OOC: *Even tinier font size* *meep*
OOC: It is my way of the ninja to NEVAR TELL!!! Mwa ha ha!
OOC: No, I'm just mildly... broke... and my cousin won't lend me money... Shutup! Stop laughing at me! TT^TT lol.
O_O *meep*
OOC: See above reason # 2 for details. -_-;;
0_0 0_0 0_0 (0)_(0)
OOC: SHH! You're gonna' make that itch come back-oh dammit! It's back!
OOC: ... ... ... O_O
OOC: I've had a horrible itch ever since I first thought from other people's experience that it sucked(Specifically a game-freak emo friend of mine), and I can never get rid of it because 1. I can't afford a new game console 2. I can't afford the game. *Cries* Three munny? Higher. Five munny? Lower. Six munny? I said lower, that means down. 1 BILLION munny? Sorry, you're out of time. Thank you for playing. Darn you, Bob Parker.
OOC: Those things that attacked you are the heartless, and ninjas are cool and so is pie and what about my materia and T.V. and soda wrecking your life oh great you ran him off what? I like hearing myself speak.
OOC: I like Vincent. He's just so d*mn cool!!! And You get this cool Evil outfit. Hry, that's a DRESS!
OOC: It looks like I'm going to have to fight, but not without some cool techno music! *Puts on One Winged Angel by Nobu Uematsu*
OOC: Hey, you have a keyblade! Yep. Can... can I touch it? no. Can I smell it? No you psycho! Very well, I shall take it by force
OOC: YAY! I'm not the only one here who has the d*mn movie! Sure you can have him. Now, answer my question! Do I have brocli on my shirt?
OOC: Tell me about your mother. She's not my mother! I don't believe you, now tell me about your mother!
OOC: Barret's cool for god's sake! Well, in the movie he is... You can have the dog thing with an I.Q. of over 200 named Red XIII. He can talk! And do I have brocli on my shirt? I don't think I have brocli on my shirt.
OOC: Already claimed him, lol. You can be Barret. :D
~Maybe I'm just overreacting...~ Vincent thought, and got up to leave, giving one last glance at Lucrecia as he did so. ~But I'll be careful, just in case.~
OOC: Sure, I forgot Denzel. -_-;;
OOC: You don't want to sell me any paopu leaves. I don't want to sell you any paopu leaves. You want to give me ALL your paopu leaves! Here you go. You want to go home and rethink your life. See you Sora.