Kain just said strange gibberish while his eyes rolled around in his head. He seemed to be singing "8-6-7-5-3-0-9..."
Kain fell over, eyes rolling around in his head from the blow.
Kain took this time to stick a bucket full of water on Maria's head while the other knocked out boys were jolted awake.
Kain tapped her on the shoulder, eyes twitching and snarling. While smiling evilly.
Kain meeped as the water hit his head
Kain was now hiding behind a tree.
OOC: Oh, alright.
OOC: *Angrily meeps at Maria while rubbing head*
OOC: The CALVARY has- Cloud8107: Finish the sentence and I will keel you. -ARRIVED! Cloud8107: *Kills Xendane* BTW, cloud's buddy... She's not my mother!
Jason got up suddenly and went outside. "I have to go." he said, and slammed the door behind him. The quiet sound of a motorcycle could be heard, and when Alana looked outside, she saw that Jason was headed to the west. She followed him.
"Meep!" Kain said OOC: g2g, be back later.
Kain stepped behind Sabin and used him as a meatsheild for his incoming doom.
Kain whimpered. "Oooooh yeah. But make sure Sin gets it worse." Jaden said as he walked away.
Jaden took one glance at them and said "beat them all over the head as hard as you can without mercy." Kain shrank about three sizes in height at this.
"What?" said Kain.
Sin coughed and fell over, and Kain just sat there, tweaking his glasses a bit.
Kain sat up and Sin strangled him.
Kain went to raise his hand, but Sin brought it back down.
"Well, we haven't slept for ten years, you don't hear us complaining." Jade said. Alana hit him over the head. "Dumbass, she's only known our policies for five minutes!"
Everybody(yes, everybody means the four who were fighting)was on the ground, rather knocked out.