Xaldin called out to Marluxia who appearantly came in. "Marly! Get the Superior and the others...we need some help here!" he yelled. Marluxia looked at them while eating some crackers. "GO!" Luxord said. Marluxia nodded and portaled out. ~30 minutes later~ Axel was standing with Saix holding him with hand cuff's. Axel was hand cuffed from not able to attack. He was calm but breathing madly. He was looking at Larxene whom was on the ground laying there with her eyes closed. She seemed to be sleeping. "Larxene should be put to sleep for a few hours." Vexen said putting the needle in his pocket. Vexen looked at Axel seeing his black cloak all ripped up. "Axel, you should let some of the members help you put this cure cream on. It takes the pain away." Vexen said taking out a bottle of cream. It was all pinkish. Xemnas looked around, he seemed very disappointed. "Axel, you'll be staying in your room for quite a while. As for Larxene she shall remain the the medical room near Vexen's labratory." Everyone nodded. Lexaeus picked up Larxene and portaled out. Saix ecorted Axel out walking to his room. As they left Xemnas sighed. " I tell you this is a crazy place...espically the people...no offence Xig." Xemnas said. Xigbar grinned. "Non taken boss." Xigbar said. " So..Vexeo what was the news?" Xigbar asked. Vexen glared. " Vexen, not Vexeo. Well as you asked. Axel is in bad condition to his scratches and cuts from Larxene's kunai's. As for Larxene she seems to have an issue like...Saix. She needs to take these pills I created and also she has a pychotic problem." Vexen said. Xigbar cocked his head. " I don't get it...except for the last word you said. " Xigbar laughed. Vexen sighed. " I'll be in my lab." Zexion looked at Vexen and turned around he began to walk off. Guess theres nothing else to see further more but to go to my dorm and sleep. "Zexion! Wait up dude." Xigbar called. "Oh hearts.." Zexion muttered. Xigbar put his arm around Zexion. " What's with your frowny face? I mean your always like that. I can see that evil look of yours when you saw the scene of L and A." Xigbar smiled. "Xigbar, I'd like to be alone. I have an important thing to do." Zexion said. ~Axel's room~ After the cream putted on Axel was wearing his red flaming boxers. He was told to just wear his boxers to let the skin heal. He layed on his bed with the cream in his hand. "Dumb girl. Who does she think she is." Axel muttered. Axel looked around his room bobbing his head. " When will she think... damn I love that..attitude." Axel softly said. He felt that warm presence in his body when Larxene was on top on him scratching the heck out of him. Axel grinned. " I don't get the warm feeling when I see her. Must be love...if it is.. I like it." End of Chapter 1
Don't worry..I'll let you*smiles*:) That's in chapter 22. Oh yeah outof topic but how many chapters should be there? from 30-50...pick:D
Well everyone today is Friday and when I said it'd be long, turned out it didn't due to my slow typing skills when ever I'm nervous. Wellm this chapter will might have some other characters in it ( I mean you guys...) because I'm putting a chapter up. So this chapter will be basically about me. Why, well because I haven't been in most of the chapters instead I'm putting you guys in but it's fair. So any joiners or members through this chapter will not be in it...sorry:( Hopefully you will like this chapter... It's my time to erm...shine? Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 21: My fault. Mexony was walking down the alley. She had her head tipped down. Walking through she suffered enough fighting and losses. As she walked she could hear sirens going loud with the emergency lights flashing. "I wish this would end." she muttered. Though as she walked she though about how she wanted this to happen, always talking about what would happen if Kingdom Hearts came. It'd be a blast a wild experience. Guess what... it was. Though when she wished for it danger came lurking and enemies came. Mexony stopped and grabbed her keys out, she realized she was at her home. As she pressed the keys in, turning them. She couldn't hear anything. The door opened and Mexony walked in, it was all empty. Her family wasn't there but herself, it was lonely being the only one. Murdered sister,parents and pet. Also, a sister whom is lurking in the darkness, all on her own. Though Mexony wasn't sure. She walked over to the sofa and grabbed the remote, she clicked the red button turning on the t.v. She flipped to channel 24 to check the news. As she watched something very rarely interesting happened. ~TV~ The reporter was shouting with her left hand over her ear. She was screaming out words while running. "It is impossible! Armies and canidets are shooting fire at the humongous monster! It seems that the monster is just laughing off oh! No nononono! It's coming directly here! RUN!" she reporter yelled. The "big monster" was a heartless. Until three people came running slashing them across with a limit!? Mexony raised from the sofa with her eyes widened." Is that a k-keyblade!?" she suprised. She watched