yeah but i dont want to say what else he said
i dont wish to repeat it ill get banned but he got what was comming to him
um just some guy said something
no sorry that incident totally killed it for me
eh no i really had a bad experience w/ that game
which one?
sure later bye
oh yeah i know club penguin but i stopped playing that a while ago
cool um whats your user name
that sounds cool ill check it out later
um ed -looks at him- envy- -watching from tower where we cant see or hear him- grr shes mine chibi
oh whats it about
nope what is it
e-e-ed w-w-would you be m-my boyfriend -blushes and looks away again afraid of being rejected-
al- 0.0 me- um ed would you -looks away-
u-u-u-u-u-u-u-um..... -sigh- yes
i dont have a boyfriend unless ed want to be- oops!
my username add it to your friends list when you get the chance
you do that im Venus Laputa on that game
no no way hes a humonculi ed- -stuttering like an idiot-