yep thats the site
-blushing to hard to answer- envy- -out of nowhere- mine -kisses alex and dissapears again-
its a worldwide gaming site its so much fun
not allowed to use it hey do you have a runescape account
al- brother you have a girlfriend
no i dont sorry
its so much fun have you ever started something like that
um -blushes herder- i dont know -trips and accidentially kisses him-
cool um i started the cha cha slide w/ ed al greed ulquiorra itachi and wrath
al- okay ^^ -w/ ed- okay -blush- what do you want to do
yeah there so nice what do you do at the cons youve been to
yeah wendy powell vic micanoga and travis willingham also yuri lowathell and caitlyn glass
see you later -leaves w/ ed-
okay have you met any of the voice actors
um yeah something like that
okay -_- ive cosplayed as Envy from FMA and you?
ha ha seriously who have you cosplayed as
-at mall- okay al claire can you get the food
aww oh who have you cosplayed as
cuz thats just me a tomboy who likes to cosplay who have you cosplayed as