closely. With a zoom the camera person closened up seeing two males and one female slashing it off while one is distracting! "Woah but how-what!?" Mexony still suprised. She couldn't understand! While people were dieing there were others still alive fighting!? With a super awesome wicked keyblade and two pretty males with a pretty female wearing! Ahk! jelous! Sora clothes! Orgy cloak and Riku clothes!? Mexony droppped until another interruption came in. People are running right out with a shot we can see two people running a male and one female! "Oh my god! They're running right across while another is chasing them! I guy inna black cloak!?" The tv reporters were having a view from a building. They were running and running while one was shooting balls at it! "People whom are watching and experiencing this...it is NOT A JOKE! This is real life, people we speak here that oh-ahck!" the tv turned fuzzy, you could hear the camera man shouting" Ah omg,omg,omg! Run crew run!" "Strange...one had a black cloak on with two wearing cloaks on. But the only person I recognized was...XIGBAR!? Okay seriously..whats- The Tv turned back on with the weather turning on. "Aight, now I'm hear reporting that there are monsters lurking and killing. So people stay in your homes so you don't get injured or killed. Now tidays weather is...windy!?" the news reported stopped seeing a big gust of wind chasing only one person, whom was jumping and dodging attacking people. "The other person whom is running has a needle thingy in it's hand! Oh my-" Mexony shut the tv off and looked up with red watery eyes. "What have I done?" To be continued. Coming u next Friday. 1.Marcus faces the little sister 2. Rinn gets a break and meets a soldier 3. Valerie,Luke and Tybic meets the big heartless while viewed on tv! 4. Demyx and the others have a run to make with the heartless bear! 5. New character gets wind chased by No.III 6. Jack goes further in darkness. 7. Xigbar and Kirsty run and run (Note: If I missed anyone please tell me and I will post you up in chapter 23.:D) Be excited for now. I have some more to type and more to read. I have to read whats going on!:D Due to yeah. Please enter my profile and go to usernotes to see what ya missed:D Please comment and hope you enjoy:D
So far when I read it's nice, the text and grammar is very well done! I am looking forward to see what comes next:)
Schools closed eh? Congrats:) I had no school either, due to the snow that was coming up. *claps* Have a tomato....e.*get's tamatoey bucket*
Congratulations Spike!:D*applause* I like your poem and surely you should be proud:) Onto this is my poem. Still I study on how to be a great poet like Robert Frost. New sight. When I travel I see. I see a whole new world in front of me. The cities the countries. It's all amazing...to me. When I travel I hear. I learn new languages that I never knew. But now is my chance to try. Traveling everywhere has a different sight. It's amazing how to see what's in sight. The food, the people...everything is lovely. What I've learn through my experience of travel is... When you travel there are new faces, places and experiences. I'll put it all in my album and keep the memory. For when next time I travel... There will be a new sight for me.
Sure it's not too late for you to join.:) Anyone can join as long as they give me the information:D So you'll be added in Chapter 21, which is coming up this Friday.:)
Well everyone here is the next chapter! As I said two chapters today! Hopefully you'll like this chapter! Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 20: Think (Before) Rinn sat down on the backyard of her place. She seemed to be sketching something. Rinn looked up and grinned, " It's almost complete... if I finish drawing Riku's shoe it'll be a complete hard working master piece!" she said excitedly. As she drew there was a noise in the bushes. "Huh?" she turned around and saw nothing but the bush, it was just sitting there but than looking closely."What the-?" Rinn stood up and walked forward to the bush. She sensed there was something there. Her midnight blue eyes got a little lighter, than before. She heard a growl from the bushes, as she got closer yellow eyes appeared. "Whoa..." she studdered. When she got closer the heartless jumped out over her. She squeeled falling down from that scare. "What the-what! A heartless! Since when did the heartless comes here!" Rinn asked herself. She saw the heartles getting closer to her sketch Riku. "No!" she yelled. The heartless ripped the Riku sketch to pieces, Rinn's face turned all sad. "No... I-no-worked ugh! Your gonna get it!" Rinn yelled. (Now) Rinn was running, she tripped over the stumps of the trees. She saw heartless' up ahead. Bringing out her moon shaped staff she slashed them into black ashes. But the hearts flew up. "So this is what it feels like... being in Kingdom Hearts player mode. Sweet" she whispered to herself. As she panted more heartless' charged and with her moonshape staff, she attacked. Rinn's hair was flowing from the speed she was going. Her skater clothes were dirty. After a