watching Fullmetal Alchemist and other stuff
hey youre not the only one -shrugs- so how ya doing
good hey has Dman23 been bothering you
hi im nikki-sama nice to meet you
hey has Dman23 ever talked to you
you do know your no longer talking to Erryn right
i highly doubt that...................................... and i know how to make a pretty destructive computer virius dont make me use it
nope ^^........... im not the first you asked to be your GF am i
hey you there
anywhere you can message people like here for example momo-sam and i do it all the time
how about final fantasy 7 advent children
no you just make up a character and put yourself in the game anime or manga
anime or a video game
so wanna rp
thats a good one
my dad is and i got to go to tokyo a few years ago
no im half japanese and thats what my parents picked as a name but my friend sometimes call me Erryn
Hasate Nokotake
roy- there have been chimera sighted aroud the isbalan ruins i want you two to check it out