OOC: Yeah, sure, go ahead and join. JOIN. JOIN D*MN YOU!!! I mean, uh... BIC: Sin let go of Lynx and Lynx immediately fell over on the ground, *Gack*ing he entire time.
"WHAT?!" Sin said, trying to hide the fact that he was indeed strangling Lynx, who was still smiling.
Now Sin was strangling Lynx, who, for some reason, was smiling.
"*gack.*" Zach said in reply.
"*gack.*" Zach replied.
Rey pulled out his gun and shot it off in the air without stopping, only stopping to reload.
"*gack.*" Zach said once more
"*gack?*" Zach said again
"*gack*" Zach said as he attempted to comply.
Zach, who was a bit blue in the face from being strangled, pointed in the direction of the doorway just next to where he was sitting.
"Interesting?" Jason said all too suddenly. "It's interesting that Vampire use such cruel ways? No. It's sick and stupid. It's what killed my family and made them Vampires. I've already killed almost all of them, now I need to find and kill my father, the man who revived Lazeruth. "Jason said, making everyone in the room have a sharp intake of breath.
Kain had gotten up and run back over to the window, strangling Zach again. Jaden pointed his sword at Kain and shot a fireball at his hands, making Kain jump in pain. Sin walked outside and healed Maria and then went to d=kill Lynx some more.
Sin got up and throttled Lynx out the window, sending him flying over Kain's and Maria's heads and into a tree.
Lynx sighed and walked over to Zach, shoved Sin out of the way, grabbed Kain's hands, and twisted them until Kain screamed in agony, then let go. "You guys don't know how to do it right."
"I'm not! I'm trying to et some pain through them!" Sin shouted back.
Kain was too busy shouting "KILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL!!!!!" to notice Sin was busy hacking at his fingers with his sword.
OOC: For the next two minutes? *knife gets thrown* AH! Okay, I'm leaving don't hurt me!
Sin ran over to Zach and attempted in vain to pry Kain's hands off of Zach's neck.
"Uh, no." Jade said. "No, what they do is they kill you first, then they give you what's called the Black Kiss and that revives you and depending on how strong your soul is, you could be human again, a half vampire, or a full on vampire. Sometimes, just for the Nosferatu's sake, they let your skin rot away so the Nosferatu can steal your skeleton for their own purposes." said a tall, tan skinned, white haired person. "Jason was lucky. He was one of the few who died and became an angel before the Vampires could get to him, but it was at the cost of his own heart. So now he can't die if he ever comes back to life." said Ora. Name: Roy Age: ??? Gender: Male Weapon: Machete and a Revolver Appearance: Tan skin, shoulder length white hair, Vampire Slayer outfit, brown cloak. Attitude: Calm and undisturbed History: He won't say Abilities: See Jericho's abilities Roy smiled wryly at Jason and continued. "That and the fact that instead of in the movies where if you kill a vampire he dies for good, if you kill a vampire, he becomes human again."
"Well, maybe that's because he IS dead?" Jade said. "He died in a fight with a blood lord and became an Angel before the vampires could get to him. Courtesy of Alana, there." Jade said, jabbing a thumb in Alana's(who had turned into her human form)direction.