one day experience fighting non-stop, and finding out about Kingdom Hearts her clothes were dirty and muddy, her face was abit bruised up from falls and landings. Everywhere hurts her but she had to fight because nothing would leave her alone! She ran away from home from the heartless', she left everything behind except for herself. Now she was all alone having trouble with the heartless'. She ran and ran, then Rinn tripped. "Ooof!" she squinted. She looked at her leg seeing blood streaming. "Darnit.." she muttered under her breath. The heartless jumped from behind onto Rinn's back scratching her. " Get...OFF!" she screamed. Her eyes turned ice blue. She rised up and made her weapon turn into a moon shaped keyblade. She attacked the heartless to get off, "Holy..." she said. As she saw more heartless' coming towards her she didn't understand why were they chasing her!? Non-stop! ********************************************************************************* "Mexony." Namine breathed. "Who's that?" Marcus asked rubbing his elbow. " A person who dreamed this." Namine said. "Dreamed? Well why she start this I mean...I didn't expect it but..ptf never mind." Marcus sighed. Namine looked up and held out her sketch book with her special tool. "I'm going to do something..make it appear make it last." she said. Marcus nodded and looked at his hand with a stare. " Why is my hand fizzy!?" Namine looked up and revealed the picture. " We're going on our own Marcus.. but don't worry will meet again... I promise. I'm going to find Roxas and the others to see if they're okay." Namine said. Marcus nodded, " Promise. Well bye Namine we will meet again." Marcus waved. Namine nodded and waved closing her book. Marcus dissapeared. ********************************************* Marcus fell in the woods landing on a branch. "Ow..she'll need to draw a drawing of me landing in a soft place other than a branch." he whined As he looked up he saw someone walking. Someone with black hair and green streaks. " Hm...found you?" he whispered cocking his head. To be continued. Sorry if it was short but I had a brilliant plan in my mind....typing a long chapter and it'll be the 21 chapter:D Man I never knew I go this far and thanks for the cooperation but when should this story end? Chhapter 40? 30? 25? or....50*gigglessnortgiggle* Stay tuned to the longest chaper you'll read from me!:)
Well guys I’m making it up to you :D. Like I said, two chapters J, which is good. It takes ours to do this so yeah. Anyways two chapters in one thread. Be sure to read happily, teehee! Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 19: Run. Kirsty and Xigbar were both walking down the woods. Kirsty chucked a cracker into her mouth, giving the sigh of sweet crackers. “So what do we do now?” Kirsty asked chewing on the cracker. Xigbar shrugged. “I’m not quite sure, but-.” Xigbar stopped and turned around, he could hear footsteps going fast. “What’s wrong dude?” she asked digging in the cracker box. Xigbar shooked his head and turned around continuing on. “I thought I heard something, maybe it’s just my conscious.” Xigbar said fiddling with his fingers. Kirsty nodded. “I wonder, do they know we’re leaving the Organization?” she asked. Xigbar shooked his head, “ I didn’t tell anyone, it’s been past hours and I’m tired of being the ‘bad guy.” Xigbar said closing his fist. “No one should know.” Kirsty repeated. “But we do.” Said a voice. Xigbar glanced behind and saw his Superior and some guy. “ Hear that Superior? I am fit to replace the other member and I’m a best hearer. Also, these guys are planning on leaving.” The black hooded figure said. The Superior, Xemnas, looked at Xigbar and glared, you couldn’t read his lips but he was saying something. Xigbar gulped and took Kirsty’s hand and started running from Xemnas and the black hooded figure. Xemnas pointed at Xigbar, all disappointed. “Xigbar you traitor.” He said. The black hooded figure grinned and looked at the Superior, Xemnas. “Shall I assassinate them… Superior?” he asked. Xemnas nodded and opened a corridor with some last words. “Make sure you assassinate them fully. Especially the girl.” Xemnas walked. The black hooded figure nodded and began to run while jumping. Xigbar and Kirsty were running as fast as they can. They could see the black hooded figure getting closer and closer. “Damn!” Xigbar whispered. Kirsty looked up and saw Xigbar with a bloody ear. “ When did that happen!” she exclaimed. Xigbar shrugged and put h is hood on to stop the blood spreading all over his Organization coat. Kirsty ran faster and released her keyblade out. She slashed the tree with a big swish and made the trees and branches fall down. “Sorry Nature, but it’s the only way!” she said knocking some more down. “What are you doing?!” Xigbar worriedly said. Kirsty looked over and mouthed one word. Xigbar nodded. “ Ahh…ok.” He said. Xigbar opened up a portal and they went in it. “That’ll take some time for the black hooded figure to get through ALL the trees and branches.” Kirsty snickered. · * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * Demyx was walking holding Xaale’s and Amber’s hand. “So where are we?” Lynn asked in a tired voice. Roxas shrugged and fell to the ground. “I’m beat.” Eden dropped to the ground and stretched out her legs. “Oh my gosh, that’s the longest walk I ever had, especially when we’re in the fricken woods!” she said. Amber sighed. “ My feet hurts.” She mumbled. Xaale took out a cookie from her pocket. “ Um… where did you get that from?” Amber growled. Xaale took a bite and shrugged. “ From a cookie jar.” She said. Angel slapped her face in disappointment. “Oh dear god.” She said. Amber growled and walked closer to Xaale. “ That’s MY cookie jar and MY cookie!” she yelled. Xaale shrugged. “ Well you should at least share!” she said. Amber scoffed, “ Share!? Well you should at least ask!” she yelled. Angel and Lynn looked at each other, Eden and Roxas were playing rock-paper-scissors. Demyx’s hand were getting pulled from the girls. “Guys this is getting ridiculous.” Eden sighed. Amber and Xaale growled. “Argh…AHHH!!!” they both yelled slapping they’re hands together. “Ima get you!” she yelled. They both tackled each other until a big noise interrupted. They all turned around. “Oh (beep)” A random bear was there. “Since when was there a bear in the woods!?” Demyx asked. Roxas shooked his head, “ That’s not a bear it’s a heartless bear a big mean, rusty, ugly, weird, bear also-.” Lynn grabbed Roxas by the hand and began to run. “RUN!!!!” Demyx squeeled running. Amber and Xaale ran behind and everyone else, ran. “Since when was there a heartless bear!” Angel asked. Demyx shrugged and released out his Sitar. “Dance water dance!” he quickly said. Water clones of himself appeared and stand guard, of the heartless bear. Everyone was screaming as they ran, no way could they get they’re…precious face. Hurt. As Everyone ran they lost sight of the heartless. “It’s gone…right!?” Lynn panted. Roxas slapped his face continuously. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” he said. Everyone looked at him. “ I just remember I had a keyblade and what do I do? I run without knowing I had one! I would’ve smashed that bear!” he yelled. Amber growled and smacked herself. “True dat!” Everyone sighed… “But wait, where’s the food?” · * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jack was laying there still, he felt something weird. Wait, he doesn’t have a heart, remember? Jack sighed and turned over on his side, he could only hear the sound of rivers and leaves falling. He couldn’t understand, why was Rexmildd admitting all this? Isn’t she a bad guy? Jack sighed and looked at the footsteps that were infront of him. He looked up and saw a person he never seen before, red eyes, dark brown hair with a big cast on his head. “Hello.” He grinned. Jack stood up and shot fire at him but missed. “Don’t fret, I’m not an enemy. I in the Organization ha.” He glared. Jack sighed and chuckled pointing a fire at him. “ If your in the Organization where’s your coat?” the unknown person smiled . “I didn’t feel like it and besides it wasn’t my size.” He smiled. Jack nodded. “ Name?” he asked putting his hand away. “ I’m Devon the magnificent magic.” He grinned. Jack laughed. Devon took a card out. “ Your card says your already dead and also that your alive Confusing ain’t it. Well I have an order from my boss. He said to give you a secret. Mexony lives in Canada and is planning on killing you. She found out that you found out the biggest secret and she’s going to murder you because… she hates you..” he said. Jack froze. “ Now in order to murder her before she murder’s you, you have to drink this potion to become stronger and darker.” Jack grinned with an evil smile. “Deal.” (Coming up next) 1. Rinn gets a challenge 2. Marcus and Namine fight to find (Shall be posted later due to not having time, not many has shined.)
I just finished chapter 19 and i'm doing chapter 20 tomorrow! So get ready and also:D...I might have a snowstorm tomorrow! but i;m going to school though because I wanna get some stuff done after my missed day today anyways1` Get ready to read long! *laughs*
Cool! I'll give it a shot hmm lets see. Many Times I have lied many times. But deep down inside I loved. Through my heart I am not a bad guy. Put your hands in mines and let us become one. I have hurt you many times. You cry every night alone. Through my heart I am not an abuser. Put your face to me and let me give you a kiss of dreams. I have cheated on you many times. You never notice it, but I did. Throught my heart I am not leaver. Put your arms around me and let this be destiny. I have cried many times. You always noticed and tried to help me. I push you away until I realized. You loved me and will always be there for me. I have smiled many times. You make me laugh at times like this. Through my heart your a blast. Press your lips against mines and be with me. All the time. Many times we have trouble. We'll try to solve it like a puzzle. So give me chance just one more time. Until I die, I'll always remember, you'll be mine. All these words I say. Is a promise to you. I will never ever. Hurt you again.
Well because I forgot to post up chapter 19 on Sunday*sigh*. I'm making it up. Today is Wednesday in my time. On Friday you could expect two chapters. Thursday I'm typing one in Microsoft and that'll be chapter 19. Next it will show what's next. Scrolling down you will see Chapter 20. So Friday will be TWO:D Two chapters in one new thread. So basically it's cool and exciting:D Two chapter*snickers* It'll be longer to read. Oh yeah so today's Wednesday, I'm starting to type up the chapter. It might take me three hours to type up two chapters. Each chapter takes an hour or more. So I'm going to make it long:D Be sure on Friday to check it out! ~Mexony Posted: 4:04 p.m Bramp.
Aww! *sobs* I had it all planned I was going to post the new chapter today and I typed it all and I was 5 paragraphs away from finishing the chapter then when I made a mistake I going to click the back button bu then I pressed the delete button! Now i'm all depressed because I accidently deleted a whole chapter. But to make it up to you...I can add it on Sunday because Saturday I have to go to my friends house to do homework together and a project and hopefully this accident won't happen again. Probably your getting mad... the chapter I typed was amazing to me and a piece of beauty. Now I ruined it. If your thinking it was a scheme. It isn't.... it's was all a mistake. So when I post it on Sunday it'll be different because I can't remember. Sorryy:(*cries* mm...no fair..
Hey readers:D Just letting you know that tomorrow is the new chapter:D Can't wait? I can't either so yeap...*smile* If you miss it I'll post it up in my own...productions.........:D It's in the User Notes:D
Cooio! Can't wait:D Espically..this news...makes me so jolly lol:D Can't wait to see what's coming up...(in the days...........*cough*)
....LOL!!XDXDXDXDXD I almost pee'd myself when I was reading. I liked the Vexen part..ahk! I like all the parts made me laugh:D I've read all your stories and still their funny as binky barns falling:D *20 toes up*:D
Thankyou Xaale lol, just now I read that comment and the rest thankyou. Well appearantly I wasn't aloud to go on because I have sisters and parents who goes on. This chapter should be very interesting*winks* Well here it is and I'm not sure if it's short or long but yeah...Enjoy and scroll!!!:D:D:D Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 18: Disappearance After an epic battle Valeria, Luke and Tybic were worn out. Half their clothes were scratched ruined. It's day two and everything is going very wrong. It all started yesterday when it came and already it's chaos. "So much cuts on you Luke!" Tybic said suprisingly. Luke looked at Tybic. " I know, it hurts but I can survive through it." he said. Valerie looked at the two, " You guys are great fighters." she said with a grin. "So are you!" Sora popped in. "I feel that it's going to rain." Saix said. "Feel? Saix your a nobody-whoops.. Sorry." Riku blurted. Saix nodded in an okay way. "My body sometimes tingles, I get a weird feeling, rain, danger or anything. Possibly one of them." he said licking his finger, to stop the bleeding on his finger. "We need to visit a hospital." Tybic said putting his hand over his left arm. " Yeah, but we don't have any money." Luke said ripping a piece of his shirt. " Waht the heck are you doing?" Valerie asked looking at Luke ripping his shirt. " I'm curing myself." he said, rapping the shirt around his wounded stomach. "Your okay like that?" Sora asked biting into his pockets. " I got some bandages...not alot though." he continued. Sora passed the bandages to the group in grace. " Thanks, Sora." Valerie said putting the bandage on her cheek. Saix nodded putting a bandage on his X. "These will help for a while." Riku said. Valerie looked up to the sky, there was a reading. "Guys, look. The Sky is in written...form?" she confused. Tybic looked carefully. "Eto...it says. Sora, Riku and Saix...you will have a choice. Sudden...or Death?" Tybic amazed himself. Luke's eyes widened, he heard a gust of wind. " Guys! RUN!" Luke yelled. Sora looked confused until a bullet him him through the guts along with Saix and Riku. " NO!" Valerie yelled terrified. Slowly you can see Sora Riku and Saix turning to a goop of glue, slowly melting. Something was up, it was one of the enemies. "What h-happened!?" Tybic asked loudly. Luke shrugged and walked over to the uniform of Sora, Riku's and Saix's. " Their clothes were left yet...their body were melted." he growled. "What do we do, withouth them who knows what'll happen next!" Valerie said shaking. "Your right." Luke said taking hold of Riku's clothes. Valerie took hold of Sora's clothes, she put them into her face, smelling the sweet of him. She can still sense that Sora was still alive. Tybic put on Saix's clothing on, looking like he was in the Organization. " Come'on!" he said running. The two followed. ********************************************************************************* Marcus and Namine were walking, they both were tired. They walked and walked and still there was no sign of something. "What are we gonna do Namine?" Marcus yawned. " We walked and walked and still! We haven't found a single thing but hills of green!" he frustratedly said. Namine looked at Marcus, seeing his face in abit anger. " Calm down Marcus. We will find something, it just-" an interuption came. A loud plane went flying, the two looked up and saw it pass. Although, it was really weird. There was reading up in the sky. Namine's eyes widened. "Marcus! Read it please while I joy this down in my book." she wuickly said. Marcus nodded and twitched his eyes to get a better view. " Um..it says... If you want to find out more about this mysterious thing follow this, where the plane went take 10 steps and look down." Marcus finished. Namine nodded and holded Marcus' hand . She walked ten steps and look down taking her book out. "Read it Marcus, we need to find out more." she said taking the pencil in a sharp pit. "The next one says, Well done, perhaps you'd like to know a secret that no one knows but three. Jack, Rexmildd, and the wisher. Wisher is what you wonder ofcourse everyone will catch on to this note and attack the wisher. Now here...go run to the nearest street lights. There are two, I know, which means you have to guess wisely!" Marcus finished again. Namine nodded and closed her eyes. She drew in her book the right streets lights we a signal on it. "Take the right." she ran. Marcus followed and looked at the streetlightpole. It was written all around it. "It says here that ahem..listen. Very well done, espically that you have a witch. Now read here, this wisher is a girl. She wished for this on a star. Her sister Rexmildd fell in darkness and so did everyone. If your reading this you have one more step. Break the pencil that the witch is holding when you do throw it and follow and you'll find you next words." Marcus lookeda at Namine. " Namine it means I have to BREAK your special pencil!" Marcus worriedly said. Namine smiled, and drew in the book. " No worries Marcus, I'll draw a replacement. Then we'd still have the same special pencil." she said. Marcus nodded, Namine handed over the pencil and let Marcus "snap" it in half. He threw the peices and ran after it. He looked down and saw a sheet of paper with red all over. "Ok. Now listen here, you've done well and I know you drew a replacement but it's ok. I never said there was rules. Now, i'm giving you numbers and i want you to translate. 13, 5, 24,15 ,14 ,25. Now put that in alphabet you'll see the answer." Marcus cocked his head. Namine's eyes widened, she found out the answer. "Marcus, it's simple, do the alpahbet like 1 is A and 2 is B! I found out her name! It's- **************************************************************************** Jack walked and met up with Rexmildd. " Did you read my note?" she pleasingly said. Jack cocked his head. " Wait a-, you wrote it!?" he asked. Rexmildd nodded. "What does it say, if you found out already." she said. Jack looked at the sheet once more. " Well It's hard to tell..but...might you know it." he glared. Rexmildd nodded, " I'm not aloud to help but hopefully SHE isn't watching me, if she sees me helping i'll get quite a shock." she said. Jack looked at her. "At that young age, what happens?" Jack asked. " Let's just say I chose to be on the captains team." Rexmildd said. Jack nodded. Rexmildd told him to look up to the sky. "Look at the sky while I read and look carefully. The message that you recieved from that idiot was this! Jack. Have you seen the sky? Around some time... Mexony will come I mean appear. In the sky..." she read. Jack looked up and saw a cloud of Mexony wishing for all this. Jack's eyes were wide he was amazed and mad at the same time. " What!?" he screamed. "I know, horrifying to see!" she laughed. Jack looked at Rexmildd and slapped her across the face. " Why are you laughing!? She started all this and your okay with that!?" he yelled Rexmildd rubbed her cheek. " It's not my fault, remember? She's my sister, she's older than me and does whatever whenever!" she yelled. " Idiot, I knew this would turn out bad! She's never happy with me she doesn't hang with me anymore! Eversince this came she cared all about that she acted like it was family! NO! She forget's her TRUE FAMILY AND GOES OFF WITH THAT!" Rexmildd cried. Jack walked forward to her and put his hand on her wrist. "Don't touch m-AUH!!!!!AHHHHHH STOP STOP STOP!!!" she yelled. A shock was going through her body, she can see the lightning sparking out. Jack let go, and looked at her. " What's going ON!" he yelled. Rexmildd looked at him and laughed , " Hahaha! We will meet again, we will fight! We will murder my sister and be happy! We will wish for this to end and HAHAHA FAREWELL!" she laughed, she ran into the bushes, and disappeared. Jack walked and sat on the dirt, he didn't understand why she was acting like that. "Why was she rambling on about her sister? What did she mean by...Hopefully she's not watching?" ********************************************************************************* Mexony ran, she was in her home alone. Everyone was gone, espically her sister. "Why did I wish for this!" Mexony cried. She stuffed her face in the pillow. She was all alone, no one was there anymore, it was different. Empty. Her heart has been strucked by her own words. "If i hadn't...hadn't wished for this! Nothing would've happened! Rexmildd would've been able to still be here! Mom and Dad and my pet with my big sister woould've been still be here! I'm soo...AH! I wanna die die NOW!" she pounded her fist. "There, There child. Rexmildd will be fine. " said a dark voice. Mexony looked up and pounded her fist hard, a big fisthanger appeared in. Her weapon. "Who's there!" "Let's pick a fight sweety, not a hitting one, a talking one. You'll see how much damage I will kill." the dark voice said. Mexony's eyes narrowed. " Speak." she said. " Well well, your little sister nolonger loves you anymore, she's moved on to not caring, perhaps she won't come back here anymore. Everyone hates you, your SISTERS hate you. Also the people who suffer through this will track you down and hang you on the cross to die for all the murders you did. Murderer! You started all this and your responsible for it!" the dark voice pointed out. Mexony nodded. "It is my fault. But no! I can't i couldn't mu-" "Don't refuse to that. You did you murdered the warriors parents. One already witnessed it. She cried and cried and starts carving. Other people like me want to know, why did you start all this?" she figure grinned. "Sh-Shutup!!!" ********************************************************************** Roxas laughed and smile.d " FOund out the puzzle!" Eden ran over and grinned. " Great! What the answer!" she asked. Roxas nodded. " hi guys. I'm gonna show you something. Watch the sky. something will appear. Watch. teehee~. " ANgel nodded. " Look up to the sky!" Demyx read it out." Have you wanted something and wanted to LEAVE something behind? Do it now before the team does something worse." Xaale was suprised. Lynn dropped the knife. " Like...ditch the organization?" she asked smiling. Demyx smiled with a spicey tear coming down." Finally...okay! It's setteled. Ditch the Organization! God I always wanted to do this!" he cheerfully said hugging the girls. Roxas laughed and took off the cloak. Under was his normal form. Demyx took his off. h ehad a blakc shirt on, black tight pants also. Which were undergarnments for the cloaks. "Asta la vista baby!" Demyx giggled. Angel smiled and jumped onto Roxas's back. " Hope ya don't mind.. i'm tired." Xaale had a bad feeling about this, she remembered when there is a betrayel they eliminate the person. " Come'on guys we better run fast before some catches up to us." "WHERE YOU GOING!?" a girly voice asked. "Crow..." Lynn sniped. "Oh uh...Larxene we're going to go swimming. You can't come though because." Roxas crossed his hands. Eden sighed and put her hand on Larxene's shoulder. " You see we're....going to swim because we wanna catch some dinner and it's going to get dark in 7 hours so yeah." she said. Larxene pushed her off and nodded. " I see, then use the corridor to get there faster and don't come back. Don't dare to come, your secrets safe with me." she grinned. Demyx nodded. " Thanks Larx-" Larxene gavce a kiss on his cheek " Unless,you give me your bank account." she smiled. Demyx sighed. " Fine the password is... Dance water dance." he said. Larxene nodded and ran off jumping away. "SHe'll keep the secret...right?" Angel asked. Lynn nodded. " I made a promise with her once... yesterday I asked her something private about my life.." she laughed. Demyx nodded. "Let's go and DITCH AHAHAH!" ************************************************************* To be continued. Well that was awesome huh? Well that's your opinion. Anyways coming up next Friday! Kirsty and Xigbar runs from getting assasinated. Ditching the Organization was a great idea except...where the heck is the money!? Rexmildd meets Mexony. Jack slowly fades into deeper darkness Yeap that's it.. and hoped you liked it! PLease comment and hoped you liked it. Next chapter is coming next Friday:D *winks* Have fun:D Nope, there's no pressure really.Just that I got many stuff these days and usually i;m not aloud, but typing the new chapter took my an hour and 10 to 20 minutes.:D So noone is really pressuring me. I only get under pressure when people are rushing me really fast and keep repeating. Yes this chapter should be great I am honored to type it:D ANd now I must sign off and go watch some Anime...today's Friday and I watch anime lol:D So yes I shall be on through out the week sometimes.:D
Welcome:D Won't be any problems from me:D No sir ree;D (Well If I do something wrong.. by accident) but I like you already:D
Figured out eh? Lol next time it's harder *licks lips* lol
Well guys this chapter will be short because I have plenty stuff in my agenda. Well please enjoy this chaper and scroll!:) Kingdom Hearts Comes to Earth Chapter 17: : Puzzles Jack walked down, the sun was up already, it was say to 10 to 10:30. The sun was shining very brightly, Kingdom Hearts was no longer seen. Jack put his hood on to keep the sun off his eyes. "Good Morning Jack." said Xemnas. Jack saw Xemnas whom was walking towards him. " Where were you all day?" Xemnas asked. Jack shrugged and looked at him, " Places..." he muttered. Xemnas nodded and handed him an envelope. " Luxord wanted to give this to you." he said narrowing his eyes away. Jack nodded and looked at the letter. " It isn't from Luxord." Jack said opening it. Xemnas cocked his head. " What do you mean Jack, it says right there! Clearly it's Luxord." Xemnas said correcting him. Jack shooked his head, " Oh... sorry I wasn't.. reading right. My apologies Superior." Jack said. Xemnas nodded and turned around opening a portal. He left. Jack looked at the letter and began to read it. Hey mate! Jack we haven't been talking since, but I shall make it up to you with a little secret. First of all make sure your alone. If you already or maybe know this information, who cares. Anways mate, shall you read more, move your eyes and follow along this puzzle. Mate I never made it up, savvy? Ok read it carefully because I haven't solved it yet Read below. Kcaj. evaH ouy nees eht yks? dnoura emos emit... ynoxem lliw emoc I naem reappa. Ni eht yks.... Confusing ain't it mate? Well that's all I wrote and I thought you might understand this, meet me somewhere private. Not here. ~Luxord the Gambler of Fate. Jack cocked his head. All the words weren't right. They ment something, but he didn't see it. Jack knew there was an answer on the sheet, he thought of showing this to Rexmildd, if she was around. ********************************************************************************* Daisuke looked at Kirsty, she was furious. " That hurts my ear." he said in sarcasm. Daisuke looked at Kirsty and licked his lips. " Come here sweety." he said softly. Kirsty looked at him and stuck her tongue out in a obnoxious voice, " Que te pasa com bos!?" she yelled in spanish. Daisuke laughed, " Nothing my sweet heart.. now... come here and give your boyfriend a kiss." Daisuke said with his beady eyes. Kirsty shook her head and realeased her keyblade. " I'm warning you, one step and your lips will be cut off, I swear!" Kirsty yelled out shaking. " Together we shall be Nobodies and... make out!" Daisuke ran up towards Kirsty and jumped on her down. He pinned his fingers on her skin, making her bleed. " Let me be a vampire and bite you." he whispered. Kirsty shooked her head and tried to struggle out. "Help me! I'm being whatever! Just HELP ME!" Kirsty screamed. Daisuke peeled in his nails deep in her skin. More blood streamed. " Gosh! What's wrong with you!?" Kirsty yelled. " Nothi-" he was cut off with a pinch on the head. A sharp piece of wood. Daisuke layed on Kirsty knocked out. Kirsty struggled out and jumped up. " Holy..." she said rubbing her skin. Another figure appeared. " Aww man! Please don't tell me your Daisuke's brother friend helper of evilness!?" she whined. " Kirsty? It's me Xigbar. " Xigbar said. *********************************************************************************** Demyx helped Xaale up. Eden watched over. Lynn was still carving on a tree. All of them said "traitor". Xaale was still dazed and jumpy with love about the whole Demyx kiss. " Demyx your soo sweet... I WOVE WOO!" she squeeled. She hugged Demyx with a smile and her cheeks turnbed red. Demyx smiled and hugged her also. "Angel stuffed a cookie in her mouth." Lynn pointed out. Amber looked over with a glare. " Those were my cookies..." she mumbled. Angel sighed and handed it over. "Guys! Look!" Roxas ran towards the "ladies" and one mullet head. " I saw this note pinned to my but and it said Roxas, but! There is a letter inside that doesn't make sense! Read it!" Amber and lynn grabbed it and looked. guys hi. something you show gonna I'm. sky the Watch. appear will something. Watch. ~eeheet. Amber looked at it, " Woah... that's some messed up letter." she said. Roxas shook his head. " I only got the end part, person said teehee.... the rest i don't get." he scratched. To be continued. Next time on Kingdom hearts Comes to Earth. Luke and Tybic and Valerie deal with themselves alone, Sora Riku and Saix dissapears with a sudden Death. Marcus and Namine find out who created all this destruction. Jack and Rexmildd meets again. Mexony gets a fight. Eden and the other girls along with Demyx and Roxas, DITCH the Organization. (Other people who were not added might a get special chapter. Starting chapter from 20 to 35, each will have a private chapter. I will type, but who knows which character shall be first? *winks* Sorry if it was short, i'm running late and also please stay tuned, maybe if where lucky, CHapter 18 might come Sunday!:D Please comment and hoped you liked it. Hope you solve the puzzles!